Hi, it's me again! So this is the promised sequel to Heartbeats (don't worry I haven't abandoned Edge of a Cliff but TB2 won't start so I've been asked to stall for time whilst they carry out essential repairs!)

Thank you to everyone who has been reviewing. It really means a lot to know what people think. Hopefully, I've been organised and replied to everyone who has reviewed (for a change) – except Thunderbird Mom, Quiller and iPodsAndVolkswagens (hope you get your password sorted soon!) it wouldn't let me reply to you so I would like to say thank you here!

Also, Quiller raised an interesting point about the presence of adults; I didn't mention this in Heartbeats and haven't so far in Alone because they boys feel very much alone (a whole them against the world kinda thing) I will clarify this fully in the next chapter because Jeff is going to be facing some very serious accusations! Thank you Quiller for raising this!

So, again the ages are as follows: Scott, 14, John, 12, Virgil, 10, Gordon, 8 & Alan, 3 and again it is about five months after the avalanche and a week after Heartbeats.

Disclaimer: You know I don't, I know I don't and FF definitely knows that I don't…. it seems needlessly cruel to remind me every time…. Still…. For clarity. Nope, still don't own them… *sigh*

Okay, enough grandstanding…. On with the show…..

Scott woke up far too early for any teenager. His head was pounding and he felt sick. All he wanted to do was roll over and go back to sleep but he knew he couldn't. Firstly there were a million and one things that he needed to get done today plus he knew that Gordon and Alan would probably be getting up soon and god only knows what they might get up to if they were left unsupervised long enough.

Scott rolled from his bed and straightened the duvet before grabbing his towel and heading for a shower. He had hoped that the hot water would wake him up and ease the pounding in his head. It woke him up at least.

Scott dressed quickly and went downstairs. There was a white board sat on the kitchen side that contained all the jobs that needed to be done. Scott knew that he simply couldn't remember everything so had taken to jotting tasks down on the whiteboard as he thought of them. It also worked that if one of his brothers wanted to help they could check the board and get on with any given task. Scott wrote the jobs only he could do in red and everything else in green. It meant that he knew none of his brothers would pick the slightly more dangerous tasks; Scott loved Gordon but not enough to trust him with bleach… or weirdly a broom.

Scott looked at the list and sighed. Either he hadn't got very much done in the evenings this week or everything had come at once. It was probably a bit of both. It didn't matter which either way; the results were still the same. The house was getting filthy and there was a mountain of washing plus the usual piles of homework and all the boy's activities. Still, there was nothing to be done about it and looking at the list wouldn't get the jobs done.

Scott started with the washing up and clearing the sides off. He was just cleaning them down when the patter of feet alerted him to one of his brothers. Scott turned around as Alan all but ran into the kitchen.

"Morning Allie." He said smiling putting the cloth down and picking up his youngest brother. Scott saw that his brother was almost in tears. "What's the matter, buddy?" He asked surprised.

Alan threw his arms around Scott's neck and held on as tight as he could. Scott could feel Alan's little shoulders shaking as he cried into Scott's shoulders. Scott set Alan down on the edge of the clean counter so that he could look at his brother properly. Where Alan still wasn't talking he knew that he would have to start guessing.

"Did you have another nightmare?" He asked.

"Yeah, but then you weren't in your bed and he freaked out." John said yawning as he wandered into the kitchen.

"Oh, Allie, I'm sorry." Scott said as he hugged Alan again.

A whistle from John broke the brothers embrace. John was studying the list.

"Lot to do today." John commented lightly. "Where do you want me to start?" He asked.

Scott smiled in thanks.

"Could you strip the sheets on your bed and take them and all your other washing to the utility room?" Scott asked.

"No problem." John said heading back into the hall.

A little tug on the sleeve of his t-shirt showed that Alan was trying to get Scott attention.

"What's up, Al?" Scott asked.

Alan pointed to his stomach.

"Is someone hungry?" Scott asked fondly.

Alan pouted and nodded.

"And what would you like today?" Scott asked smiling.

Alan folded his arms over his chest and huffed. Despite the fact that he was only three headed towards four Alan often astounded his elder brothers with how much he seemed to understand. This was a game that Alan would play with Scott only when no one else was in the room. Scott would deliberately ask an open question to try and get Alan to speak. Alan seemed well aware of what Scott was trying to achieve and would show that he wasn't having any of it.

Before Scott could stop him Alan had slid of the worktop and landed on the floor.

"You alright, Al?" Scott asked in worry.

Alan only smiled in response; his attention on something else. He dragged one of the chairs across the kitchen floor before clambering up on to it. He reached up and pulled a book from the shelf where Lucy had kept her cookery books. He flipped it open and turned pages quickly until he found what he was looking for. He handed the book to Scott with a smile.

"Pancakes?" He asked in surprise. "Well you had better go and ask John, you know that I don't cook them!"

Allie giggled and reached to take the book back but Scott lifted it high.

"Nope, kiddo." He said. "You want them, you gotta ask for them."

Alan huffed and rolled his eyes before hopping off the chair and darting out of the room. Scott smiled, but didn't follow, wondering if his ploy would work. He felt mean using food as a motivator but if it worked he didn't care. He finished cleaning the counter tops and went to rescue the broom to sweep the vinyl flooring; he would wash the floor once breakfast was done.

John walked back into the kitchen with Alan in his arms.

"Al wants pancakes. Do you mind if I make some?" John asked Scott.

Scott raised an eyebrow in surprise. "He asked for them?"

John laughed "Don't be daft!" he said. "I have a mime's request."

"How on earth did you mime pancakes?" Scott asked Alan.

Alan looked up at John in confusion.

"Scotty wants to know how you told me you wanted pancakes." John explained.

Alan nodded in understanding and turned back to Scott. Holding his hands out in front of him, he mimed shaking a pan back and forth before flipping an imaginary pancake. Scott stared at his youngest brother in amazement.

"Yeah, I was impressed too." John said smiling. "Who's a clever boy?" He said to Alan poking him in the ribs causing Alan to squeal with laughter.

"Okay," Scott said. "If you wouldn't mind making the batter then, but we'll wait until Gordo comes down before we cook them." At John's raised eyebrow Scott amended his statement. "Okay, okay, before you cook them."

Alan giggled again.

Scott took Alan from John and put the squirming boy in the highchair. Alan scowled. Scott knew that Alan really was too old to still be put in a highchair but Scott needed to keep an eye on Alan and didn't want him running around the kitchen whilst John was using the electric whisk. Also, it was the only way to keep Alan in one place at meal times. The kid was almost worse than Gordon in keeping still. Alan huffed and pouted.

"You can pull that face as much as you want but until John has finished with the whisk you are staying in there." Scott told the sulking blond.

Alan pulled several facial expressions clearly trying to convey something to Scott. He wasn't sure what the problem was but knew if he didn't try to figure it out then Alan would probably go into full temper tantrum mode. It was weird, the kid couldn't be coaxed into saying one word but if they couldn't understand him he went nuts. Eventually Alan huffed again and pointed at the cleaned items on the draining board before pointing at a tea towel. Scott felt a rush of affection for the youngest Tracy. He wanted to help out his older brothers.

"Okay kiddo." Scott said moving the highchair to the draining board. Several of the items were plastic and it wouldn't hurt to let Alan dry them. Scott stacked the breakable items and moved them out of Alan's reach. Alan rolled his eyes and reached for the nearest cup.

Happy that Alan would be okay for a couple of minutes Scott went upstairs to gather up all his dirty washing. He went into the bathroom and retrieved all the dirty towels and lone socks that seemed to gather there over the course of the week. He then quickly dashed into John's room just to check that his younger brother had got everything, John was a certified genius but couldn't fathom just how much clothing could end up under the bed and so just didn't check. Scott gathered the massive pile of clothing and towels and carried it down to the utility room where he then started to sort the piles out into respective washing groups.

As he made his way back into the kitchen he heard Alan laughing and correctly assumed that Gordon was up and active. The young red head was sticking his tongue out in concentration whilst trying to balance three plastic cups on his head. Alan was laughing and clapping his hands together. Whilst Gordon was keeping Alan occupied John had made a start on the pancakes.

"Gordy, can you get your washing and stick it in the utility room please?" Scott asked.

Alan pouted as Gordon placed the cups back on the counter.

"Do you want to help me lay the table, Allie?" Scott asked seeing Alan's pout deepen.

Scott's headache was getting worse and his stomach was starting to roll from the pain. He seriously could not cope with one of Alan's tantrums. Fortunately, the ploy worked and Alan forgot all about his need to sulk. Scott picked Alan up out of the highchair and carried him over to the cutlery draw.

By the time Gordon had reappeared Scott and Alan had finished laying the table and the pancakes were just ready. Scott looked at the pile of pancakes which were dripping in syrup. His stomach flipped just at the thought of trying to eat. He knew that he had to because if he didn't then Alan would change his mind and decide he didn't want anything either. Scott sighed. Much like Virgil Scott was not a breakfast person. Even Lucy had given up on trying to feed breakfast to the middle Tracy. It wasn't worth the effort of trying and god knows it was hard enough trying to get Virgil out of bed as it was without needing the additional time that would be required to eat something. Unfortunately, Scott did not have that luxury. 80% of the time he was quite happy for his brothers to follow his examples. Of that remaining 20% Scott could only hope that not eating breakfast was the least of it. God only knows what would happen if any of them got wind of what Scott got up to under the bleachers with Maggie from his math class. Or at least what he had been up to before he essentially became a father to his four younger siblings. Not that Scott minded looking after his siblings… but man Maggie had a fine pair of… Scott broke off that thought quickly. Breakfast. He thought. Focus on the breakfast.

By the time they were had eaten and were clearing the table Virgil had emerged from his bed. Yawning he staggered into the kitchen with his eyes still closed, went to the fridge and pulled out the milk carton. He took the cap off and took a large swig from the carton.

"Virgil! Get a glass!" Scott said loudly.

Virgil rolled his eyes and put the top back on the milk. As soon as he had done so a tea towel, the dripping sponge and a plastic cup were thrown at Virgil's head.

"Geez, geez, alright. Next time I'll get a glass!" Virgil said huffily putting the milk back in the fridge.

"Al, I appreciate that you don't like Virge drinking from the carton, but we don't throw cups at people, do we?" Scott said turning his attention to his youngest brother.

Alan smiled his most innocent smile and pointed at Gordon, clearly trying to pass the buck. Scott knew full well that it had been Alan as he had seen Gordon throw the tea towel.

Scott raised an eyebrow and took a step towards the little blond. Alan gulped, the smile falling almost comically off his face, and took a step back. His path was blocked by John. Scott carried on forwards and out of the corners of his eyes he could see Gordon and Virgil closing in from the left and right respectively.

"Say, Scott." Gordon began conversationally. "What do we do to liars?"

"Well, we tickle them until they talk… I think that is a fair punishment, don't you Gordo?" Scott replied still moving forward.

John grabbed Alan's wrists lightly and pulled them up and away from his stomach.

"Oh, yeah… it seems fair to me. What do you think, Al?" Gordon said cheerfully.

Alan realised that he was in deep trouble and shook his head frantically.

"I thought, you'd say that." Scott said. "Would you like to change your story?"

Alan hesitated for a long second. He then shook his head resolutely.

"Go!" Scott yelled.

The four brothers gently bundled on the youngest Tracy pulling him to the floor and all proceeding to tickle his ribs. Alan squealed with laughter and tried to pull away but his arms were held firmly by John. Scott called them to a stop sooner that he would normally have done remembering that Alan had eaten quite a lot for breakfast.

"Would you like to change your story now?" He asked lightly.

Alan laid on the floor almost gasping for breath and very red in the face. Tears were streaming down his cheeks from where he had been laughing so much. Again Alan hesitated and then he nodded.

"Who threw the cup at Virgil?" Scott asked.

Alan pointed at John this time. All four of the other Tracy brothers laughed at Alan's ploy.

"Who threw the cup at Virgil?" Scott repeated wiggling his fingers moving closer to Alan.

Alan started laughing again even though Scott wasn't touching him yet and pointed frantically at himself with both hands. Scott settled for poking him once in the ribs before helping Alan to stand. He didn't want to call an end to the fun but there was still so much that needed to be done, and all the laughing hadn't helped his headache at all. He wished so much that his brothers could mess about and be kids like they deserved to be. But, things were what they were and there was nothing Scott could do about that.

"Right," Scott said standing and picking Alan up. "Sorry to be a Grinch but there's a lot I need to do today."

"Can I help, Scotty?" Gordon asked.

"That would great, Gordo. Thank you." Scott said. "Can you have a look around downstairs and take all of yours and Allie's things upstairs? Can you make sure that both of your shoes and coats have been put away?"

"Sure thing, Scotty." Gordon said and all but dashed from the room, proud that he had been allowed to help Scott.

"What can I do?" Virgil asked.

"Can you take all your washing downstairs to the utility room for me please, Virge?" Scott said.

Virgil dashed from the room. Much like Gordon Virgil was pleased to be helping.

"And your sheets too, please Virge!" Scott yelled after the middle Tracy.

"What about me, Scotty?" John said.

"Okay, Johnny, you get a choice. Do you want to try and wrestle Mr Sticky into the bath or would you rather wash the kitchen floor?" Scott said smiling.

"I'llwashthefloor." John spoke before Scott had even finished speaking and had replied so quickly that it just came out as one word.

Scott laughed and patted John on the back.

"Alrighty, Johnny. Thanks." He said and headed out of the kitchen. "I'll let Virge and Gordo know to stay out of here."

He tracked down both brothers and told them. He also gave them additional jobs to do knowing that he would probably be occupied with Alan for a while. It seemed whilst Virgil had got all of the artistic talent, Gordon had taken all of the love for water, leaving Alan with no fond feelings towards water at all. Whilst you practically had to prise Gordon out of the tub with a crowbar, you almost had to use a shoe horn to get Alan in.

"Right then, buddy." Scott said to Alan as they headed up to the bathroom. "Are you gonna cooperate for me today?"

Alan shook his head adamantly and clung to Scott's t-shirt.

"Please, buddy. For me?" Scott said giving Alan the puppy dog eyes.

Alan hesitated but didn't reply. Scott took Alan into the bathroom, put the plug in and started running the water.

"Damn." Scott said suddenly. He wanted to get the washing on. "I'll be back in a minute, Allie." Scott said.

He darted out of the bathroom but remembered to close the child gate behind him. The gate originally had been put in after Gordon had been born to keep him from living in the bath tub. It was now used for the opposite reason. The gate now effectively kept the youngest Tracy in the bathroom and from escaping as he often tried. Scott dashed downstairs, threw a load into the washing machine and set it going. He ran back upstairs and hopped over the gate. He didn't trust opening it and keeping Alan in the bathroom. Alan was sat on the steps that were kept for him under the sink so that he could reach to clean his teeth. His little lip was wobbling but he wasn't crying yet. Scott knelt down in front of him and placed his hands on Alan's knees.

"I know you don't want a bath and I know you don't like them, but you need to have one. I'm sorry, Allie. But I need you to be a big boy for me. If you are nice and quiet, the sooner you'll be out. You want to help me, like our brothers are, don't you?"

There was a long moment before Alan looked up at Scott and nodded determinedly. Scott smiled down at Alan and helped him stand.

"You are a very brave boy, Allie. I am very proud of you." Scott said.

Scott checked the temperature of the bath and turned the taps off. He turned back to Alan who was slowly pulling his pyjamas off. Scott waited for Alan to check the water temperature for himself, something the younger boy had to do every bath time. The elder four boys couldn't figure out why but if they didn't allow him to check the water first he would scream the house down. Alan quickly dunked his left hand in the water and pulled it out. He looked up at Scott, took a deep breath and nodded. Scott scooped Alan into his arms and slowly lowered him into the bath. Alan slammed his eyes closed and held his breath, clutching tightly onto Scott's forearms. Scott felt guilty every single time he gave Alan a bath but knew that there was nothing he could do about it.

"You alright, buddy?" Scott said in worry when he realised that Alan was still holding his breath.

Alan nodded and let the breath go in a massive whoosh of air. Gingerly Alan let go of Scott and dunked his hands under the water. Scott picked up the jug from the windowsill and slowly filled it with water.

"Ready, Al?" Scott asked lifting the jug up.

Alan looked up in fright before pulling his knees to his chest, folding his arms over his knees and hiding his face in his arms. It was from this position the little blond nodded. Scott poured the water over Alan's head. Alan for his part whimpered when the water first touched him but did nothing else and Scott was very grateful. He quickly washed and rinsed Alan's hair. He then washed the boy, god knows how anyone could get syrup to go such a long way, before plucking the little blond from the water and wrapping him tightly in a clean towel. Alan was shaking but not crying.

"You are very, very brave Allie." Scott said holding the shaking boy close to his chest.

Alan nuzzled in close to his eldest brother and positioned his head so that, as always, his ear was over Scott's heart. Scott sat down on the edge of the bath and tightened his grip on his brother. They sat that way for several minutes until Alan had stopped shaking.

"Come on," Scott finally said. "Let's get you dressed."

Scott carried Alan to his room and set him down on the edge of his bed. Scott then turned to Alan's cupboard and pulled a clean pair of jeans and a t-shirt out and then underwear and socks. He gently dried Alan off and helped him dress. Scott picked the little blond up and headed back downstairs.

"Shall we see what our brothers are up to?" He asked softly.

Alan didn't acknowledge the question. He popped his thumb in his mouth and lent his head against Scott's shoulder. Scott was getting worried; Alan hadn't acknowledged him since before he had washed Alan's hair. Secretly, he was hoping that Gordon would be able to pull Alan out of his shell. Gordon was brilliant at making Alan laugh.

Scott found the three middle Tracy brothers in the lounge. They had gathered a pile of DVDs and were going through them one by one trying to decide what to watch. It was a Tracy family tradition. Every Saturday afternoon or evening (depending on the boy's schedules) Jeff and Lucy had sat the boys down and they'd watched a film together. After Lucy had died it had fallen by the way but the five boys had restarted the tradition only a few weeks ago.

Gordon appeared to be in the middle of trying to convince the other two that Finding Nemo was the film to watch.

"Give it up, Gordo." Scott said entering the room. "We watched it last weekend. Pick again."

"Okay, Free Willy." Gordon replied immediately.

Scott smiled and sat on the edge of the sofa with Alan on his lap. Alan squirmed until Scott let him down and he instantly walked over to the French doors and plopped himself down on the floor.

"Don't you wanna pick a film, Allie?" John said worriedly.

Alan didn't turn round or acknowledge John at all. The three brothers turned to Scott in concern.

"I don't know." Scott said. "He's been like that since his bath."

"Did something happen?" Virgil asked. "He was really quiet. We didn't hear him at all."

"He was brilliant. He didn't cry at all. He was really, really brave." Scott said. To his surprise, horror and embarrassment his voice cracked on the last word and he felt his eyes fill with tears.

"Are you alright, Scooter?" John asked frowning in concern.

Scott nodded but didn't trust himself to reply. Gordon stood and wrapped his arms around Scott's neck.

"Shall I make sure popcorn?" John said quickly. "Come on, Virge, you can get the drinks." He stood and walked from the room. Virgil looked at Scott for a long minute before standing and heading to the kitchen too.

"What would you like to watch, Scotty?" Gordon asked.

Scott and Gordon were going through the DVDs when John and Virgil came back in to the room. As the smell of the popcorn, all warm butter and sugar, reached Scott's nose his stomach finally revolted. Dropping the DVDs he dashed past a stunned John and Virgil to the downstairs toilet. He only just made it. After a couple of seconds there was a hand rubbing circles on his back.

"It's okay, Scott. Get it all out." Virgil was saying gently.

Eventually Scott sat back, certain that he was done.

"I'm okay." He said a very pale looking Virgil.

Virgil snorted in disbelief. "You are not okay, Scott." He said. "How long have you been feeling ill for?"

"Really, just since this morning." Scott replied. "Just woke up with a headache and feeling a bit queasy."

John came in then and sat down on the edge of the bath.

"You okay?" John asked worriedly.

"I think so." Scott said tiredly.

John got the thermometer out of the cupboard and gently placed the bud in the ear of a now protesting Scott.

"Really, guys I'm okay." Scott said. He was universally ignored.

The thermometer beeped and John looked at the reading with Virgil hanging on to his arm trying to see.

"It's a bit high, Scooter." John said in concern. "I think you should take some Tylenol and get some sleep. We'll watch a film later."

"I'm fine!" Scott said loudly. "I don't need to go to bed."

There was a gently tap on the door before anyone could argue further. Alan was stood in the doorway holding Gordon's hand. Alan pointed at Scott and then pointed upstairs.

Gordon laughed. "You've just been ordered to bed by a three year old, Scotty. You might as well go quietly. We are officially ganging up on you."

"Let us look after you for once, Scotty." Virgil said. "Please."

It was the please that broke Scott. He held up his hands in surrender.

"Alright, alright. I'll go and have a nap. But you are all fussing over nothing." He said.

Alan nodded in approval and dragged Gordon back to the living room.

"Virge, will you keep an eye on them for a minute." John asked staring at Scott.

Virgil stared between John and Scott for a long moment.

"Sure, Johnny," Virgil said unhappily not wanting to leave. "I'll keep an eye on the squirts."

John took Scott by the arm and led him upstairs. John pushed Scott on to his bed and folded his arms.

"What, Johnny?" Scott asked eventually. John didn't answer but just continued to stare at him. "John. What is it?"

"Tell me the truth." John said.

Scott blinked. "What do you mean?" He asked cautiously.

"How long have you been feeling off for?" John asked.

"A couple of days, I think I am just tired more than anything. I've had loads of work due in this week, so I've been up late, and then getting up in the night with Allie. It's only today that I've been feeling really bad." He said, knowing that John wouldn't settle for anything less than the truth.

John nodded knowing that he was now getting the truth. He darted out of the room and came back a couple of minutes later with a packet of Tylenol and a glass of water. Whilst he had been gone Scott had pulled his jogging bottoms on and a t-shirt. John passed the pills and water to a surprised and touched Scott.

"Thanks, Johnny." He said. He popped two of the pills from the packet and swallowed them with a large gulp of water. He pushed the glass on to his bedside table and slid his legs under the duvet and laid down.

"Will you be alright looking after them, John?" He asked. Scott couldn't go to sleep unless he knew everything had been taken care of.

"We'll be just fine. Don't worry about us. We will be downstairs. We won't leave the house, we won't cook anything and I won't let Gordon in the bath. You just worry about you for a change." John said softly.

Suddenly, there was a little patter of feet and Alan shot in to the room. He pulled himself up on to the edge of the bed and walked unsteadily to Scott who had sat back up. Alan gently kissed Scott on the forehead and gave him a quick but tight hug. Scott swallowed the lump that was suddenly in his throat. He must have been more tired than he thought; he never got emotional about this sort of thing.

"Thanks, Allie." He said smiling gently surprising feeling better for the comfort his brothers were offering in their concern for him. It quite often felt like the five of them were completely alone, even though they knew they weren't.

Alan smiled back at Scott and pointed at the pillow. John laughed and scooped Alan into his arms.

"You have now officially been told, Scooter. Get some sleep." John said fondly.

He and Alan waited for several seconds to make sure that Scott was actually going to try and get some sleep before John carried Alan from the room shutting the door quietly behind him.


Scott woke up slowly feeling awful. His head was pounding and he must have slept awkwardly as his neck was stiff. He wondered what he was doing in bed, panicking slightly, thinking that he must have overslept. He glanced at the clock and saw that it was 4.20. Well, that didn't make any sense at all. It was already light. Damn thing must have broken. He had to get the others up for school. Scott pushed himself up and his stomach rolled. Scott managed to get to his feet and staggered unsteadily to the door. He pulled the door open and immediately groaned, shutting his eyes against the bright and painful light. He walked swaying down the corridor with his eyes shut, feeling his way by running his fingers along the wall. His trailing arm caught a plant pot that was sat on top of the cupboard by the bathroom. The resulting smash made Scott jump. There was a seconds silence and then there was the sound of thunder.

"Scott?" That sounded like John. Man, John was a saint. Just like his mom had been. "Scott, are you okay?" John sounded worried. Scott didn't want John to worry. Scott worried about John that was the way it should be. He would have to answer, but his throat was sore and dry and there seemed to be a large gap between his brain and his mouth.

"John." Was that him? Did he just say that? That hoarse and croaky voice didn't sound anything like him. "Gotta, get up. School. Running late." He mumbled.

"Scotty, it's a Saturday afternoon. You were having a nap, 'cause you weren't well. Remember?" That sounded like Virgil. Man, they had to be really late if Virgil was out of bed. Why hadn't they woken him up? Then he thought about what Virgil had said. He did have a vague recollection of Alan and John being there as he got into bed. Scott felt a jolt of panic; something was wrong with him. Very wrong.

Suddenly there were hands on his shoulders, shaking him. Scott had to grab hold of the forearms of the shaker just to maintain his balance. "I'm not… I don't…"

Suddenly there was nothing but darkness and Scott sank happily into it for there was no pain there. He heard John curse as his legs gave way and smiled half-heartedly to himself. His last thought before he lost consciousness was language, little brother.

Sorry to all those Scott fans out there! Hope you liked it so far, sorry there wasn't much action. There should be a lot more in the following chapter. Please review!