
I stare at my phone hoping, praying that Annie's name will pop up on the screen.

After what happened today, she'll never speak to you again Odair a dark voice in my head says. I can't stand the thought of that, I refuse to believe that. My precious Annie… she can't be gone.

Just then my phone lights up, but my glory is short lived when Glimmer's name appears. Grudgingly, I open the message.

Hey baby c; :* :*

I check the time. 11:20 p.m . I turn off my phone and put it on the coffee table. I'll just tell her I was already asleep. Forgetting about Glimmer, I imagine Annie's gentle smile and quickly fall asleep on my couch.

I open my eyes slowly and notice the large amount of sunlight coming in through the window. Crap, what time is it? As I wait for my phone to turn on, I make my way to kitchen. The screen lights up and boldly announces 9:20 am. I snort. Guess I'm going to be late to school. I sluggishly make my way to my bedroom and notice I only have two messages from Glimmer. Babe! Where are you? reads the first. Are you ditching without me? c; says the second. Both time-stamped at 8:25 I know for a fact she must be hanging around with of her lovers and forgotten about me completely. Well, that is until around 6 o'clock when she will undoubtedly show up at my apartment for our daily fuck. Damn, you're disgusting, Odair. I consider skipping school altogether until I remember Annie. Precious Annie. With a nearly perfect attendance, she's probably sitting politely in her second period classroom, waiting for the lesson to start. The simple thought of her makes me sigh and I switch into overdrive. The faster I get to school, the sooner I might catch a glimpse of Annie. I smile cheerfully until I remember she probably hates my guts. "Oh Annie," I whisper to myself as I jump in my car and make the short drive to Panem High.

After a quick trip to the attendance office, I get to class right in the middle of third period. A charming, "Je suis désolé Madam Polsky," and my signature smile gets me into my French lesson without much problem. As Ms. Polsky goes over articles and conjugations, Annie becomes the only thing on my mind. I wonder if she'll let me talk to her at all. Try to explain things. Her class is just around the corner. If I run out of class right as the bell rings, maybe I can catch her… The rest of AP French passes by quickly with my occupied mind. The mid morning bell rings and I'm out of my chair before anyone has even packed. I get to room 115 just as Annie walks out of the classroom.

"Annie," I say to her, praying that she doesn't blatantly ignore me.
"Hello," she responds politely and keeps walking. Well, she didn't ignore me. That's something, right?

"We need to talk."

Her only answer is a slight smile and a slight increase in her pace.

I grab her arm in desperation. "Please."

She sighs slowly, controlled, as if she doesn't want her emotions to get the best of her.

"I just can't, Finnick. There's nothing left to talk about," She says weakly, almost as if she's trying to convince herself.

"Annabeth, please," I plead with her one more time. She looks away from and wipes something from her eye.

"You should probably get going. Glimmer's probably looking for you." She smiles weakly and continues down the hall. I watch after her, unable to process her rejection. This can't be over I think to myself sadly. How can something end when it hasn't even started? Another part of me thinks bitterly. I try hard to keep the tears in as I make my way to gym class. In the locker room, Cato won't shut up about the damn party.
"Dude, she is so hot. I mean, she was all over me. You saw didn't you? Hey Odair! You saw her with me right?" Shit.

"Uh, yeah, man… wait who are we talking about?" He immediately snaps his shirt at me and hits me on the chest.

"Katniss Fucking Everdeen AKA one of the hottest bitches on this campus."


"Yeah, but like I was saying, she was all over me at the party. I wish I could've got her into bed," he says, unsatisfied. I groan internally and the rest of the guys chuckle or offer him a consolatory "next time, man," as we scramble onto the field. To our surprise, the girls PE class is on our side of the field.

"Alright, kids," Coach Haymitch yells at us. "Coach Seeder is on maternity leave so I'll be running a co-ed class this period for the foreseeable future. I ask you all keep your raging hormones in check and do all your weird, teenager shit away from this field. Am I clear?"

"Yes, Coach," we all respond.

"Okay. Guys, give me five laps around the track. Ladies, give me three, then I want you all back here for some stretches. Move it or lose it kids!" He blows his whistle and the 30 of us start to run around the track. Having noticed Katniss' presence in our class today, Cato runs full speed, catching her eye and winking at her in some sort of attempt to show off. I shake my head and slow down to match Katniss' pace.


"Hey," she responds, skeptically.

"I need to talk to you about, Annie."

She rolls her eyes at me. "I should kick your ass for what you've done to her, Odair."

"I only want to love her, Katniss."

"Bullshit," she says under her breath.


"Nothing. She told me what happened yesterday."

"I know, I wish—"

"Save it, Finnick! I shouldn't even be talking to you right now," she responds, picking up her pace. I match it easily and continue to talk to her.

"Please, Katniss, talk to her for me."


"Katniss, c'mon, please."

"You're pretty boy tactics aren't gonna work on me, Odair."

"I'm serious."


"Katniss, I'm begging you." She must hear the emotion in my voice because she looks and me out of the corner of her eye.

"Why should I?"

"Because she's stolen whatever was left of my beaten heart. Without my permission and possibly without her knowledge, she's embedded herself into my very being. It sounds ridiculous, I know. But I've never felt this strong about anyone."

She sighs and shakes her head.

"I want to know her, Katniss. I want to create memories with her and be by her side, protecting her from anything that tries to harm her. She's suffered so much already, I want to help ease her pain."

Katniss bites her lip and looks up at me.

"Fine, Finnick. I'll talk to her, but I can't promise you anything."

"I know, I know. A chance is all I'm asking for. Thank you so much, Katniss. Honestly, you don't know how much this means to me."

She smiles shyly at me.

"I think I do, Finnick."

"PICK UP YOUR PACE, FINNICK!" Coach yells from across the field. I run faster per his request, feeling as if Katniss has lifted a weight from my chest. Though Annie's rejection happened less than an hour ago, I know that can't be the end. I smile as her shy smile and beautiful face cloud my thoughts.

There's hope, Odair.