Beep! Beep! Beep! Roxas's eyes fluttered open as the annoying alarm beeped throughout his ears and room. He rolled over only to see that read, '7:43' in blue block numbers. "Fuck..." He squinted his blue eyes at the clock, wishing it would go back to seven hours ago. Clearly seeing that that wasn't going to happen, Roxas dragged himself out of his bed, sluggishly. He swiftly pulled on a shirt and a pair of pants- not concious, at all, of what he was putting on. Grabbing his black shoulder bag with a huge star centered on front- pointing out, even more, the fact of why jerks at school called him a "fag"- then tiptoeing down the stairs and out the door.
"Oh, crap." The warm morning breeze that kissed him as he came out the door, reminded him, for some reason, of the noticibly, visible bluish-purplish mark under his, already, dark, tired eyes. Stopping, he gently touched his cheek, wincing, slightly, as he did so. "Okay, you tripped and ran into a doorknob..." Roxas spat under his breath, minding that to be a reasonably good excuse for his bruise. Especially since this happened, unfortunatly, often.
After a couple minutes, Roxas found himself standing in front of small, huddled together, groups of teenagers- or in other words- a hell that awaited him. "Wha-?" The blonde saw a strange flash of red streak through the crowd, then disapear. "Hey Roxy!" He tripped, falling, he was suddenly caught; he was met by a gaze from emerald green eyes. The boy had flaming red hair, and a smirk spread across his face as he concentrated on keeping the blonde's fragile body steady. Roxas could feel himself turnig a vivid shade of pink as he lay there in the boys arms. Before thinking, Roxas blurted out, "Asshole!" His smirk faded, then almost immediatly came back. Standing Roxas on his feet, he brushed the stiff body, as if he had actually fallen on the ground- not that he would have minded. The "flame-head", peered into Roxas's blue eyes, smirk fading, saying in his nonchalant voice, "You really should be more careful Roxy." He paused, glimpsed at him curiously for a second, probably at his bruise. Instead, he smiled. "Also it's Axel. A-X-E-L. Got it memorized?" Roxas just glared at him, irritated. A perky voice floated towards them, breaking the momentary silence. "Roxas! Axel!" I was wondering were you guys were!" The voice belonged to a brown-haired, blue-eyed, happy-go-lucky boy, closly followed by a- also blue-eyed- silver-haired boy. Axel just grinned. "Sorry, I was a little busy catching Roxas fall." The perky boy's name was Sora, nothing ever seemed to depress the little sunshine-ball, ever. The serious, protective, unnerving boy was Riku. The two were going out, and totally gay for each other. Sora's smile quickly dissapated. "Roxas, what happened to your face?" Roxas aptly had to remember his excuse. Right doorknob, doorknob... He stupidly, stumbled over his next words. "Um, I, like...tripped and got hit by a doorknob." Sora tilted his head, studying him carefully with utter curiousity. His analyzation was, abruptly, interrupted by the bell ringing. Bing! Bing! Bing! Oh, I almost forgot bout school!" The two turned turned their backs to the other two, joining the swarm of other kids, Roxas started to go with them, but was stopped by Axel, sweetly, whispering into his ear. "The next time you fall, I'll be there to catch you." Smiling, he joined the rest of the stampede, leaving Roxas pink with embarrassment. He scampered behind him, replying, "I doubt it..."