Chapter 11 ya'll~
Sorry that it took so long. Had writer's block. XP
Talk - "Idiots"
Thoughts - *Idiots*
Yelling - "Idiots"
Dragon/Possessed Thoughts - *Idiots*
Yelling Thoughts - *Idiots*
Possessed Talk - "Idiots"
Chapter 11
Lucy was chatting with Ivory while Natsu had gone off to seek Happy.
"So tell me." Ivory started.
"Hmm? Tell you what?"
"How Natsu is?"
Lucy blinked, confused. Ivory groaned and said, "How is he in bed!"
"O-Oh!" the blond squeaked out, blushing.
"W-Well...he's pretty good. He knows where to touch."
"Oh really?"
"Mhm. He..um, tied my hands one time."
"Oooooo! Kinky much?"
"Oh shut up!"
Ivory laughed and Lucy joined the laughter.
"You're like the big sister I've never had." Lucy said.
Ivory blinked then smiled, "Well thank you. You're also like the little sister I never had."
The blond grinned at her, happy.
"Lucy!" A voice cried.
Turning slightly, a flying cat landed on Lucy's chest, hugging her and crying slightly.
Happy cried, hugging her, "You're back!"
Lucy smiled lightly, "I never really left Happy. You know I wouldn't."
A small growl came from her left and she looked up to see Natsu, slightly glaring at Happy.
"Oh knock it off Natsu. It's just Happy. He was scared that I left again." Lucy said, giving him a small glare.
Natsu sat down next to her, nuzzling the back of her neck. She shivered lightly and caught Ivory's smirk. The girl was smirking knowingly which cause the blond to blush lightly.
"Oh shut up Ivory."
"Never Lucy."
Chuckling lightly, her face turned serious, "We need to come up with a plan."
"I agree." Natsu said, his voice deep.
Lucy nearly shivered but suppressed it.
"We need to get Lucy somewhere safe." She said, leaning forward and propped her chin on top of her hands.
"That would be wise." Natsu said.
Ivory thought it over and said, "She would be safe with someone you trust Natsu. My brother has spies in most places. He may have some here."
"I trust Levy." He said.
"She's always with Gajeel." Lucy added, "And they can protect me."
"That would always work." Ivory said.
Natsu growled lightly and Lucy hit him lightly, "Natsu. It's for my protection. Besides, Gajeel and Levy are together anyhow. No need to be jealous."
The half-dragon felt slightly better then said, "Fine."
"So it's settled." Ivory said, "You will stay with those two but we must inform them of the situation."
The mated pair nodded, agreeing with her.