Okay, I am not home right now so I dont have my notes on any of my stories I dont even have my own computer (going through hell without it and to make matters worse I havent seen this weeks Glee- can I tell you that I'm shaking- THANK GOD FOR DVR- )so thats why I am updating this one, I was going to make it a one shot, but i have had an overflow of emails. I promise when I get back to New York (I am in Rhode Island right now visiting my boyfriend at college) I will update the others promise-

Kurt sat blankly in Glee the post- three days after meeting Blaine Anderson, lead vocals of The Warblers. He rubbed the back of his phone that was being held against his chest. Rachel, of course, was in front of the room, singing her heart out to 'whatever Kurt's step-brother was,' do we really ever know?

Blaine smiled, Kurt giggled, pulling Blaine's lips to his kissing him. Blaine rolled his hips against Kurt's. They both groaned; Kurt's hands rubbed down Blaine's back, dipping into his back dimples. Blaine shivered. Kurt smiled, as he ran his hands over Blaine's butt, under his boxers. Blaine cried out throwing his head back, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, "Kurt, God!"

Blaine's voice rang in Kurt's ears, he couldn't quite shake it out of him. His hands tingled, when he thought of touching Blaine again. He didn't think he could ever get enough of Blaine's warm skin. His phone vibrated against his chest, shaking him out of his desires.

Can I see you? I'm going through withdrawal... is that weird? -B

Kurt smiled sliding his iPhone open.

No its not weird, I think I'm going through the same thing- K

Kurt sighed, noticing that most of the Glee kids were gone. Kurt got up, lifting his bag on to his shoulder. His cell vibrated again.

Come outside your school- B

Kurt was surprised, how did he know where he was? Kurt flew through the scattered chairs, pushing past the remaining members of Glee.

"Kurt?" Finn asked. Kurt ignored him running through the halls of McKinley. He pushed through the front doors seeing a boy in a blue blazer, leaning against a black BMW. Kurt gasped. Blaine smirked walking over to meet him half way.

"How did you know where I was?" Kurt asked breathless. Blaine placed a hand on Kurt's arm.

"You said you had Glee every Wednesday's." Blaine smiled. Kurt nodded. Blaine sighed stepping closer. Kurt's eyes widened. "I can't get you out of my head, Kurt." Blaine whispered. Kurt closed his eyes.

"Dittio." Kurt smiled. Blaine chuckled. Blaine pressed his cheek against Kurt's redden one. Kurt slowly raised his arms around Blaine's neck; in return Blaine placed his tightly against Kurt's waist.

"Do you want to go get coffee with me, my treat?" Blaine asked scrunching up his nose. Kurt smiled, nodding. He leaned in kissing Blaine. The older boy sighed against the chestnut haired boy's lips, pulling him closer. Blaine pulled Kurt closer spreading his fingers across Kurt's back, wanting to feel as much as he could, until someone pushed him hard. The dark haired Warbler fell back against the pavement, hissing at the hard contact to his tail bone. Kurt gasped, seeing Finn neck to him, glaring at the boy on the ground.

"Finn!" Kurt yelled. Kurt rushed to Blaine's sighed, holding out a hand, lifting Blaine carefully from the ground. Blaine's hand went straight to his back, but Kurt's beat him, as he rubbed soothingly. Finn's eyes widened. "Why would you do that?" Kurt asked.

"I thought, I - I didn't know he was- with you." Finn stuttered.

"That's why you ask." Kurt sighed. "Are you okay?" Kurt turned to Blaine. He nodded.

"Yea, yea, I'm okay, you can back a punch, God." Blaine joked. Kurt smiled

"Um, where did you two meet?" Finn asked. Kurt rolled his eyes.

"Remember when you all sent me to Dalton?" Kurt asked, Finn nodded.

"OH my God! Blaine Anderson! Lead Vocalist of The Warblers!" A loud shriek came from the doors. Kurt, Blaine and Finn turned to see Rachel in shock-horror. "Kurt! Are you- you can't be- sleeping with the enemy?" Kurt sighed, pressing his forehead to Blaine's shoulder.

"I guess she can say that." Blaine whispered in Kurt's ear. The younger boy nudged him.

"What does it matter to you?" Kurt asked. Rachel gasped running over.

"He is our competition! He can't even be near you!" Rachel pulled Kurt away, but Blaine tired to pull him back; Kurt could see how upset he was as Rachel pulled him behind Finn and herself.

"Alright this is gone too far- first my step brother punches him and now you are saying I cant be near him, but guess what? No one asked me what I want? Huh, doesn't that sound the right thing to do?" Kurt yelled. Kurt pushed through the "couple?" "I want to be with Blaine; I want to get to know Blaine and I know he isn't here just cause we are competition, he wants to be near me too, or he wouldn't have come and found me today." Kurt sighed smiling. Blaine tilted his head back smiling, lovingly at the McKinley student.

"I want to get to know your step brother; I'm not trying to get your set list or your dance moves, that's not how the Warblers roll, unlike you guys sending him to come spy, no offence." Blaine put his hands up, Kurt smiled. "I promise nothing about our groups will come up, unless we are talking about our friends, well until regional's are over. I guess." Blaine smiled. Blaine put his hand out for Kurt to take.

"Now if you dont mind, I am going to get coffee with Blaine, tell Dad, I will be home for dinner." Kurt smiled. Blaine tugged at Kurt's hand. He followed the older boy. "Oh wait," Kurt dug into his back pocket. He pulled out his keys, tossing them to Finn. "Get her home safely Finn." Kurt smiled. Following Blaine again.

"Thanks Kurt." Rachel smiled. Kurt turned around.

"I meant my car." was the last thing he said before ducking into the BMW.

Blaine walked over with two steaming hot cups of coffee, placing them carefully onto the table. Kurt smiled, taking his warm coffee into his cold hands. The younger boy hovered over the coffee for warmth.

"Thank you, and I'm sorry for them, they are a little crazy. Kinda perfect for each other actually." Kurt smiled. Blaine laughed shaking his head.

"No I understand why they did it. They are just looking after you. And they should, your worth a lot." Blaine said, eyeing him. Kurt blushed. "Do you want my blazer, you look so cold." Blaine stood up, shrugging his jacket off. Kurt tried to protest, but Blaine placed it on his shoulders anyway.

"Thank you." Kurt smiled sipping at his coffee carefully.

"So, um about Monday." Blaine smiled. Kurt sat up. "I, uh, I hope that you know that was my first time and I dont sleep around, I truly dont." Blaine grabbed Kurt's hand.

"That was my first time too." Kurt whispered. Blaine sighed.

"I hope that you werent saving it for a rainy day." Blaine looked to his lap. Kurt squeezed his hand.

"Well, it was kinda cloudy out." Kurt winked. Blaine laughed.

"So your not upset?" Blaine smirked. Kurt shook his head.

"How can I be upset. It was perfect. I cant shake it out of my head, you too. Your like imprinted to my brain." Blaine inhaled sharply, nodding.

"I know exactly what you're talking about. I just, I want to get to know you, maybe even take you out." Blaine blushed. Kurt laughed.

"What happened to that brave boy I met in the commons room?" Kurt smirked. Blaine threw his head back.

"Oh kinda shaking in my rib cage right now." Blaine smiled.

"Well, I would love to do all those things with you, maybe more." Kurt whispered the last part. Blaine bowed his head.

"Oh, Kurt, you can't say things like that, we are in a public place and I have nowhere to take you at the moment to ravish you." Blaine lifted his head, Kurt gasped. His honey eyes had gone dark with lust. Kurt smiled.

"I'm sorry." Kurt smirked.

"So what are you doing Friday?"