"Hello world. Well...Youtube..."

Annistasea Cassanova, a fifteen year old emo blogging sensation, was sitting in her room doing what she did best.

"Well, today I went through my stuff, well...my mom forced me to," She smirked slightly, "But I found this."

What she held up to the camera was a diary that had "Phantomhive" writtin across it.

"It's some sort of journal. It's kinda freaky to find something like this in here.." She mumbled, flipping through the journal and stopping on a random page, "So this is a random entriee from it."

28th of July, 1898

Why am I writing a journal again...? Oh right, that idiotic butler made me. [Insert sigh here] Alright, I might as well write about my day. That is what I'm supposed to do...I think...

It was a rather odd day in my opinion. Also an extremely painful one...Lady Elizabeth happened to come over by suprise the same day Trancy did. I'm not very fond of either of them as it is, and they just made it worse today. They fought over me! In a contest of which I was the "Toy" in.

The first part was the fighting competition. I gladly didn't have to do anything but sit and watch. It was amusing to not only see Trancy get hit by a girl, but to have him break the "Girl's Rule" and hit Elizabeth. It was the only part I think I enjoyed..

The next part was the strength competition, and probably the most painful segment for me. They each grabbed one of my arms and pulled as hard as they could. If Sebastian wouldn't have been there, I would have most likely lost both of my arms.

The final part (By far the most disgusting) was the "Snack Intake Competition." They basically ate cake and drank tea until they vomited. They both lasted for over an hour!

The winner was, suprisingly, Alois Trancy. He managed to defeat Elizabeth in all the contests. The horrible part: I was the prize. I will NOT write the things he did to me. Just ask him, he will most likely be more then happy to tell you.

Ciel Phantomhive

She smirked, "Wow, pretty neat, eh?"

"Hey bitch!" A voice yelled from another part of the house, "Get your stupid ass down here!"

"Alright, my moms calling. See ya guys!" The girl smiled and waved at the camera, then shut it off and set it up quickly to upload.

She walked downstairs with a sigh, playing with her long, black hair. She knew what was coming, and since she was wearing her Ritsuka cosplay, minus wig, she was going to get it even worse.

"What the fuck are you wearing?" A woman said with a drunken voice, "I told you to stop wearing them damn costumes!"

The teen stayed silent and looked at her feet as the woman, who was clearly her mother, walked up to her and slapped her in the face.

She shivered as she started getting kicked in every place a foot could reach. The poor girl blinked back her salty tears so her mother wouldn't see. She didn't want another back eye to cover up...

"Are you doin' what I think you are?" The woman yelled at her.

The emo shook her head and ran out the door before she could be touched again. She was luckily fairly fast, so it was an easy escape.

She idly walked down the deserted streets and sat herself down in front of a streetlamp. She pulled Ciel's journal out which was hidden under her shirt and opened it.

"What's this...?" She mumbled to herself as an odd symbol appears at the end.

She gently ran her fingers over it, and it glowed at the touch. Annistasea dropped the book in suprise, and soon the whole book was shining. Something, no, someONE was climbing out of it.

A man with brown almost black hair emerged from it. He was wearing a tailcoated tuxedo and his eyes were a crismon red.

A huge blush crept up on her face when she realized who the man was. Sebastian Michaelis, the butler of Ciel Phantomhive, and the hottest man in the world in her opinion.

Sebastian looked around and sighed, "Young master will not be happy that I've dissapeared.."

"U-umm...Hello..." She mumbled and stared at the man of her dreams.

He turned around and smiled at her, "Hello. What year is this?"

"Two thousand and twelve..." She mumbled in reply.

"Oh my," He started in shock, "I've really gone forward in time it appears..."

She nodded slowly, "Mhmm...I think I summoned you by accident," She suddenly pointed at the opened journal, "I touched the seal and you showed up."

"How did you know it was a seal?" Sebastian asked her.

She smiled a little with confidence. She'd never known something that another didn't!

"There's this anime called Black Butler, and it shows everything that happened in that journal and more."

He raised his eyebrow and gave her a skeptical look, "How could it show everything in this journal?"

"I'll show you later," She said, then added, "Hey, don't you need a place to stay?"

He nodded, "Indeed I do, could I stay with you for the time being?"

She smiled and nodded with excitement, "Mhmm!"

I just randomly wrote this tonight. Heh, I got bored and the plot bunnies were holding this up on a sign, so why not? Should I continue? And no, I do not intend for this to be a romance unless you guys want it.