
For the past 4 months I have been working on a fic. I had inteded it to be a oneshot, but the amount of words it had once I was finished seemed like too many for a one-shot; so I am breaking it up into chapters.

I got the a last draft-before-sending-to-the-betas nearly done a month ago and started looking for a beta reader. Since it is an Irene/Sherlock fic, I got rejection and negative responses, or no response at all. After waiting a week and getting no "yeses" I decided to ask every beta reader that had written a Sherlock fic, was okay with smut and M rated content, and who I thought I had a chance with.
Over the course of a few weeks I got 12 people on board, by the time I had finished with my own edits and fixes, I had 9. Some messaged me and said that they were really busy with school or work, which is understandable and I appreciated the messages.

But I cannot thank my beta readers enough! They outdid themselves. I will be crediting them in each chapter, hit them up sometime and check out their works.

Over the next three days I will be editing and refining all the work that myself and my beta readers have put into it.

For now; here are three sneak peeks. I don't want to give too much away, as the main plot revolves around a triple murder case.

Sneak Peek One:
She moved towards him, ignoring the blade, eyes fastened on his as she slipped under his arm, his weapon now down her back. He felt the heat swell in him as she brushed her lips to his. They both smelt of effort and steel. When she met him for another kiss she could taste the salt and cigarette.

Sneak Peek Two:
"Mr Holmes, my granddaughter could get herself out of anywhere with nothing but her bare hands and a toothpick," Gladys told him reproachfully. "Well actually, I've saved her life at least twice."

"Yes, I'll be able to get myself out just fine." Irene responded before either of them could say anything more.

"Thank you for having me," he said to Gladys; to Irene he said, "When you go back to the flat, use my key this time." And tossed her the key.

"That was only once," she said as she caught the key. "Oh and Sherlock, dear, 'Lady K.' knows more than she lets on."

He pulled out his mobile as he walked out the door, "Lestrade, I need a warrant."

Sneak Peek Three:
Sherlock had on his jacket and was soon out the door. He had a taxi take him to the police headquarters. They were all waiting. Lestrade stood behind his desk, that pensive look on his face.

"How many?" Sherlock asked.

"Ten. You have a plan?"

"If I didn't I would think of one fairly fast; safe bet to always say, yes, I do have a plan."

First chapter is up on the 15th, my 21st birthday. Chapters will be posted each Tuesday, at least until they are all up!