I do not own Young Justice or any of it's characters. At all.

Of Children and Soldiers

10:10 AM

Location: Hall of Justice

Day: 2

Subject: Kid Flash

Stacey watched in a sort of detached fascination as Kid Flash shoved another bagel half into his mouth. The kid ate like he wouldn't see food for days. It was absolutely disgusting. "Artemis mentioned some of you fell into this life by being… disobedient. Care to elaborate?"

He swallowed, "How about 'reckless' instead?"

"Reckless?" Stacey leaned forwards just enough for the camera to really catch the lighting on her high cheek bones, but not quite enough to let her hair fall into her face, "How so?"

He seemed to hesitate for a moment. Stacey Starkweather didn't like that.

"Do I need to remind you that the League promised there would be total honesty here?"

The boy froze, sitting completely still for the first time she could recall in her time with him, "Do I need to remind you that anything up for security risk can be withheld?"

He took another bite. Stacey waited.

"Well," He sat back and threw a single leg over the arm of the couch, not seeming to really think about what he was doing, "I managed to blow up a lab and nearly kill myself. That caught Flash's attention pretty quick. A few months after recovery and a lot of pestering, and I was in."

"Interesting." Stacey raised a brow, "Do you often 'blow things up' in your free time?"

He smiled, cute freckles dancing across his face in a very boyish way, "I can see why Artemis didn't seem to enjoy talking to you."

She frowned. She hadn't liked interviewing Artemis either.

Kid Flash scrunched up a little more and continued on like he hadn't said anything, "Well, Flash's kitchen, once. But that was partly his fault anyway. And a couple of fires here and there. Sometimes Robin and me go a little crazy too. Really."

Stacey's face brightened considerably, "Would you say this is a psychological issue from the stress of superhero work at such a young age?"

Kid Flash chocked a little on the bread abd gave her the look Stan gives her whenever she misses something obvious. "Psycho what? Waaiit. No, you got this all wrong." He coughed once, "That was a joke."

Stacey frowned. He gave her the look again.

"I'm a science kind of guy –it's a Flash thing –and sometimes accidents just happen. I control my experiments; I'm not just going on an explosive rampage. And Flash is always nearby…"

"I see. You seem to mention Robin quite a bit during your interviews."

"I've known Robin a long time." He eased down again, took another bite, "He's my best friend."

She smiled, "Your 'best friend'?"

"Yeah," Kid Flash seemed to like this topic more, "I mean, it's been great having someone around to relate to, with the whole hero thing going on along with growing up…"

"Hmm. And how exactly would you describe the relationship between you and Robin?"

Kid Flash stopped dead again, this time his entire face turned bright red as he opened his mouth to speak. He shut it and opened it again, an odd look coming across his face and the irritated scrunch of his brows fading.

He sighed and looked dead into the camera, "Bromanic."

10:43 AM

Location: Hall of Justice

Day: 2

Subject: Miss Martian

Stacey had gone over the note cards hard on this one, "Do you care to comment on the obvious racial tensions on Mars between Green and Red Martians towards White Martians?"

The girl –the alien smiled softly, "I guess it's just because they aren't like the others, physically, I mean. They're a minority."

She was pretty, in a naïve sort of way, nothing at all like Stacey's own sharp beauty. No, nothing at all.

Stacey sniffed, "What are your personal beliefs on the subject? Do you think the discrimination is justified?"

"No!" She blushed a little. Stacey tried not to smile to big. "There is a lot of propaganda, and here on Earth, when it comes to White Martians, that's all you see. White Martians are dangerously violent, not as powerful, not as intelligent… But it's just not true."

She knew she was coming off too hostile on this one, especially after the disaster that had been Artemis's interview, but she couldn't seem to help it. "It sounds awful personal to you." The girl irritated her.

The smile came back in force, more confident and composed. "I was raised to treat everyone fairly, no matter what color they are. Weren't you?"

Stacey frowned, "Of course! My own race was a victim of segregation and false stereo types for years in this country." Stacey folded her arms. She was supposed to be asking the questions here.

"You know," the girl looked her dead in the eye, not hostile like Artemis, or annoyed like Kid Flash, but gently, "as long as you play the victim, you make yourself one. We have a word for that on Mars. The closest thing in English is, 'weakness'."

Stacey clinched her fist into a ball and kept a smile plastered to her face like it would need to be torn away to ever leave it.

So tired… Feel free to leave some feed-back or advice or something.
