Disclaimer: I do not own Kuroshitsuji (Black Butler).

Warning: This is just a chapter of the main character rambling. There's no actual dialogue or action-packed ending. Hence the reason I put my entire "final salutes" in the last chapter. You have my permission to leave the story, if you wish. If not…

"Humans are so easily tempted. They will do anything when in the grip of utter despair. They will grasp at any thread that promises to save them from unhappiness. No matter the consequences." - Sebastian (Season 1, Episode 6)

"However far I fall, as long as there is so much as a thread left to me, I will use it to climb. I'll take hold of it, and refuse to give up. I am still human. I can do that much. But every person must decide on their own whether to grab it." - Ciel (Season 1, Episode 14)

Enjoy the last chapter of Cherry Twist!

What would happen to my soul after I retired from Sebastian's form? I suppose the most logical case would be that I would end up in another demon in Hell...I facepalmed. I'm going to be here for a long time if that's the case. I can only imagine how long the cycle of soul hopping would continue. Dear God...what happens if I end up in a demon that's a pervert, or worse, one that won't shut up? What would happen if I end up being a make-shift soul for Claude again? Oh hell no. If I end up being in Hannah with Alois, I'm calling Satan. Don't even get me started on what would happen if I end up in the demonic triplets either. Soul hopping from one demon to another after having time to get used to them is fine, but I refuse to become a ping-pong ball for those three.

I picture myself giggling madly and snuggling the platform that I am on, as I did the day before, before wincing. That paints the most perverted picture, I swear to...uh, God? Satan? Hell, not again. Being in Hell really messes with your ability to remain loyal to anything besides the demon you're in at the moment...The demon you're ingood god. I held my head in my hands, feeling an indescribable weight pressing in on my heart in fear.

Was I still a fan of Sebastian's? Yes. However, the logical left hemisphere of my brain refused to ignore the fact that I will one day, perhaps any minute, be expelled from Sebastian and placed into other demons so that they could torture me however they please and have the cycle continue for an eternity. I curled in on myself, assuming a fetal position on my side. I watched what Sebastian was doing through his eyes, foolishly clinging to the hope that Sebastian would at least allow my departure to be sweet. Was the idea childish? Yes. But my soul would surely break if I allowed my inner child to flee and never return because the logical societal side of me refused to ignore the reality of my current, and prospect of any future similar, situation.

I was in Hell. Therefore, I would have to be passed on from demon host to demon host. If I let myself get caught up in the reality of Hell, then I would not survive Hell as myself. I could not live in Hell without some form of happy delusion running through my system. That is a fact that I know well. Therefore, I will gladly continue soul hopping for an eternity with ease considering the cherished moments in heaven that I spent inside Sebastian Michaelis. Food or not, I will be eternally grateful for the opportunity.

I will not let my fantasies escape my mind. Because, regardless of what anyone on earth ever told me, my imagination and childish spirit help me through any difficult situation. Despite the fact that there are those who may think that God is laughing at me for clinging to my string of hope, no higher or lower being will ever cut the string that is my imagination, childish spirit, and inner fan girl. That string is impetriable. And no matter how much it slacks, no matter how far I slip down the string, I will always know that I have access to my memories with Sebastian Michaelis and Ciel Phantomhive at the top of that string.

My determination to never forget these memories will never falter, not even for a second, because I know how important they are to my survival in Hell. I will never lose my innocence even if I come to be a hundred or billion years old and see the most terrible things that a human could ever see because of my imagination. People need their imagination. Keeping your imagination fueled with happiness and crazy ideas is not a bad thing. People can take away anything that they want from you: your belongings, your freedom, and even your life. But no one can stop you from thinking what you want besides yourself. Imagination is not some childish prospect that can be ignored with a chuckle. Imagination helps you throughout your life, death, and "through infinity and beyond."

It is for these reasons that no one, not even Grell with his red chainsaw, will be able to rewind, remix, or delete the cinematic records that are my memories and my entire being. Remember my previous chocolate cherry metaphor? I never did mention what the inside of the cherry, the juicy, squishy part of it, was meant to symbolize. That's a metaphor for my cinematic records. You can throw a cherry around all you like as if it were a ball, but the skin of the cherry is like an impenetrable force field that surrounds them.

Even though Sebastian will eventually push me out in order to feed, I will never lose the memories that I have of being his make-shift soul because I believe, even with an infinite amount of demons in Hell, that I will eventually be allowed to see Sebastian's face for a second more. Even the longest of strings form knots and become a ball of yarn, which a cat or kitten is bound to find sooner or later. And as every Kuroshitsuji fan knows, wherever there's a cat, Sebastian Michaelis is bound to find it.

Author's note: I feel like I just gave you all a lecture. -_- Sorry. Not exactly the happiest ending in the world, but I still had fun writing this story. And now I'm procrastinating leaving it...Thank you all for writing such lovely reviews! Yes, chapter thirteen and fourteen were meant to confuse you.

Still procrastinating...

Grell, you say it! These people are too lovely for me to say it!

Grell blows kisses. "Bye, bye, now!"