"Hey Seto," Banira asked sitting on their bed, "What's up?"

"Not much," Her brunette spouse said in reply, "What about you?"

"Um…I've just been…well I guess you could call it reminiscing…"

"What do you mean?"

She put her book down and sighed, the covers barely covering her hips. "Koibito, do you remember that time, way back when we were teenagers, when we had that little incident?"

Seto thought for a second. Then it clicked, "Oh! That incident. Yeah, that's as clear as day, Hato."

She laughed a bit at all the adventures and misadventures that happened back then. Back around the time when Duel Monsters was the craze, even though that never really changed. Their friends thought they could never be together, Seto being 'emotionless' and Banira being 'overly-passionate'. What had really brought them together was their obsession with dragons, but one in particular. Now, they were a wealthy couple in their 30's, and still very much in love! They had four children so far.

Seto laughed, "And they said it wouldn't last."

"We showed them, huh?"

Now back to the incident.

('Bout 16 years ago…)

Our friends think we're opposites, falling in and out of love. They all said we'd never last…

Banira watched the teenage CEO, which she longed for passionately, do his work. She was his trusted secretary/whatever the hell else he wanted her to do, and she loved every minute of her job.

He seemed not to notice her staring, probably because he was sucked into his work like it was some kind of black hole.

She had finished everything on the agenda, and originally came in to see if he had anything else for her to do. But…that thought seemed to slip from her mind as her extremely handsome boss unknowingly hypnotized her with his top-notch sexiness. The room had been silent for some time. the only sound was Seto's fingertips briskly pushing down the keys on the keyboard. She didn't even realize she had been staring at him for almost twenty minutes now.

He noticed her staring after a while and his beautiful sapphire eyes met her bright pink ones. "What is it, Banira?'

She snapped out of her hypnosis and stuttered, "Uh…uh…I j-just wanted to see if there was anything e-else you needed me to do before I…call it a day." A blush from embarrassment rose on her face as she twirled and twisted her blonde hair between her fingers. It was a cute habit she possessed.

"Um…not that I can think of. You can go home. Thank you, Banira."

"No problem…" She looked around.

"Is there a problem?"

"Uh…no! It's just…urm…I…I want you to come with me somewhere…y'know if you've got the time…"

"Are you asking me out on a date?" he semi-joked.

"Uh…" Her blush darkened, "Y-Yeah?"

"Alright. Sounds fine. We can leave here tonight and go wherever it is you want to go."

"O-Okay…" She smiled, still playing with her golden locks.

He nodded and Banira left the room.

Still we manage to stay together.

As soon as she was sure Seto couldn't see her, she started jumping up and down and screaming.

Mokuba noticed her and approached her. "Why so excited?"

"Seto and I are going on a date!"

Mokuba smiled on the outside but was crushed on the inside. He loved Banira. Him. And she loved Seto. The older, handsomer brother. Of course she loved Seto and not him. It's only common sense that she would. He was sure that if you asked any woman or gay man, they would pick Seto. Even the ones who were Mokuba's age. "H-Have fun."

"Oh I'm sure we will! Yay! I'm so happy!" She squeezed Mokuba tightly in a hug.

He blushed and cherished every second of the three-second hug.

"Banira, you ready to go?" Seto asked coming out of his office and shutting the light.

"Yeah, just about."

"Alright. Mokuba, we're gonna drop you off home."

"Aww! I can't come?"


They dropped him off and Banira whispered to the driver where they were headed.

He smiled and she winked.

Seto sat very puzzled.

She moved back to sit next to her 'lover' (in dream world).

"So where exactly are we going?"

"Don't kill the surprise, Seto-kun!"

He sighed and looked out the window to see if he could get a trace of where they were headed.

They reached their destination and Seto blinked wide-eyed at the place before him. It was a night club. Banira had taken him to a night club.
