So, this is my first try at a comic book fic. Lets see how you like it. It's about Bruce Banner (the incredible Hulk). It shows Bruce's and Tony Stark's relationship, which is my personal favorite of all the different relationships.

It had been years since he had last been in New York, for obvious reasons. Walking down the streets, he was thankful that no one ever cared to look in his direction. If even the most insignificant person were to put his face to his name, the masses would scramble. It didn't matter what he could possibly say to persuade that someone or how smart said person was. With one look, he could end up leveling a city block and the nearby park for good measure.

Rain had sprinkled down seconds before but was now only small water stains on his shirt. He looked around at the people hurrying by. Some of them had umbrellas in hand that were still spotted with water. Their clothes were spared from the rain. Some were in his situation. They barely caught the drips before they stopped coming down. Some were practically soaked from head to toe. With his dislike of rain, it was hard not to feel bad for these specific people, but what kind of a person would show concern over a little water? He entered a Walgreens on the corner of the street and made his way over to what they called a technology aisle. He purchased an outdated, burner phone and walked back out. Easily he tampered with the wiring and rerouted his number in Calcutta to this phone. If anyone who actually had his number needed him, they could get in touch. He reattached everything and slid the back onto the phone. It clicked into place and immediately rang out in his hands. Flipping it over in his hands, he read the screen. The word BLOCKED slid repeatedly past his eyes. He hesitated before flipping it open and hitting the green answer button.

"Banner." He said pulling the phone up to his cheek while walking out from under the front awning. He jumped over a large puddle, almost landing on a small old lady. He muttered apologies under his breathe and continued walking.

"Hey, Big Guy," came the voice from the phone. "I see that you're back in New York." Banner laughed; not at all surprised at how quickly his friend was notified of his most recent location change.

"Hey, Tony. Good to hear your voice." He spoke into his phone. "What are you up to?" He asked genuinely interested. Solitude was his best friend, but sometimes he just liked having an intelligent conversation.

"Oh, you know, just calibrating some doohickeys." Came Tony Stark's voice. Maybe intelligent conversation wasn't what he was going to get out of this. He could hear a blow torch in the call's background, not clear enough to make out the model or intensity. This was probably a good thing. He wasn't in town for an extended stay. He didn't have time to become interested in one of Tony's side experiments. "What are you up to tonight?" Stark continued, putting the torch down. A new buzzing sound replaced it over the sound waves. Banner stopped his slow pace and leaned against the closest store window. Inside an old woman haggled over a package of gm. He chuckled a little sarcastically and looked around at the people shuffling past.

"Absolutely nothing." He mused. The rain began to fall again so he moved over to under a nearby awning. And continued leaning. He could hear music coming from the phone over the buzzing; his friend humming along with the melody.

"Great, then you have time to join Pepper and I for dinner tonight," Bruce opened his mouth to refuse but Tony beat him to it. "And I won't be taking no for an answer. Bring a date." And the call was cut shot. He brought the phone down from his ear and stared at the screen that now blinked DISCONNECTED. He flipped it closed and sighed.

"A date. Yeah, ok." He rolled his eyes and shoved the drastically outdated technology into his stretchy pockets. The people passing by were now equally soaked and Bruce wondered if it wouldn't be easier to just wait out the rain. He scrunched his face and leaned back against the wall. He stayed there for a while, the rain not letting up a bit. It wasn't often that he got to be around this many people and even though it should have put him on edge, their mindless chatter was like white noise to him.

"So we went on a date- He was arrested on drug charges- That whole store is having a sale!- This conclusion is understandable because- and I couldn't wait so I dug in- particles race around and around until- and she said- The Whole body goes through a synthesis creating a wormhole effect –"

He found himself tuning into a specific voice near him. It wasn't the voice but the words that seemed to have come right out of his mouth. He turned his head to find himself face to face with his name. Printed in large letters, across the back of a hardback, leather bound copy of his first thesis, being held up by two tiny hands in front of the face of the person reading aloud to herself. Her clothes were dry—and umbrella hung from her hip. Headphones rang out loudly from her ears. These probably prevented her from noticing that her voice was louder than she assumedly wanted. There was a pause in her words as she turned the page and continued reading.

"Objectively speaking this is how the body works. Whether it is a human or a beast-"Banner continued his own words, looking on into the rain.

"The brain does not follow the heart. Nor is it the opposite. These amenities must coexist for the whole body to function." No more words were spoken for a moment; just a jumble of conversations passing by and the low thumping of the girl's music occupied the air. He looked back to her, half expecting her leave any second. It wasn't uncommon or people to finish the chapter of a book before continuing on in their lives. Instead she still leaned on the wall next to him. The book was in her arms and he noticed that her headphones merely dangled over her ears, not in them. She looked up at him in curiosity, which invoked a small smile in him.

"You've read Banner?" he questioned in a lilting voice. He was taken aback for a moment, wondering how she knew his name. The realization hit him shortly after she meant, had he read his own thesis. He chukled lightly, the rain still poured down around them. After weighing the pros and cons of the situation, he decided to play along.

"Yeah." He said, "Yeah a few times, actually."

"Oh, I just adore Banner." She said enthusiastically as if meeting an old friend after years of separation. "Well, his work. I've never actually met the man." She buried the book deeper under her arm and smiled up at him. He smiled back and laughed to himself.

"I'm not too sure you'd want to." He looked back out through the rain. The WALK sign closest to him blinked green a few times before cutting out. It was instantly replaced by the red version of the same sign. The girl hadn't said anything and he assumed again that she had left. He was surprised again to find her giving him the same confused look as before.

"Well why not?" she seemed almost offended. "The man is a genius." He had only been near this woman for a few minutes now and she had provoked him to smile almost continuously.

"What, you haven't heard?" h sad with a smile. "Apparently he's a real monster." Controlling laughter was not something he had practice at. Somehow he managed to not explode in laughter. From his left came a small snicker. He turned to find the girl with her hand over her mouth.

"You mean how he saves the world by changing into a larger, greener version of himself?" She didn't even try controlling her laugher. He didn't mind. This was the most fun he's had since Stark had insisted they all go out for drinks in their world saving attire. They never did get out the door. Pepper made sure of that.

"Doctor Bruce Banner is as much of a monster as Frankenstein was." She continued. He wasn't sure how much he liked being compared to a fictional creature like Frankenstein. "He's big, green, he had a heart of gold." She smiled. "Like Frankenstein."

"A heart of gold?" he was surprised. "How could you know that he has a 'Heart of gold' if you've never even met him?" He inquired. He had never thought of himself in that manner. A monster, yes. Sarcastic? Definitely. But never had he been described by having a heart of gold. She beamed back up at him still leaning against the wall.

"Not focusing on the fact that he periodically saves the world?" She said a little sarcastically before her smile slipped away. She was suddenly serious as she looked down at her feet and held the book out in front of herself. "Truthfully I feel like I can tell you this for some reason. I don't know why." She held out her book for him to take. "I can tell because of this." He took the book and flipped the pages over in his hands. "I've read this thesis over a dozen times and the same part hits me every time. The ending." She looked back to her shoes again. "Throughout this whole book, Doctor Banner explains slowly how the human body works and what makes it work. What showed me the kind of person he is was the ending. The whole last chapter isn't about what makes the body work or even how it does. It's all about using that body the way it was intended to be used." He handed the book back to her and she gripped it in her arms. He realized just how many times the pages had been dog eared. He realized just how frayed the corners were. "The last chapter may be in the same context as the rest of the book. It is literally saying the exact same thing but you have to read the subtext to understand the author's real message. Of course it's all up to interpretation but that's how I see it." Throughout most of her speech, she just stared down at her feet as it she was nervous about what she was saying, but her voice never broke. She never stumbled over her words. He couldn't fathom why she would be saying this to a complete stranger but what she said hit him. When he wrote that his full intention was just to finish the book and get it over with. He never realized that something that he thought wasn't "worth the time to write" could have such an impact on someone that he had never met. A smile spread across his face.

"And your conclusion is that this guy has a heart of gold based off of something that he wrote in less than a day?" He half teased her. It wasn't right for her to have such a warped view of something. He felt almost responsible, but she didn't cave or back down. She glared up at him obviously hurt by his opposition.

"I'm not even sure why I told you all of this. I don't even know your name and I know that I don't have the right to ask this, but why is your opinion more important than mine?" He continued smiling and turned towards her. The game was over but he had fun while it lasted. He held out his hand for her to shake.

"Sorry I should have introduced myself earlier." She placed one of her small hands in his, shook it half-heartedly, and pulled back to her book. "The names Bruce Banner." He said containing himself to a smile. The grip she had on her book tightened and she looked up to him. The glare was gone. "It was nice meeting you, really." He nodded to her and stepped out into the rain. He stood there for a heartbeat before walking across the street through the crowd. He made his way to the edge of the nearest park and sat on an empty bench. He was already soaked so it didn't matter that the bench was wet either. He felt good. Maybe it was all of the praise he had just received or maybe he was happy that he was able to persuade someone away from his. He was just happy; slightly uncomfortable from the rain, but happy.

He sat there for a while, people standing around and walking past him. He didn't even notice someone near him until an old worn copy of his first thesis was dropped on his lap. He looked up to find her standing right in front of him. Her umbrella still hung at her him and she was soaked like everyone else. She sat down next to him and just stared in front of her.

"I- wanted to ask if you'd sign it." She hesitated, "but after I ran after you, the book got soaked." Bruce looked over at her; dark hair plastered to her skin, thin clothes sucked to her arms and legs. He couldn't help it, she made him smile. "I figured we could go get some coffee while it dries and I could ask you a few questions." She buried her hands in her sweatshirt pockets and her chin in her collar. He laughed at the sight. He wanted to refuse but found himself not really caring about what he "should" do. She looked up at him and he tried to hide how happy he was.

"How about dinner instead?" he asked holding the book up in his hands. She smiled back, slightly surprised but nodded in agreement none the less. They both stood and she offered him her umbrella. He declined. The rain wasn't so bad after all. They walked on through the crowd enjoying the feeling of rain drops on their skin.

I hope you liked it, and I'm sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes! I'm thinking of writing more so that you see more of Tony's and Bruce's bromance. Also I never really gave the girl a name so... yeah. Review if you'd like me to write more! Even if I only get one review I'll write more so don't be afraid to stand up and say something.