Of speeches and memories

Kurt smiled softly at Blaine as the warbler motioned for him to sit with him. Kurt obliged and slid easily into the cushion couch. They were waiting for Warbler practise to begin and were chatting and laughing with Nick and Jeff. Kurt was happy that he was fitting in –though he resented the idea of becoming just another sheep in the herd- he had only been there for 2 months and after the "Don't cry for me Argentina" incident, Kurt had been worried that the other Warblers wouldn't like him. From what he gathered, the a cappella group was not fond of show offs.

But he didn't have anything to worry about, even if the others didn't really understand what he said half the time.

"Okay, Warblers" Wes called, walking through the grand oak doors and immediately banging his gavel on the table for attention "This warbler meeting will not involve any singing" he started and David mock fainted

"Oh no! What is Blainers gonna do without his daily dose of Katy Perry?" He moaned from where he had collapsed

Kurt snorted "You're all as top 40 as he is" and Blaine smiled gratefully, Kurt was the only one who ever came to his defence.

"Anyway" Wes continued, in full warbler mode "Instead we will be discussing the upcoming bullying seminar…"

He was cut off by Kurt "I thought there was a no bullying policy, what's the point of a seminar if no one's being bullied?" Kurt asked, confused

"It doesn't hurt to remind people" David smiled kindly at Kurt

"So what, we're singing anti-bullying songs then?" Kurt continued, songs already running through his head

"Well, yes but also they want a speaker, so I just wanted to know if anyone who has been bullied, or knows someone who has been bullied could talk about it" Wes said, speaking softly.

Kurt bit his lower lip then sighed "I'll talk if no one else wants to"

No one else volunteered so it was decided, Kurt Hummel was going to talk at the seminar.

A week later

At McKinley

Rachel Berry and Finn Hudson sat together in the cramped hall where they were awaiting the bullying seminar to begin sothey could leave already. These seminars were a joke. No one cared, or even paid attention. The rest of the new directions had the same feelings until instead of a person walking onto the stage and rambling on about the horrible things that have happened because of bullying, the curtain was drawn back and a huge screen was revealed, a huge screen with Kurt on it.

At Dalton

Kurt was nervous as he stepped out onto the stage, because he had dealed personally with bullies –and was the only one willing to speak about it in front of everyone- they thought it was appropriate to give him his first solo. In front of all of Dalton, and though he didn't know it, McKinley.

Shakily he took a breath and steadied himself, as the music started playing he forgot his nerves and let the lyrics flow out

"Something has changed within me

Something is not the same

I'm sick of playing by the rules

Of someone elses game

Too late for second guessing

Too late to go back to sleep

It's time to trust my instincts

Close my eyes and Leap"

Kurt had been worried that the others wouldn't get the whole "You can beat me but you'll never break me" angle he was going for with this song but he was too lost in the music to care.

"It's time to try defying gravity

I think I'll try defying gravity

Kiss me goodbye

I'm defying gravity

And you won't bring me down"

The whole student body looked on in amazement, they were used to a cappella and this was a bit of a culture shock, but the raw emotion put into the song snapped them out of it.

Wes smirked "This is why I gave him the solo" some of the other warblers had been sceptical at first but were just as awestruck as the rest of the audience.

"I'm through accepting limits

'Cus someone says they're so

Something I cannot change

But 'til I try

I'll never know

Too long I've been afraid of

Losing Love I guess I've lost

Well if that's love

It comes at, at much too high a cost

I'd sooner buy defying gravity

Kiss me goodbye

I'm defying gravity

I think I'll try defying gravity

And you won't bring me down

I'd sooner buy defying gravity

Kiss me goodbye

I'm defying gravity

I think I'll try defying gravity

And you won't bring me down

Bring me down

Ooo wowwow"

It felt so good to be able to hit the high F without worrying about anyone calling his house to harass him.

Dalton burst into applause. Kurt looked shocked for a second, as he always did when people actually cheered for him, before his face broke into a huge, happy grin.

At McKinley

It was silent for half a minute before Rachel stood up outraged "He blew the note in our diva off didn't he?"

Finn tried to calm her down by saying that Kurt's gotten better since then but the knowing looks on Mercedes and Tinas' faces were evidence enough for her. Huffing the young ingénue sat back down as onscreen Kurt started talking.

Back at Dalton

"Thank you for your applause" Kurt smiled though it was toned down now "That has always been one of my favourite songs but it also represents something for me" Everyone was quietly listening –even back at McKinley- "When I was at McKinley (my old school) I was in the new directions and Mr Schue (the glee club director) gave us that song to sing, well he gave it to Rachel, the star of the directions. I wanted to audition but I couldn't because I'm a guy" There were outraged gasps and Kurt even thought he heard a certain warbler say "They mock you sir!"

"But when my dad threatened to torch the school " Kurt chuckled "I believe his exact words were "You can't discriminate against my kid because of his sex, religion, political affiliation, or the fact that he's queer as a three dollar bill!"

A few others laughed at this but then Kurt got serious again "So I got my audition, I knew all I had to do was hit the high f to guarantee my victory so I practised and practised and I hit it, I remember being ecstatic" Kurt sighed "Others, however, were not, they called up my house and I wasn't there to get to the phone before my dad so he answered it"

Blaine scrunched up his brow in concern he knew the type of phone call this was

"They said "Your son's a fag" and hung up" Kurt had tears in his eyes but he quickly blinked them away "It really upset my dad, I mean I was so used to it, it was nothing, they normally call my own phone so my dad never had to deal with it, and seeing him so, upset well it just about killed me. I knew that if I sang that song in front of thousands of people a sectionals then it would only get worse" Kurt took in a deep breath "So I blew the note"

Authors' note

This story just came to me today so I wrote it down, I've been obsessed with glee for a while now and thought this was overdo ^-^

Review please