AN: Thank you guys so much! There were so many reviews, favorites, and watches. on this lovely story. I started writing this story in May of 2012 when I had just turned 13. On the first chapter I got amazing feedback, but as time went on things soon became negative. I stopped writing because Anonymous reviewers insulted my writing. I am well aware that I have terrible writing and grammar, but calling me names hurt my confidence. I stopped writing for a year until I found the Darkest Rising and feel in love with Armstrong's writing all over again. I have rewrote this entire story at least two times. My skills have vastly improved. It is now June of 2015. This will be the last chapter of Maybe it's worth it. Thank you to all my beautiful viewers! I will continue to wright! I appreciate all the corrections and constructive criticism. Thank you for taking the time in your life to read my story. Enjoy!

Summary: Derek meet Chloe's family. He and his wolf decided that Chloe needs to meet The Pack.

Disclaimer: Kelly Armstrong owns all characters and Darkest Powers.

Chloe's POV

It has been over three weeks since Derek meet my father and Aunt Lauren. He spends most of his afternoons with me on weekdays. On the weekends I spend the night at his house, I tell Aunt Lauren that I am having a sleepover with Tori. Because of all time I spend at Derek's I have become close to Kit, he is like a father to me. Tori and Simon are now the siblings I never had and never thought I would need. I introduced Liz and Nate to the Bae's. Liz and Tori instantly became the best of friends and now Simon and Nate play basketball together. Simon has been crushing on Liz for half the school year. He is asking her on their first date tomorrow.

Over the past few weeks, Derek and I have found that mates have a pull to each other. Derek becomes temperamental and I have migraines when I do not see him. No matter how much we text or call each other the nights apart are still hard. After a week of being mates Derek came to my house at night. I meet him in the same garage that my aunt fixed his wounds. He changes into a human and we sleep in eachothers arms until daylight.

My dad left to go on another trip yesterday so Derek will be coming over for dinner tonight. I have spent the whole day cleaning and cooking for him.

I was stirring the sauce when I heard the doorbell ring. I dropped the spoon in shock. I turned down my radio and wiped off my hands. I ran to the door and struggled with the deadbolt, when I finally unlocked the door I jerked it open. The most beautiful sight meet my eyes. Derek was leaning against a white pillar laughing, I mean really laughing. His head was thrown back and his eyes shut tightly. Over the past few weeks I have learned that Derek has a beautiful kind side he saves just for me. When we are in public Derek is very cold and hard to strangers, it is just his protective side. When we are around his family he acts like he hates spending time with them but in all reality he loves his family. With me, Derek opens up and he holds nothing back. We can talk about nothing and everything for hours at a time. The most surprising side of Derek is his charming side. Derek has never tried to charm me, but he charms the pants off of my father. Derek has made my father fall in love with him! My dad fully approves of Derek and calls him his son already.

"Well, are you going to let me inside, already?" Derek asked as he whipped a tear from his eyes.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! Please! Come in!" I grabbed his hand and pulled him inside.

"Thank's Chlo," He kissed my fore head. I handed him into the kitchen and handed him a root beer.

"What's for dinner?" He asked smelling the air.

"Chicken with a mango sauce, salad, and rolls." I told him with a smile.

"That sounds amazing! Need any help?" He asked putting his empty glass in the sink.

"Can you grab the plates off the top self?" I asked looking up at him from under my eyelashes.

"Sure, shorty." He told me laughing. I turned off the stove as Derek set two plates beside me.

"Thank you, Giant. Take a seat at the table." I told him as I plated our food.

"Your sure you can handle that?" He said eyeing the two plates.

"Yeah, I got it! Go have a seat. I'm right behind you." I told him.

"Okay…" He said suspicious. I grabbed my plate in my hand with no problem. I grabbed Derek's much larger plate no as easy. I began to cautiously walk into the dining room. I could hear the stove timer beep in anger.

"Oh cra- Wahh!" I yelled as I tripped over the hallway rug. Derek reached his arm out and caught me in just enough time.

"Are you okay?" He asked. I looked at the wrinkle forming just between his eyebrows.

"If you don't stop worrying you'll get wrinkles." I told him as I smoothed his forehead.

"If you don't stop being so stubborn I wouldn't have anything to worry about." He said before he kissed my lips. I guided my hand into his hair and pulled on a strand. He growled and nipped my bottom lip.

"Okay, tease. Let's get this mess cleaned up." He mumbled before grabbing a broom from the closet. After we finished cleaning, Derek ordered a pizza while I set up a movie. Half way through the introduction, the doorbell rang. Derek paid for the Pizza and took the box into the kitchen. We grabbed a slice and a slightly over browned dinner roll and watched a movie. I sat on the love-seat beside Derek nestled into the crook of his arm while we watched our movie.

"Did you like the movie?" I asked as the credits rolled by.

"Yeah it was pretty good." He told me rubbing his massive hand over my shoulder.

"What do you want to do now?" I asked.

"Um… I'm not sure but I have to tell you something." He said as my stomach dropped and my heart broke.

"Um.. Okay?" It came out more as a question than a statement

"It's nothing bad, I promise." He kissed my forehead. "Jeremy has invited me to a celebration this weekend. He would like you to come with me." Derek told me.

"Oh, that's sweet of him. What are we celebrating?" I asked as I began a packing list in my head.

"You. He wants to meet you and introduce you as a member of the pack." Derek said.

"Oh, that's intimidating." I said honestly. Derek began to chuckle as he pulled me into his lap.

"I would never let anything happen to you. Jeremy thinks of you as a daughter and Ellen is already in love with you. Clay will protect you like a daughter. Nick will tease you like you are his little sister. Logan will be a long lost friend and his wife, Rachel, will be your new best friend. There is nothing to be afraid of. This is just another part of our family." He told me rubbing my back.

"Okay, I would be happy to go to dinner." I told him.

Derek smiled and began kissing me deeply.

On Friday, Tori came over and packed my bag for me. I told her she didn't have too but she insisted saying "I love you like a sister, but your fashion sense sucks". After she tore through my closet to pick out three outfits, we ordered Chinese and watched Pretty Little Liars. I don't love the show, but Tori is obsessed with it. Tori left before midnight and I meet with Derek thirty minutes later. I rubbed his back as he changed back into his human form. I pulled out his stored clothes from the shed and gave him privacy to change. Since I was home alone Derek came inside to sleep tonight. I led him up too my room and we crawled under the covers. I feel asleep to his heart beat and the warmth of his arms wrapped around me.

The next morning Derek brought me breakfast in bed. I ate my food while he was in the shower. I took my plates downstairs and cleaned up while he got dressed. Derek came downstairs for his second lunch (Hobbit reference) while I jumped in the shower. I was so thankful Tori had laid out everything for me the next morning, so I did not have to stress over what to wear. I mean what do you wear to meet your werewolf boyfriends uncle/ Alpha and his pack?

I slipped on the navy blue t-shirt and white jeans. I grabbed my gray vans and met Derek downstairs. He was just cleaning up his second lunch.

"Are you all packed and ready to go?" I asked him.

"Yeah, All our bags are in my truck." He told me.

"Okay, I'm ready when you are." I told him.

"Alright, I'm ganna call Jeremy and Kit and let them know we are heading out. Will you make me some sandwiches, please?" He asked giving me his puppy eyes.

"Sure! How many do you want?" I asked.

"Umm… Six?" He said unsure.

"Okay I can do that." I said laughing. Derek kissed my temple as he passed me. I could hear him greet Kit from the other room.

Derek and I took off thirty minutes later. Derek drove with alternative radio on low. I hummed along to my favorite songs as I watched the towns flow by. Two hours later, Derek turned off a main road into a wooded area. He rolled down our windows as the forest took over the green sky. Derek drove through an open iron gate and pulled in front of a Victorian style house. He cut off the engine and inhaled deeply.

"Everyone's here." He told me.

"Should I be nervous?" I asked.
"No, lord no! They love you already." He told me.

"Okay, I'm just a little nervous about being around so many werewolves."

"You should, they can smell your fear," he told me serious.


"Yes, they can hear us now, they just choose not to listen." He said laughing.

"Oh my god." I covered my face with my hands.

"It will be fine, I promise you." Derek said hopping out of the truck. He walked around and opened my door. He took my hand and lead me to the front door. Derek opened the door and just walked in without knocking. Derek continued to lead me around empty rooms full of books and cozy sitting areas. Derek walked through another set of doors and lead me into a kitchen.

"Elena," He called as he knocked on the door frame.

"Oh! You remembered. Thank the heavens last thing I need it to be scared half to death again." I small blond woman walked around the corner. She had a beautiful face and kind blue eyes.

"Then who would feed me in this house." Derek said laughing. He pulled her into his chest as he rocked side to side. I would have been jealous at Derek holding another woman, but Elena was around Kits age and obviously a mother figure to Derek.

"This must be the one I hear so much about." Elena said gesturing to me.

"Hi, I'm Chloe." I said quietly.

"Oh, Derek she is beautiful!" Elena gushed.

"I tell her everyday." He said looking at me with a smile.
"He does." I said blushing.

"Come here child!" Elena told me. I stepped away from the door frame and into the kitchen. Ellen pulled me into her for a hug.

"Don't worry were just nosy, we wont bite you." She said in my ear.

"Elena." Derek warned.

"Oh hush up. Would you like something to drink sweety?" She asked me.

"Yes please!" I told her already feeling comfortable and safe in the pack.

After meeting the hole pack I had never noticed how small it actually was. Jeremy was a sturdy man with kind eyes. He was well into his fifties with mostly grey hair. Logan and his wife Rachel were very friendly. I quickly became friends with Rachel because she was a human mate. Their son was so sweet! He was about twelve years old with beautiful dark skin and jet black curls, just like her parents. Nick was very attractive with his Italian vibes. I can see that he is definitely Tori's type. Nick is like a big brother in his mid twenties. Then there is Clay. Clay is very protective and observant. He stands behind Elena and guards the whole family. I see so much of Derek in him except his blond hair and silver eyes. Most of the wolves were easy to tell because their eyes. Jeremy and Elena has vibrant blue eyes while Logan and Nick had eyes that were almost black. Clay had very cold and sharp pure silver eyes.

"Chloe! Chloe! Chloe!" Rachel's little boy pulled on my arm.

"Yes sweet Michael?" I asked him.

"Will you stay with us?" He asked.

I looked up too see the rest of the family awaiting my answer.

"Who of course, but only if you will have me?" I looked up to Jeremy.

"We would love too!" Elena came and pulled me in for a hug.

"I can see why you love it so much up here." I told Derek on our walk.

"I fit in they are family."

"Do Kit, Simon, and Tori come up here?" I asked.

"They normally come with me. Kit and Jeremy are old friends. Tori loves talking to Rachel and Elena. She also has quite the crush on Nick. He likes her just as much- they are mates. She only meet him this year at Christmas but it is very obvious. Simon loves little kids so Michael is always around and Si is really close to Logan. Once a year Michael will stay a week at our house while his parents go on a trip." Derek explained.

"What about Clay?"

"Clay keeps to himself most of the time but we run together a lot. He taught me so much from our history to the wolf instincts. He has been my teacher for everything I know," he said.

"They are the family I never thought I needed until now." I told him.

"I know exactly what you mean." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head.

AN: And that's it! Our big finally! I hope you enjoyed this story! Thank you for taking the time to read and review! If you notice any mistakes please let me know, thank you.

If you want a sequel or please let me know in reviews or PM'S

Peace, Love, and All,
