Living in a mental hospital was not normal, Sakura knew this, but she had lived there all her life. The white-washed walls, the stained and chipped walls, the hovering smell of disinfectant were all loved characteristics of her home.

She was not a patient. Of course she wasn't. Her mother, Tsunade, was a psychologist there and they lived in a cottage far away from the main building. Many other psychologists lived there with their families too since it was so far away from anything remotely resembling a human settlement. This place was for people whose mental condition had deteriorated so much that they had to be completely removed from society for fear that they may hurt someone or, in many cases, hurt someone again.

Sakura knew she had nothing to fear. The security was the best money could buy. She barely came into contact with any of the mental patients at all. It was like living on a huge estate with many strangers she would never meet.

One day she finished class earlier than usual. All the sane children on the estate went to the same tutor, Kakashi-sensei, because they were all about the same age. She walked back to her home smiling softly to herself. She found this place so beautiful, juxtaposed with the insanity of its purpose. The sunlight filtered through soft, green leaves and scattered over sprawling lawn. Indigo skies covered the entire estate like a dome, trapping them.

When she reached her home, she placed her flat palm on the wooden door and pushed it open.

"Mom?" She called out and her voice echoed through the cottage, bouncing off its wooden floors and stone walls.

There was no answer so she walked to the kitchen, made herself a cup of coffee, then walked to the lounge to watch some T.V or read her book. She had taken off her shoes by the door so she was just skidding around on the wooden floor in her stocking feet, sometimes stumbling and spilling some coffee.

She was humming tunelessly when she walked into the lounge but she stopped suddenly. For a full minute, she just stared until she opened her mouth, found her voice and said,


He was quite possibly the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. He was tragically beautiful with his soft, black locks that hung over his pale face with his rose red lips parted as he stared at her with obsidian eyes. Her own green eyes were wide and, realizing that she was staring, she looked down and let her own pink hair cover her face in embarrassment. She didn't know what to say. She was so shocked to find such a terrible angel sitting in her lounge.

"Hello," He answered her. Sakura blushed the same colour as her hair.

She desperately wanted to say something. More than anything, she wanted to have a single conversation with him. She wanted to think of something witty or funny but as the seconds ticked past she decided that she would settle for saying anything.

She looked up and smiled at him, then swiftly turned around and walked straight out of the room. When she got to her bedroom she closed the door. She stood, frozen, in her room for a long time until she had gathered her thoughts.

Sakura couldn't believe how suddenly this feeling of infatuation had come over her. It knocked her off her feet and left her breathless. When she closed her eyes, she could recall his face so clearly it was as if his impression had been tattooed on the back of her eye lids. At that point, she was sure that she loved him with all her heart but, she admitted, there was always the danger of confusing lust with love.

The next day, over breakfast, Sakura slowly built up the courage to ask her mother about the boy.

"Mother," She asked brightly as her heart pounded, "Who was that boy?"

"What boy?" Tsunade asked innocently.

"The one from yesterday. He was sitting in the lounge when I came back from school,"

Tsunade fist curled against the white table cloth,

"You know you're not supposed to ask me about my patients. There's a confidentially agreement. I can't speak about them,"

"So he's a patient?" Sakura smiled but at the same time she was crushed. If he was a patient, it was likely that she would never see him again.

Tsunade groaned, "Yes, Sakura,"

There was silence for a moment before Sakura burst out,

"Please, mother! I'm really curious about him,"

Tsunade glared at her for a second and Sakura gulped, thinking that she might have gone too far but then Tsunade sighed and said,

"Okay. I'll tell you a little but you're not to repeat this to anyone. You understand,"

Sakura nodded quickly, excited beyond words.

"His entire family was killed by his older brother when he was a small child. It turned out that his brother did this because their family was part of the mafia and his brother thought this was the only way to stop the pain their family caused. Unfortunately, Sasuke only discovered this after he killed his brother in a violent rage. After a lengthy court case, he was sent here,"

Sakura's eyes widened, "His name is Sasuke?"

"Yes…" Tsunade said, confused, "His name is Sasuke Uchiha. His brother's name was Itachi,"

"Could I maybe go see him?" Sakura suddenly asked.

Suddenly, Tsunade slammed her fist against the table, "No! Sakura! You must stay away from him!"

Sakura jumped a little from the loud sound and the menacing growl that came out of her mother's mouth.

"Why?" Sakura shouted back, "Wouldn't he benefit from having people who are the same age around him?"

"No. Sakura, he has a very, very twisted idea when it comes to woman," Tsunade shook her head gravely.

Sakura hesitated. She had never seen her mother like this.

"Why?" She asked, her voice quavering slightly.

"He… he has this idea. This obsession. It probably comes from how he lost everyone when he was so young. I mean, that obviously left him with some extraordinary abandonment issues. But he believes that if he ever finds himself attracted to anyone… if he ever finds himself falling in love.."

There was a pause.

"Mom..?" Sakura asked, "What will he do?"

Tsunade looked away from her daughter, "He'll set himself on fire,"