The Beast Within… A Sonic the Werehog Fanfic

Hi! It's TotalGamer98, with my first Fanfic! I wanted to make a werehog story from Sonic's point of view, so hopefully this works! All the characters are real, but I own none of them. (Except Sonic's Werehog side, but I don't really consider that its own character) All of the chapters will be a lot longer than this one, but this was like the prologue. R&R plz.

Chapter 1

I Get Attacked By Myself

Hey. Name's Sonic, Sonic the Hedgehog. You probably know me. I'm the fastest thing alive who frequently saves the world from Egghead. Ring a bell?

This story happened to me a while ago, but the memory still haunts me. So my sister recommended I write a book about it. I said a couple things to her on the matter, including "Are you totally nuts? Me? Write a book? I don't even have time to read them, much less write them!" But she told me to just narrate and she'd write down everything I said, which seemed fine to me. But I didn't realize I'd be sitting here for hours telling her everything. I want to be running, not writing a boring book. OW! Point taken, sis. Sonia just hit me in the head with her science book, which is about as thick as Eggman's head. She's now telling me to quit yapping and get to the story. Alright, but if you hit me in the head again with that book I quit.

It was a warm summer afternoon. I was sitting on the edge of a cliff, the forest behind me, watching the city of Mobotropolis below. I breathed deeply, willing myself to unwind, which didn't happen often. I had to relax now, because tonight I was definitely going to break out in a sweat during my date with Amy. Oh, Sonia's correcting me. It was a double-date. I'll get to that later. Anyway, I was partially dreading the evening, wondering what I had gotten myself into, when I heard something running through the forest towards me. I whipped around to see glowing eyes through the bushes. They looked like… my eyes? I was puzzled. Suddenly whatever it was sprang, pinning me to the ground. My head hung over the side of the cliff, which didn't exactly make my neck feel good. I stared into the foul-smelling face of… myself? It was me, in my Werehog form. But I could see through it a little, like it was a mirage, except mirages don't weigh a couple hundred pounds and press you to the ground. The thing seemed to laugh, but it sounded like it was barking. "Perplexed, Sonic?"The thing growled. I don't know how I understood its snarling, but somehow I did. "Yes, you know me. I am the darkness in people's hearts, given form. Every time Dark Gaia is released, I am as well, and I find someone to use and control when the world is dark. But YOU, Sonic the Hedgehog,"the beast dug his claws into my shoulders, drawing blood, "were the only one I was not able to fully control! I could barely increase your guilt for falling on that pathetic Light Gaia!"The beast roared. "When Dark Gaia was sealed back within the planet, so was I, but I managed to escape so I could have my revenge. This time, Sonic the Hedgehog, I will take over!"The beast snarled, bringing it's fangs down into my neck. I tried not to cry out, but it became too much. It felt like the bite was pulsing through my body. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I saw the thing grin before I passed out.