Ah, hello there~! This is Ayazi-chan's first fanfiction on ~! I hope you enjoy~!

Please bear with me, for it is 3:30 am and my co-author is asleep. . .

This story is written in the style that DuRaRaRa! is in, where the same scene will be told multiple (two) times from different POVs. It will mainly be switching from Tsukishima's to Roppi's POV~

This will be rated M later, but I will notify everyone when those scenes are coming, so people can choose to skip over them if they like.

Chapter 1: First Encounters

A young man with black hair and red eyes was sitting in his room, his trusted flickblade just inches above his wrist. He slowly moved the blade down, before making a long, but still shallow cut from his wrist almost up to his elbow joint. Ah~ It made him feel alive, the pain.

He hated humans, the lot of them. Each one was annoying, and they were all selfish creatures. Even his own family wasn't that great, even if they were better than the vermin that walked this world. His twin brother was narcissistic and mean with a god complex and a very odd demeanor. His two cousins . . . well the older one, Hibiya, was also narcissistic, but with a very strong prince complex. The other one, Psyche, he wasn't THAT bad, but he was very childish, innocent and often got himself into trouble. He had this aura about him that made him impossible to hate. . .

He raised his beloved flickblade again to make a few more lines on his arm, varying in length and depth, before washing and closing the knife and bandaging up his arm. No, he wasn't suicidal. Far from it actually, but this was the only way he could figure out how to feel. Him, Hachimenroppi Orihara, Roppi for short, age 23, always overshadowed by his twin, Izaya Orihara. Hated by everyone, loved by no one. That was his accursed existence.

It wasn't that everyone HATED him, persay. It was that he didn't let anyone close enough to him to get to know him, not that anyone wanted to. . . Plus, almost everyone had varying levels of dislike for Izaya, and often mistook him for his trollish look-alike. Not knowing much about him, everyone expected him to act the same as his twin. . . After all, they did dress similar, with their black jeans and black shirts. The only differences in their attire was that Roppi's shirt had a slit in it with a red tie, instead of a V-neck, and his parka had red fur instead of tan. He also wore his parka slightly off his shoulders.

Roppi sighed and got up, deciding to go for a walk. There was nothing better to do in this damn city anyways. Maybe he'd run into that blond brute that was secretly dating his twin. . . And get pummeled by some miscellaneous heavy object, not that he would mind. . .It would just give him more of a chance to feel. . . It's not like he'd die from something so simple. . .

The red-eyed man glared at the crowd he was walking through as everyone shoved and pushed each other. Humans were so barbaric, never watching out for where they're going and never apologizing. Humans were disgusting in his eyes. He didn't mind the Heiwajima family, the family his twin and cousins were dating, too much though. They were all monsters after all. Besides the one with the monstrous strength, one was inhumanely calm, and the other one. . . Well, what kind of human has pink eyes? The only other one he knew with such an eye color was his own cousin, Psyche. He heard that they had another relative around their age, but Roppi had never met the man, nor did he feel a need to. What did it matter? It's just another being that he could tolerate on this earth. . .

As he got lost in his train of thought, he didn't notice himself stepping on a trailing white object, before tripping and falling on his face.

The blonde haired, crimson eyed man sighed, looking up at the fiery plethora of bronze, red, orange, and yellow that was the sunset. He couldn't help but think it to be beautiful, but he had always been into sappy things like that. He was like an unpolished jewel, despite how cliche it sounded. On the outside he appeared as shy, quiet, and clumsy; but inside, he was a complex web of intricate machinations. All he had to do was be polished, and his brilliance would radiate over others in a fashion that was purely ineffable.

His eldest cousin, Tsugaru, was known for his serene calmness and acceptance. He was the type of person who people were drawn to simply for his relaxing aura. His second oldest cousin, Delic, was known quite well around the city, for he was a notorious host and was strikingly handsome. He always seemed to have a crowd of adoring fans following him somewhere. His twin, Shizuo, was the notorious "monster" of Ikebukuro, known for his freakish strength and short temper. With so many "famous" people in the family, Tsukishima Heiwajima was often overlooked and ignored. He had grown used to it quickly, but sometimes, he wished he could get a little more attention.

With another sigh, Tsukishima stretched slightly before getting off the edge of the bridge he was sitting on and going to the streets of Ikebukuro. He "Eeped!" as he was shoved and pushed through out the crowd. He had never been one for assoiciating with large groups of people, but Ikebukuro had what it offered. He let his nimble fingers hook loosely on his white scarf, tugging it to hide the bottom half of his face. It was a habit that he had developed since he was young. He didn't seem to notice the fact that his scarf was trailing slightly behind him, picking up dirt from the ground. Suddenly, Tsukishima squeaked as he felt a tug on his scarf that made him fall backwards before turning around and seeing a black haired man that strangely resembled his twin's secret lover.

Ayazi: Ah. . .Right. . . My co-author isn't here right now to do the postscript with me. . . *sweatdrop*

Roppi: Of course you'd have me making a fool out of myself in the first chapter. . .

Ayazi: Well, otherwise, how would you have noticed poor, shy, meek Tsukishima-chan~?

Tsukishima: I-I'm right here y-you know. . .

Ayazi: Hmmmm. . . Well anyways, REVIEWS ARE LOVE~! More reviews, more story.

Roppi: and you clearly forget to mention you already have the second chapter written. . .

Ayazi: *nukes roppi* Ahem. . . Anyways, there will be no second chapter posted until I get a review or two~!