A yaoi fanfic of Craig Tucker and Kenny Mccormick.

Au and lots of cussing.

This chapter is just introducing what Craig is dealing with

Next chapter I promise more characters!

"The world is a cruel place, boy."

That is what the elder man said whenever Craig Tucker went to visit him at the grocery store. He didn't even really know anything about him, not that Craig want to but, he always finds a way to tell the kid this before leaving the store. He sure was a weird guy with one blind eye and a creepy smile. He always snuck in a lollipop or some sort of treat in the raven haired plastic bag and would barely notice it until he started to unpack all grocery. He was the closest person Craig Tucker had who gave a fuck about him and what he did. He was, until Craig reached the age of12. Then he died, silently and peacefully in his sleep.

"Goddamn Craig! Why do you have to be such an asshole?"

"Don't be an asshole dude."

"Craig? That son of a bitch could go fuck himself."

"Who wants to be around that sick bastard? He doesn't care about anyone but himself and Stripe."

That's what I always hear about me when I go to school, not that I care or anything. They don't know me, and I don't give a flying fuck about them. For all I care, they all suck my dick.

As I, Craig Tucker walks down the ice cold street with my warm blue hat towards home, my stomach growls in anger from being ignored for so long.

Shut up stomach, we won't get any food till Wednesday. A frown slowly forms on my face and my black worn sneakers kicked the white snow covering my feet.

My eyes trail a path the familiar houses down my street till it meets the brown house and see the old car parked on the driveway. A disappointed sigh escapes my mouth and I close my eyes out of frustration, my parents are home.

God I hate them.

I snorted and when I got closer to the car, I kicked snow at the stupid thing and walked to the front door. I opened the door and closed it behind me and slowly walked up carpet stained stairs to my room. The house was old and cold, dad wouldn't pay for heater because beer is way more important apparently. The walls were covered in mystery stains and crooked awkward family pictures hung on tacks along the hallways. I passed my sister's room and see she is inside talking on the phone, I rolled my eyes and walked passed her towards my room. On my left, I hear my parents fighting in their room about someone drinking the last beer in the fridge; which was the only thing left in there since Monday, besides the rotten milk.

A smirk creeps onto my face because, I took the last beer bottle.

Not to drink, oh no I am smarter than that, I took it to trade with one of the 6th graders at school for lunch, ham and cheese Lunchables and a bag of chips.

A very wise decision indeed.

I finally made it into my sanctuary, my room, opened the door and fell on the bed.

Man, I am tired. I struggle to hold in a yawn and failed, I stretched my body from stiffness.

Mmm, feels good.

I got up and slowly undid ever button from my famous blue coat, throwing it somewhere. I popped the button from my over worn black jeans and slid them down my pale legs and threw them with my blue coat. Now in just my blue plaid boxers and my plain crème shirt, I feel more comfortable and stretched in my light blue room. After, I walked around and went to Stripe's cage, unlatched and took Stripe out and walked to my bed and set him on it. I sat next to him and lay on my flat pillow. I took my blue hat off my head and tossed it on the floor.

I took a little nap and felt Stripe's warm fuzzy body nesting on pillow next to my head. I smiled a bit and turned over so I could face him. I rubbed him and Stripe wiggled and I smiled again.

Why can't people be like pets? Just accept the owner for who they are and not care for what they did or been through. Pets truly cares for the owner and love the owner and ask for nothing in return but compassion and affection. If people were like pets, life would be easier. But, as an old man once told me: "The world is a cruel place."

I slowly drift to a peaceful sleep without any worries or cares. I sigh.

"Craig! Get your ass down here!"

My eyes immediately snapped open and know what awaits me down stairs.

I groan and slowly roll of my comfortable bed, trying to avoid squishing Stripe, I stretched and went to my pile of clothes. I bend and slipped on my crème shirt over my head then, tugged my dirty pants back onto my legs. I stretched again.

Okay Craig, here it goes.

I take a deep breath in and open my bedroom door and headed down stairs.


I rolled my eyes and looked at who was yelling so fucking loud at, I looked for a clock, 8 in the morning. I walked towards the source of the bitching, the kitchen.

"I'm here, I'm here. Stop your bitching." I said to the yeller, dad.

Dad was glaring at me when I see him in the kitchen, holding a beer bottle.

God, why do people have to give this bastard a beer?

He sluggishly walks towards me with his arms swinging at his side. Dad points with his half empty beer bottle and growls: "Where. Is. My. Money?"

"What money? When do I ever have money?" I spat at this drunktard. My anger starts to build

He glares and a makes a dumb snarl.

"Don't you fucking dare act smart to me boy. You know damn well what I am talking about. Just give me the fucking money!"

I glare back at him and know damn well who has this son of a bitch's money. Sis. My anger at this stupid shit grows bigger, I could feel myself ready to punch this bitch. I squeezed my hands to my side.

I roll my eyes, "Well I don't know where it is. Go ask someone else. I don't have your stupid money." I flip him off and walk out the kitchen.


"DON'T YOU DARE ROLL YOUR EYES AT ME!" I hear from the kitchen.

This bastard threw the beer bottle right behind me against the wall. The glass falls to pieces on the floor and the beer seeps down the already oddly stained wall. I glare at the stupid wet stains.

I flip him off again and walk up the stairs and to my bedroom to get my coat. I hear the stomping right behind me get louder. My eyes widen a bit and I suck in a breathe.

I need to get out of here.

When I reach my room I quickly put it on and button it light speed. I quickly snatched my blue hat and hastily tugged it down my head. Running to my window, I pushed it opened and hopped on to the snow covered roof. I grab onto the tree in front of my window and slowly climbed my way down, and jumped off. Jogging a bit away from my house, I stopped to a comfortable stroll when I was a street away from home.

I kick the snow on the sidewalk and the icy wind blew at my face, left with only my thoughts and myself. Man, my life sucks.

I am alone, again. I tug on my blue hat and yellow puffball, down to shield more of my face from the cold. I sigh and kick another snow hill on the sidewalk.

I frown and dug my hands inside my coat.

I blink my eyes a few times and started walking to who knows where, who even cares.

I promise more characters next chapter!

Please review :)