A/N: Here it is: The long awaited story of Zee's date with Robin. Also, I can't decide if I should keep writing in 2011, or follow the time skip to 2016. So I'm putting it to a vote. And thanks for the reviews, each and every one of them made my day.
I am truly sorry it took so long to upload, but I was on summer vacation, and really, beach or writing a Fanfiction?
January 2nd, 2 months, 2 days. The day of my date with Robin!
What ever did I do to have Robin, the Boy Wonder, take me out on a date? I told M'gann, and she was so excited, she squealed, and promised to help me pick out an outfite, and do my hair, and all that. Apparently you do not go on a date with your hair down, or whatever. (I really do look nice, though.)
I don't care, cause I wanna see Robin dressed up. Not that the uniform leaves much to the imagination, but it'll be interesting to see him get around the "I-can't-let-you-see-my-eyes-cause-Batman-told-me-I-couldn't" thing.
I am so excited! Wait, is that him? It is! YES!
January 3rd, 2 months, 3 days. Report on my date.
We saw Ice Age 4. It was a waste of time. But seeing Robin dressed up was worth it. He had on a fancy shirt (Well, fancier then a hoodie and jeans) and khakis. He managed to avoid the must-protect-my-eyes thing by wearing color contacts (Unless his eyes really are that muddy brown color, and I certainly hope not). Drat. But he bought us popcorn (that he ate before the previews had ended), and we kept making stupid comments about the movie, to the point where the guy sitting beside him kicked Robin, and told him to shut up. Then, after the movie, we zeta-ed back to the Cave, kissed, and he zeta-ed home.
So glad you enjoyed it. I had fun too. But that guy was a jerk. I mean, what was he doing at a kids movie with no kids, or a date, or whatever? And I thought you had some of the popcorn. Don't deny it, you did. I noticed. XOXOXOXO, The Boy Wonder.
January 6th, 2 months, 6 days.
I keep losing my diary. Maybe it's time I cleaned my room…. Nah. I'll do it later.
And, you so took most of the popcorn!
Winter break for school is over. So much for hanging out at the Cave, watching Robin kick Kid Flash's butt in video games.
Ok, so what if I did. And he is too easy to beat. Wally isn't a challenge at all. But I bet you'd win. BTW, your room is a mess, I actually had to look for your diary to write my comment. ;)~Robin
January 7, 2 months, 1 week.
I really hate school. We've just started a unit on the Civil War in history. It's "fascinating", especially after a long patrol with the Team. But just like the whole thing about the blood on my homework, I can't exactly say "I was out patrolling with Miss Martian, Aqualad, Rocket, Superboy, Artemis, Robin, Kid Flash, you know, the League's protégés."
But our school took a field trip to Gotham City (for some stupid event at the museum), and guess what? I saw a kid who looked like you, Robin. He was hanging out with Artemis, and a red head (Arty said she was Barbara Gordon), and that he was Dick Grayson. How interesting.
I know the feeling, 'Tanna. Trust me. And you where in Gotham? Cool! Too bad I missed you. Or did I? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~ Robin.
January 10, 2 months, 1 week, and 3 days.
That was a fun mission. Rocket, Artemis, M'gann and I went undercover in a teen club. Something about the Light brainwashing girls. Or was it someone else? Whatever. Anyway, we got to enjoy a nice party, while the guys where off in a South American jungle, doing recon on Bane. Score one for us!
And it turns out the lead was a dead end, so bonus! Poor them, they had to scrape mud off their costumes.
….laugh all you want, Zee. Mud never comes out of your costume. It sucks. And even after 3 showers, I still felt dirty. And it was the Mad Hatter. And I'm just glad Batman sent you four, I hate wearing a dress. And no, I will NOT give you pictures. ~ the BOY Wonder
January 14, 2 months, 1 we-You know what, forget it. This dumb count isn't helping get my dad back!
I called Robin soon after I read that. Here's our conversation:
Me: He really made you dress up as a girl?
R: (not amused) Yes. And I hate it.
Me: (laughing so hard I nearly dropped the phone) THAT IS HILARIOUS!
R: (annoyed) No. It's not.
Me: (still laughing) Yes, Wonder Boy, it is.
R: It's embarrassing, and the wigs I have to wear itch.
Me: (snickering) Robin, the Girl Wonder.
R: (angry) Zee, drop it.
Me: Fine. Sheesh, who are you? Batman?
R: Nope. I'm his partner. I've gotta go, I have homework.
Me: See you at the Cave?
R: Yes. And don't you dare tell anyone.
Me: Give me a picture, and I won't.
R: … Fine.
Me: See ya, Robin. *hangs up*
I can't wait to see the pictures.
….I hate you so much right now. JK, here's the stupid picture.[see below] Don't you dare show it to anyone, or I'll tell them about the time you had a crush on Speedy, and stalked him for a month. ~ Robin
January 16.
I took one look at those pictures (He gave me two), and burst out laughing. It must've been a few years after he started. But Robin as A) blonde, and b) in a dress is just that funny!
And how did he know that I'd been obsessed with Speedy 3 years ago? And to be fair, it was before he was caught. Never mind, he's Robin, that's how.
*Robinglare* So glad I could amuse you. And yes, that is exactly how! *grins* Besides, your old school picture was you in a Speedy shirt. So I did a little digging…
January 20.
I keep losing my diary! But forget that, Robin and I had another date. Well, if a date counts as him kidnapping me, and showing me around Gotham at midnight. Batman was Not Amused, but it was fun. We then zeta-ed to the Hall of Justice for no reason.
Then Dr. Fate showed up. Something about Black Adam breaking out, but all I could thing was that I wanted him to take off the Helmet, even for a minute, and say Robin was unworthy for his principessa, or something lame like that. Even him shouting at me would've been better then hearing a faint echo of his voice coming from the Helmet.
We would've gone too, but Superman said he'd go, so we went home.
That second date should've been so much fun, but Nabu ruined it, just like he ruined my life.
Come on, Zee, you life isn't ruined. It just took a new direction. And yes, that sucks, but look on the bright side: You still have me! XD ~ Robin
January 21
Yeah. The bright side. That's getting harder to do…
I've got a big test in history I should be studying for, get this, the JSA. Yep, that's one test I'm garunteed not to fail. I mean, I know Wonder Woman, Flash I, Green Lantern I, Dr. Fate (all too well), I've met Wildcat, and Red Tornado babysits for us. I'd have to try very, very hard to fail.
Dude, that's looking on the bright side! And I dare you to keep the test, and show it to Red and Wonder Woman. ~Robin
January 23
So, shockingly, I passed the test. I got a big fat A. I showed the multiple choice test to Wonder Woman. She started laughing, and the Team came over. We all just kept laughing, and Tornado came over. He was as amused as a robot can be. I taped my test to the fridge.
I also found out that Robin hacked my phone and set "Keep on the Sunny Side" as it's ringtone. Really?
I'm a troll, what can you expect? ~Robin
January 25
Busy two days. Went undercover (again)in sarch of the Mad Hatter. This time, he showed up, and kidnapped us. Not surprisingly, M'gann, Arty, Rocket, and I kicked his butt. And we released all the girls, including one who Arty said went to her school, Bette Kane. That was a close call. I had to make her forget Arty was there. She said it was the ponytail that gave it away.
I really don't like messing with people's heads. It feels…. wrong.
Well, that's good news. Don't need another evil mindaltering villain on the loose. But you'd never do that, Zee. Good catch, BTW. So glad it wasn't me (Batman dragged me to a party in my civilian ID. I hate adult parties! )~Robin
PS, you're hotter than the sun
January 26
You're starting that again? We've been dating for almost a month. And I'm flattered. But it is really annoying to have girls staring at my date. We really need to kick the Team out of the Cave, and have movie night at "home" for once.
Done. Cya Friday, Angel. ~ Boy Wonder
January 27, one day till my next date.
Gee, Robin, thanks for giving my no warning. And how are you kicking the Team out of the Cave?
You're welcome, Zee. XD. And I inspired Wally, Artemis, M'gann, and Conner to go on a double date. Kaldur was planning on visiting Atlantis today, anyway. Rocket is scedualed to patrol with Icon today (I DENY EVERYTHING!). Leaving you, and me, Tanna. Am I awesome or what? PS, I had a growth spurt! FINALLY! ~ Robin
January 28, day of date
I hate math so much. I did pass the pop quiz, though. Thanks to my many study-dates with Robin, when he's supposed to be doing his homework, but we're goofing off together, and he does something like point out that the flower I doodled in the corner during class, and say 'What if it came alive and ate everyone', and I say 'Connor would feed it to Wolf' and he says 'What if Wolf didn't eat it?'. And we continue on in this vein for a while.
Well done. I applaud you. But are you sure setting Wally, Arty, Conner, and M'gann on a double date together was a good idea?
That day was epic. I think we finally agreed that Superboy would magically gain the power of heatvison, fry the stupid plant, your homework, and everything nearby, then stomp on the ashes.
And they don't KNOW it's a double date. But they'll bump into each other at the baseball game anyway. Cause I bought Wally and his spitfire tickets just a row or two behind Superboy and M'gann. Oops. Silly me. ~ Boy Wonder
January 29
Who knew Robin loved "Ferris Bueler's Day Off"? Gotta love the classics, he said. I agree, and then I snuck "Kiss Me, Kate" in next, instead of Jaws, like we agreed. He took it well.
If "well" means smacking my arm, and singing along (We had the captions on, and he claims he's never seen the musical before) very well. I asked him if he's in choir, or glee club. He stared at me with wide eyes, and shook his head. That was the best part.
Second best, actually. The best part was when the main character said "Shut up, and kiss me, Kate", Robin totally kissed me. Right on cue.
And then Kaldur returned from Atlantis. Akward. He turned around and walked right into his room.
And then the mode was ruined. Cause right after, the rest of the team showed up. Bickering as normal, then Wally started teasing us when he saw why I'd suggested they double date. He's gonna be finding a fer frogs in his bed soon. Wanna help? ~Robin
January 30
Sure, why not. Tomarrow? Where are you gonna get the frogs?
Wait, I have a chem. test on Monday. Sorry, but give him a frog for me.
I can get the frogs cause I'm Robin, the Boy Wonder. Duh. ~ Robin
January 31. (Where did the month go?)
Wally just ran into the Cave, freaking out about the frogs in his room. Robin highfived me. Arty then pointed out he's a hero, and should be able to handle a few frogs. He showed her picture. His room is filled with frogs. Rubber frogs, frog posters, real frogs in cages, stuffed frogs… Damn, Robin, you went WAY overboard.
It's not like it took him forever to clean up. The best part was that he never noticed while he was doing homework in the next room-untill I added the bullfrogs. It was an epic prank. ~Robin
A/N: Here's the picture. http: . / tumblr_l5i346zpa81qzl89so1_ . Here's another one for good measure: _ wpPLG-yJpJw/SZcyHiGJnFI/AAAAAAAAC sE/0As3zJocEOg/Dickas
And yes, I love both Ferris Bueler's Day Off and Kiss Me, Kate. You can't beat the classics. *starts humming Brush Up Your Shakespeare*