Hey, everybody! This is a challenge I accepted from the Avengers forum "Challenge and Story Ideas." I hope you enjoy!
The prologue occurs right at the end of "A Canterlot Wedding." The rest of the story takes place after The Avengers movie and season two of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Disclaimer: I own nothing save the plot.
Avengers of Harmony
The Canterlot sculpture garden was quiet, almost oblivious to the chaos caused by the Changelings just outside of its boundaries. All was still, except for the large statue of a draconequus in the very center of the courtyard. A small crack ran up the side of the statue, slowly worming its way from head to toe. Slowly, more breaks appeared, forming a great web covering the sculpture.
Then, an almighty blast of magic issued from inside of the castle's walls, sending the Changelings flying far into the mountains beyond. The earth shook violently, and the pieces of the draconequus statue clattered to the ground, revealing the very real creature underneath.
Discord yawned. "Oh, it's good to be free again," he chuckled. "Chaos shall rule once again!" Several ideas of plunging all of Equestria in endless disorder sped through his mind, before he suddenly remembered a certain obstacle in his way.
"Oh, but what about those ponies and the Elements?" Discord wondered aloud. "If I want to rule all of Equestria, I will need something else to defeat them. Something else…or someone else…" A misshapen smile lit up Discord's face. "I believe it's time to pay my dear friend Loki a visit…" Discord snapped his fingers, and in a flash of green light, he was gone.
So, what do you think? Should I keep going?
Please review!