Bo looks at Dyson's blood covered shirt and hands, then at the table that is also soaked in Kenzi's life source.
"I thought it wasn't that bad?" Bo rushes to Kenzi's side.
"Yeah neither did I, sneaky bitch, that adrenaline" she shakes her head.
"Is she okay Lauren?" Bo asks not taking her eyes from her best friend.
"Yes Bo, she'll be okay but someone needs to keep a close eye on her and none of this." Lauren says snatching the vodka from the young woman.
"Gah Doc haven't you heard of a pain killer?" Kenzi's slender fingers reach out for the bottle, but they are stopped by Bo.
"Take these, they're antibiotics, you don't have any allergies do you?"
"Uh peanuts…but I don't think they use that in antibiotics…are they? Oh and keflex is a bitch on my system." Kenzi says rattling the pill bottle. Dyson takes them from her an eyebrow raised as he tries to hide a smile.
"Make sure she takes those with plenty of water and food, she's going to need rest too she may be healed externally but she still will have some scar tissue, it didn't hit an organ did it? Lauren asks putting medical supplies back into her bag.
"No I checked," Dyson says impassively. Watching Kenzi fidget like she has a secret, which everyone knows save the other women in the room.
"I don't like stitches" she whines trying to pick at her sides.
"She used the kind like glue Kenz chill," Hale laughs a little unsteadily it finally hitting him that he just saved his lil hot momma from numero dos deathly demise.
"Kenzi I'll give you a bottle of your favorite to take with you alright, but only drink it after you finish the antibiotics." Trick smiles softly as he know knows she'll be alright.
"If we hadn't already taken care of that son of a bitch Reed for butchering you up I would kill him." Bo reels, "Dyson give me those." Bo puts her hand out for the medicine but Dyson keeps them firmly in his jeans pocket.
"Give me those unless you want to be playing nurse with Kenzi." Bo laughs, her ex simply smiles and his eyes are lit playfully.
"Uh Bo I thought you were going to help me investigate that weird case I told you about, you know the one a few cities over." Lauren says matter of factly, her glances apologetically at Kenzi.
"Oh shit yeah, it can wait Kenz needs me."
"No its fine I've got her, you go, we'll be like two peas in a pod," Dyson gives his I am sexy and I know it smile the kind that would charm the pants off of any woman human, Fae, whatever.
"Is that okay with you?" she looks down at her roommate who is fascinated with her hand.
"Uh Earth to Kenzi?" Bo waves a hand in front of her face.
"I gave her a mild sedative for the pain when I numbed her up for the stitches." Lauren comments, "It will wear off in an hour or so."
"If it means you are saving others she won't mind," Trick smiles, "We will help Dyson look after your bundle of Kenzi," he laughs.
"We will? Who's this we?" Hale says putting his hands up in defense.
"Man up Hale." Dyson laughs and shakes his head.
"Hey I just saved someone's life by whistling I think I did my part, not to say I won't help you D-man but if she starts getting all loopy from pain pills I want no part of that, drunk Kenzi is enough craziness," Hale says leaning against the table and staring at the now incoherent thief who appears to be drooling.
Hale pulls out his phone and snaps a quick picture "Black mail photo" he grins and runs up the stairs before anyone can make him erase it.
"Keep your phone on Hale!" Dyson shouts after him.
"You sure you got her and you can stay our place with her she might feel more comfortable."
"Uh I feel more comfortable at my place plus she's already sleeping," Dyson glances over at his bed where a knocked out Kenzi lay snoring and mumbling something about chocolate covered peeps.
"Alright you're a life saver Dyson and the bags I packed for her should have everything she might need including her stuffed bear," Bo leans over and kisses him on the cheek, Dyson simply shrugs a pang of want gnawing at him then smiles politely.
"No worries, she's taken care of me enough I owe her."
He starts to close the door when Bo adds "By the way when I get back I am going to find out why the hell Kenzi was attacked, I heard the guy mention something about a claim but that can't be right, Kenzi's mine" Bo finishes. Then walks away.
"Not anymore she's not," the handsome man says to no one, his wolf agrees happily inhaling Kenzi's scent mingling with his own on the bed. Dyson's shakes his head trying to keep his primal wolf at bay.
"Now what?" Dyson says aloud, then heads out the door hoping he can figure out what the hell he's gotten himself into.