So, here's some Beast Boy X Terra to offset all the Slerra I've been making you all read. It's not any good. Will probably be editing it. I would love crit though, I'm out of practice.
"I still care about her."
"Beast Boy, she betrayed us," Robin argued, "She infiltrated the Tower for all of our information, she took all of our personal secrets and passed them on to Slade. If we ever see her again, she's going down. She's going to pay for her actions."
Okay, so he couldn't tell Robin. But if not their leader, then who?
"It really hurts," she whispered into his chest. They sat on the floor of her abandoned bedroom, her body leaning into his.
"Here, this'll make it feel better," he applied the ice to the side of her torso that was covered in red, inflamed scratches. She buried her head in his shoulder to suppress a scream, "Too cold?"
"No, too much pressure," he lightened his grip and she stopped digging her nails into his arm.
Gently, he asked, "What did he do to you?"
"Terra, you're a mess. People don't destroy people like this to train them."
"It's always been like this. This is how I got better at using my powers before I came back as a Titan."
"How did you endure it then?"
"I'd ride it out. It meant that one day I could see you guys again."
He couldn't help but smile a little, but then she cringed again and he realized he put too much pressure against her ribs with the ice pack.
"Sorry," he muttered. She groaned and lay her head against his shoulder.
"She is…very gifted, Beast Boy. She had…potential."
"She does! That's why we gotta get her away from Slade and get her back on the team! So we don't have to fight a tough villain and we can have another strong Titan on our side!"
"I know you cared about her," Starfire said solemnly, "But I don't believe Robin would want us to hunt down Slade just to try to bring her back. She made her choice."
But she hasn't.
"You can't stay with him!" he had her face cupped in his hands. Her face dented with bruises and lacerations, "He's going to destroy you."
"It's just training. It's okay."
"People who are supposed to care about you don't leave you with injuries."
"Who said he cared about me?"
"This is business," she said sharply, "Besides, I don't need him to care about me. You care about me, right?"
"I do," he couldn't deny it, "Of course I do. But I can't watch you be hurt like this. You need to get out of there and come back and be a Titan."
"I'm not a Titan," she was adamant, "I was never a Titan. It was all a lie. Beast Boy, just let me know that you're still my friend."
"I am," he said, almost cutting her off, "Despite what I said that night- at the carnival- I will always be your friend."
She leaned in, her head slipping out of his hold as she stretched forward to kiss him. He kissed her back, his eyes closing softly and widening once it was over.
"What was that for?"
She smiled as wide as she could, the swelling making it lopsided, "I wanted to be more than friends."
"You look tired," Raven said in passing one morning. At this point, the bags were so heavy under his eyes that he couldn't deny the truth.
"I haven't been sleeping much."
"That's what happens when you play videogames all night."
He had to hold in a snicker, "I wish I was up doing that."
She raised an eyebrow, "Then what have you been doing?"
"I've been worried," he started slowly, "About her."
She nodded in understanding, the sarcasm melting away from her speech, "The most you can do is just let her go. Get ready for if she comes back to attack us," she paused, "You need to get some sleep if you want to be able to fight her."
He stood up abruptly, "I'm gonna go take a nap."
The first night, he hadn't expected her arrival. He was moping in her room, sleeping in her scented sheets. She snuck in for her things, but he woke up to her sneaking around her room. He stopped her, assessed the bruise that swelled up half her face, and convinced her to let him get ice for it. Ever since, without ever speaking of this arrangement, every night she would come back with new injuries and he'd nurse her back to health. He would ask her to come back. She'd turn down the offers. She'd kiss him. Having her with him was more than he could ask for, but he knew he had to make her stay if he wanted her to stay in his life.
She never said anything about working for Slade except for one night saying, "The clock is ticking. You better be ready."
"Terra," he was finally exasperated, "You can't do this. Stay with us. Come back to the team. Don't go back tonight."
There was no response. No response for a long time. She just lay there against him, looking away. Finally, she whispered, "I wish it were that way."
He promised himself he wouldn't let her leave, but as soon as he dozed off with her in his arms, she snuck back out. He waited all day for the next nightfall for her to show up again. To really convince her to stay. He had a speech and a list of reasons and if nothing else worked, he would physically restrain her. For her own safety.
But that night, she never came back.
He panicked. When the clock struck past three in the morning, he knew she was not going to show up and he couldn't do anything but worry. He ran to the only Titan he hadn't tried yet for help. He banged on his door screaming his name.
Cyborg opened the door with a yawn, "What's going on, BB?"
Everything spilled out of his mouth. The late night visits, Terra's injuries, the secrets. What he had been keeping inside because he knew if he told anyone else, they would all tell him the same thing.
"You mean to tell me," Cyborg said sternly, "That the girl who broke into the Tower's security system, who took all of our secrets, who is working for the worst criminal in Jump, has been coming in every night, and you haven't arrested her?"
"No," his voice hushed into a whisper, "Never mind."
"You did well, apprentice," Slade came into her view. She stood there, used to being assessed, as she held an ice pack to her arm, "Further exploiting one of the Titans. Making him think that you could change. Taking his weakness and slowly destroying it until he is nothing."
"Thanks," she said slowly, eyes narrowing at him, "Why won't you let me go out again tonight?"
"I think we've gotten what we've needed from it."
He was quiet. Finally, she spoke up, "So, you're not mad?"
"Mad? Why would I be mad?"
"I snuck out every night to see the Titans without your permission."
He studied her for a moment, "No. You actually impressed me. Taking your own initiative to go out and lead him on like that. Slowly break his heart. You're turning more ruthless everyday. Unless, of course, you went out because you do love him and you wanted to spend more time with him."
"No," she exhaled, "Of course not."
"Good. You're dismissed."
She started to walk out.
"And Terra," he added, "Training will start tomorrow at 6am. Sharp."
The ice nearly slipped out of her hands, "Training? You said we were taking a week off."
He chuckled, "You thought you'd get away with lying to me with no punishment? Don't think I don't know how much you like him."
"I'm sorry, Master."
"You'll be apologizing later. Now you're dismissed."