Note: Hey everyone it's StrawberryAngel! …well, obviously. Okay, so this is the next installment of the ABC stories, and this one is about Beck! This first one isn't so great because the first letter never really is, but if you stick around I promise you won't be disappointed! Enjoy!

A is for Art Class

"Excellent work, Beck! What do you call this piece?"

"It's called "Moony Night,""Beck answered his art teacher. The assignment was to re-create a piece of famous artwork, and Beck had chosen Starry Night. His brushwork was perfect and so detailed it seemed like a photograph.

"Well it's excellent. I'm excited for the final product…By the way, class, that's due next week so get a move on!"

Beck stared at his teacher. She was chubby with orange hair tied up in chopsticks. Her nails were the same dull color brown that the rug was. The art program at Hollywood Arts kind of sucked…Even though it was a school for the Arts, everyone focused on singing or dancing or playing a musical instrument. That's where the "Hollywood" part came from.

But the students had undeniable talent. There was no doubt about that…Andre was sketching a version of The Scream called "The IceScream" and it involved the orange figure shoving a mint chocolate chip cone into the gaping hole that was his mouth. Tori was creating the "Moaning Lisa" in which Lisa was in pain…Each painting was fantastic, unique, and seemed to good to be done by juniors in high school. Well, all except for one.

The tiny redhead was painting, but it could hardly be called painting. She was creating blob after blob of color on her canvas, and the result frankly reminded Beck of something his six year old cousin had created in preschool. But, Cat was so animated and full of life, he could never tell her that. It would hurt her.

But, apparently, Cat noticed for when the class was dismissed and everyone left, Cat was alone staring with scrutinizing eyes at her picture.

"Cat? The class is over," Beck said softly, not wanting to interrupt the small girl's reverie.

"I know," she said quietly. The afternoon sun drifted in through an open window and created a patch of golden, autumn light on the floor in front of Cat's canvas. Leaves swirled distractingly outside, but nothing could divert Beck from the frown on Cat's pretty face.

"What's the problem, Kitty Cat?" he asked.

"Well…My painting's not that great," she said lamely.

"What are you talking about?" Beck asked, putting his acting skills into use. "This is the most colorful painting here! I think it's wonderful!"

Ca smiled a little, sadly.

"Oh Beck. I know your theater voice, and I can tell when you're using it. We've been in plays together since the sixth grade, so you know I can tell when you're fibbing."

"I'm not," Beck tried. "I think it's a great piece…So different from all the others."

"Yeah, because I'm doing the assignment wrong."

Cat's usual bubbly exterior and her wide smile were temporarily gone. She was rarely truly sad, but this was one of those times. Not "Mona Patterson died, so I'll wear a sticker" sad but genuinely sad.

"Cat, do you know what abstract is?"

Cat shook her red head.

"Well can I tell you? Abstract is when you create something totally different, not an actual picture, but an idea of some sort. And your painting screams color. Bright, happy colors…It's happy, the idea happy. And that's what you painted."

Cat smiled and looked up at Beck for the first time since they'd been in the art room together.

"Really?" she squeaked.

"Of course. And a real artist isn't outside shown to the world. They're genuinely the thing locked up inside of you, where your heart is. You paint from your heart, Cat, and I think you're probably got the most honest heart here."

"You think so, Beck?"

"Absolutely," Beck nodded with enthusiasm. "And you know what, Caterina? I think you're the best abstract artist I've ever met."

Cat giggled.

"Well," she smiled brightly. "It's all in the wrist."

Beck chuckled back, and put his arm around her shoulders like a little sister as they walked out the art room door.

"Is it?"

"No," Cat smiled up at him. "Like you said, it comes from the heart."

Review for the next chapter!