This is an idea I got looking through my student planner. For every week, there is a word a definition (words like confidence, self image, etc.) To me, they sounded like the qualities of great hero! So these stories will be centered around words I think describe Tony Stark! I was reading some awesome Avengers stories, mainly stories written by the amazing Red Tigress (their writing is beyond amazing. Look them up.) Oh one more thing. I'm going to mark this story as complete because technically one of them is done. So i'll just keep updating and stuff.


faithful to any leader, party, or cause, or to any person or thing conceived as deserving fidelity: a loyal friend.

"If I had stayed, Widow could have died!" Tony Stark yelled as the team returned to the mansion. The team had suffered a horrible rescue mission, resulting in multiple injuries and high tension.

"If you had stayed, we could have more time to save the scientists and workers! If you had listened to orders like I said, none of this would have happened!" Steve Rogers snapped back. Steve had finally had enough of the billionaire, snapping just after Tony had decided to disobey all orders and take matters into his own hands.

The mission had been very straight forward and to the point. There was a science facility on fire, and the local police were unable to handle it. All the Avengers had to do was go in there and save the trapped scientists. Unfortunately, nothing was ever that simple when it came to the Avengers. Cap had made a well thought plan: divide the vast area into section each member was responsible for. It had started routine, but it always does. As the inferno spread, the team had become more desperate as they tried to find the unknown amount of people lost in the blazing structure. The situation was still under control (mostly) until a huge section of Black Widow's building crashed to the ground. Contact was lost, and the minds of every teammate jumped to the worst conclusion. Tony, who had the section closest to Widow's, had immediately begun trying to get to her. Ignoring Cap's orders to stay and keep looking for trapped workers. When he had found her, Natasha happened to be perfectly fine. Angry that Tony had jeopardized the mission, but okay. That's when everything went downhill. With a sudden Whoosh! the building shuddered, and began to collapse in on itself.

"Get out of the building!" Cap had yelled over the intercom. Tony and Natasha had tried to make it out, but Tony's area had completely crumbled, trapping them. If he had been there, Iron Man could have stopped the crumbling. But he wasn't. Captain America had to reenter the fire and dig them out, earning Steve a couple burns and cuts.

Later, the team learned the facility had began it's collapse in Tony's section. If he hadn't left, the collapse could have been avoided. Let's just say, the news didn't go over well with the burned and smoke filled team. Now they were returning home, and Steve and Tony were having one of there "squabbles".

"So you would have me leave a teammate behind if a civilian was involved? One of your own?" Tony demanded, jabbing a finger at Steve's chest.

"That's our job! Protect the innocent no matter what! We all know that! For once in your life, could you not stop being so self obsessed and listen to an order?" Steve snapped coldly. The instant Steve said it, he knew he had crossed a line. Tony's face crumbled for just second, hurt evident in his eyes. But it was short lived. Tony turned away from them all, glaring at the wall.

"Everyone just calm down. Let's all take a break before something is said that will be regretted," Bruce Banner said, stepping forward. Bruce had no memory of what had happened in the building (being Hulk and all) but he gathered it hadn't gone well. Now, Bruce thought, everyone needed to take a breather.

"Bruce is correct, my friends. We cannot let ourselves be divided," Thor added, looking at the two angry men. Steve and Tony glared at each other for a few more seconds, then Tony stormed off without a word. The team watched him go silently.

"Well as fun as this was, I think I'm going to go wash the ash out of my hair," Clint Barton said, wincing at his sore muscles. The other murmured agreements, disappearing into the mansion.

Several hours later found Steve sitting alone in his room. He was staring at one of the few pictures that had been found from his old life. It was a good one though; it showed him (as Captain America) and Bucky standing together, smiling at the camera. A knock on his door roused him from his memories.

"Come in," Steve called. He wasn't surprised to see Clint walk in. The archer was quiet for a moment.

"I think you should go talk to Tony," Clint stated. Steve looked away.

"I can't think of a reason why he would want to see me," Steve responded quietly. He couldn't bring himself to look at the archer. Steve knew he'd messed up, and he knew he had hurt Tony. Clint shrugged, smirking slightly.

"Oh, there's no doubt about that. But you should still go talk to him. He's been moping around his lab for hours." It was true. Tony had refused to see anyone, locking them all out.

"What do you want me to say? Sorry?" Steve asked, not looking at Clint. The man shrugged.

"Whatever you think needs to be said." With that, Clint turned and walked out. Steve sighed, looking back down at the old picture. Thinking over the events of the mission, Steve began to slowly see what Tony was thinking. Steve knew that Tony was annoying, headstrong, even arrogant at times. But he was also incredibly loyal. Tony shouldn't be punished for that. Steve had seen first hand how far a little loyalty can go. After another moment, Steve stood and headed off to Tony's lab.

Tony sat, hunched over, repairing his suit. What else was there to do? Tony hadn't had time to start any new projects (with all the Avenger stuff), so all he had to work on was the dents in his red and yellow armor. Truth be told, Tony could have been done an hour or so ago, but he had purposefully dragged his feet. Tony didn't want to go back and face his team. Especially Steve. The man's words had hurt much more than Tony cared to admit.

'Sir. Mr. Rogers is requesting I let him in. Shall I?' Jarvis' automated voice rang through the lab. Tony's head shot up. He'd been expecting a talk from Clint or maybe Bruce, but from Steve? No way. Tony deliberated for a couple seconds then sighed.

"Yeah Jarvis. Let him in," Tony mumbled, hunching over again. Tony could hear the hiss of the door opening behind him and footsteps approaching him.

"Tony..." Steve didn't know where to begin. He had spent enough time with Tony to read his body language. His hunched form and slow moving hands were obvious signs of Tony's unhappiness.

"Oh hey Steve. Look I'm kind of busy right now, so will you just leave the lecture in writing? Thanks. Goodbye." Tony said all of this without looking up from his work. He tried to sound snarky and cocky, to hide the hurt. Besides, Steve already thought Tony was vain anyway. What did it matter? Right?

"Tony please look at me," Steve said, trying to sound gentle. The young genius froze and his shoulders sagged. He slowly turned around, staring at the ground at Steve's feet. The recently-unfrozen-hero took a step closer to Tony, looking the talented man over. Tony continued to look deliberatly dow as Steve tried to think of good way to say what he wanted. "Tony, I what happened in the building... And what I said, I was-" Tony cut Steve off, stepping away into his desk.

"Steve look it doesn't matter. It's fine," Tony croaked, looking for an escape.

"No it wasn't. Tony, you're a great man, better

then most people I've ever met," Steve pressed on. There were some things that needed to be said, and this was the time. "Calling you self obsessed was wrong. I know why you had to save Widow. It's because you're loyal."

"Loyal? Like a dog?" It was a lame attempt at a joke, but Steve smiled anyway. That was the Tony he knew.

"A little like that I suppose. You couldn't stand the thought of leaving a team member, could you?"

"... No I guess not," Tony agreed. His voice was quiet, but there was a general lighthearted tone to it. Steve knew he was forgiven and all was how it should be.

"Come on. I'm hungry and your lab stinks," Steve joked, wrinkling his nose. Tony stood, his entire being radiating indignation.

"My lab does not smell."

"Whatever you say."

The end! Please comment and stuff!
