
I have finally finished my exams at school! End of term soon! I will be able to update much faster! :D

This fic is sort of 'the delivery' – without graphics (I bet some sicko out there is disappointed) – and a bit of fluff and Kevin worrying.


Kevin paced up and down, hands on his head and practically tearing his hair out with frustration and worry.

The doctors wouldn't let him near Gwen while she was in labour; she was in a lot of pain and he might add stress, and there were... certain 'complications'.

The baby was a week late, and was undergoing changes to its powers (Gwen insisted that the baby's sex should be a surprise), and was showing a lot of Anodite power activity in its DNA, and they hadn't noticed until now, due to normal scans not being able to track alien powers – so it would have Anodite powers in the future, when (IF, Kevin was trying to convince himself) it learnt to access them.

Kevin didn't want that to happen. He wanted his kid to be safe, and not involved in anything to do with aliens, bad guys, the Plumbers, or basically anything dangerous. He didn't want his kid to become caught up in the mess that Kevin called his life, or know about his 'job' – tracking down and killing bad guys for the Plumbers. No doubt he/she would want to join in.

But it wasn't just that.

As an Osmorsian, when Kevin absorbed too much, or a dangerous type of, energy he would go slightly insane, and wanted to kill people, and once he even tried to kill Gwen. No, wait, not just once... many times he had tried to end her life, and each time he had succeeded in hurting her in some way. Kevin didn't want to kill or harm his own kid, or even scare him or her.

No matter how hard Kevin tried, he kept turning into a monster. Three times, he had been mutated. Three times.

Kevin gulped suddenly. What if his kid showed Osmorsian powers too? Would it turn into a monster, and try to kill or hurt anyone? Would it get thrown in the Null Void like its father had, its life ruined? What if the Anodite and Osmorsian powers reacted and the child had strange powers, or was really powerful, or accidentally destroyed itself? What if-"

Kevin's thoughts were interrupted by a nurse calling his last name out. He nodded at her and walked through the door to the labour ward or whatever, his heart beating fast.

Gwen looked up at her fiancé, holding a small figure in a blanket. "Our daughter," she whispered.

Kevin was filled with pure joy.

His world seemed to slow down for a second as he looked at his beautiful fiancée, Gwen, holding his new baby daughter. She had her mother's green eyes and a bit of short black hair on her head. And she was so tiny, so delicate. A month ago, they had decided on Jaylynn (pronounced jay-lin) for a girl, and it seemed perfect for this child.

Kevin walked closer and knelt, smiling and taking Gwen's free hand in his. She kissed him on the cheek, and they watched the baby sleep for a while, thinking about how perfect their lives were now.

Kevin sighed happily. Those two girls were the only people now in Kevin's life that really mattered. His own life, he found, did not matter as much to him as it did before, and he was going to spent the rest of it with them, he was sure. He would be a good husband and father.

This was his family – Kevin, Gwen, and their baby daughter Jaylynn.

Soz it was so short! Did you like it? I'll be working on another fic soon, it will have a rape in probably. Kevin/Gwen. Tomorrow, maybe.


Please review!