Last chapter guys. Hope you like it!
Chapter 14
Halt didn't understand. Alyss was at Redmont, right? But Will seemed so sure in his sorry state. He kept telling them over and over again that the men had Alyss too. Will said she had been captured days and days ago, but Halt had just seen her yesterday morning. So he came to the conclusion they must have said it to Will as a way of torture. Everybody knew Will loves his soon-to-be-wife.
Gilan was extremely relieved to get his best friend and brother (if not in blood) back. They finally found Will. He was wounded and his spirit was broken, but they would patch that up. It would heal with time, they all knew. At last he was going home again. Horace seemed exuberant too. He was worried about his best friend's health, but happy. There was continually a grin plastered on his face, just as on his own face, Gilan imagined. Even Halt had cracked a small smile.
Will was relieved they finally found him, but at the same time he was terrified about what might have happened to Alyss. But now he could go and save her himself. He noticed they were almost at the castle. Will rode with Horace, since Kicker wasn't laden down with full armour. The horse barely noticed the extra weight, especially since Will was starved past the point of passing out. The only thing that kept him going was the thought of Alyss. Horace needed to steady him, since Will had almost fallen off Kicker twice already. He saw the castle coming closer, looming ahead majestically. The trees around him came in lesser amounts, for safety reasons. The sun had reached the sky and was warming their faces. Will felt Horace's strong hand on his shoulder. He was inches from sleep, lulled by the pattern of the horse and the feeling of safety. He tiredly closed his eyes.
Alyss rushed in the chamber she was told Will was in.
"Where is he, is he doing okay?" Her normal, ever-calm façade dropped. She had a blush on her cheeks from running, her eyes searched the room. When they fell on her boyfriend, she was shocked. He was pale white, extremely thin and his bare torso was filled with cuts and bruises. The healer was working on bandaging everything up, cleaning the cuts so they wouldn't get infected. She went to help him. Pauline came in behind Alyss.
Halt had brought Will straight to the healer. Malcolm was glad to see Will again, and went to work immediately. He had to clean Will's body before he could even start on giving medical attention. Will stayed asleep through the whole ordeal. He didn't even wake when Alyss came in and started stroking his hair.
Wills head felt fuzzy. He felt warm, for the first time in weeks. All he had felt before was that dreadful cold eating him, consuming his insides. He could feel he was in a bed, and someone was stroking his hair. He felt content. After a while the memories of the day before came rushing in and he fought to open his eyes. After blinking and squinting for a while he could see. In the room was a dim light but for his eyes it was still very bright. Someone sat next to him, it took him a while but then he saw it was Alyss, his wife. He brought his hand to her cheek. She was startled but seemed relieved.
"Alyss?" he croaked out. She nodded, and he felt waves of relief washing over him. "Were you saved too?" Will asked, concern filling his warm brown eyes. This made her look at him in confusion. She told him she was never captured, but was worried when he didn't believe her. "They told me, they said…I was sure you were. How?" He looked so broken. Alyss made him drink some tea and soup which had been left for when Will woke up. He devoured them hungrily as Alyss told her tale of what she had done when he was gone. Most of it involved worrying. At the end, Will's eyelids were drooping closed. She kept stroking his brown hair until they both fell asleep.
Will had been nursed to health by Malcolm and was allowed to go back to work. He had been at the cabin for a while now, together with his wife, as they were married now. His physical wounds had been healed weeks ago and he was training hard to get back into shape. He was back, Alyss thought. They had also made sure all of the poison was out of his system, and that he was eating all the right things and drinking the disgusting (in Will's opinion) teas Malcolm had told him to. He was, under no circumstances, to drink coffee. Other than that, they got along very well. They had talked for hours about his experiences. He felt great.
Alyss had her head on Wills shoulder, sitting next to him on the bench on the veranda. It was a wonderfully warm night, Will had his legs up on the table and his lap filled with important looking letters, all the important looking seals untouched. Instead he was gently cuddling Alyss, one hand in her soft, shiny blond hair, his other hand in hers. On both their faces was a faint smile and in both their hearts was the feeling of love. Together they looked at the fading sunlight, which was lighting their faces after battling his way through the trees. They sat like that for a long, long time, revelling in each other's company.
That was it, the end. Sorry if it seemed rushed, but if I had to talk about his whole healing proces, it would be the same as the first chapters. Who saw what I did in the last paragraph? Cookie for those who have the right answer. :D
I hope you enjoyed this story. I did, now I have to go plot bunny hunting again...