Chapter 10: Did You Miss Me? (Epilogue)

It was white. Pure white. Where was she? Her body ached, any move making her want to scream, even if it were just a finger. Beeps were sounding through out her ears. It was loud. Real loud. Like there was nothing else around, just the sound of the annoying and irritating beeping. What happened? The Grill. Damon. Kiss. Stefan. Bomb. Throwing herself forward, she gasped in pain as she forced her eyes open and looked around her, her heart racing. A hospital room. No no no. Last time this happened, she was Katherine. Rubbing her eyes, she took a slow breath. This wasn't good. She wanted back so this wouldn't happen and so Damon wouldn't die. Damon won't be dead. She saved him. He had to be okay. He just had to. If he wasn't, then none of what she went through is worth it and she couldn't live without Damon. She'd rather have no life at all.

Getting up from the bed slowly, she held back a cry and groaned out loud. Her body was on fire, her bones felt like glass that were going to shatter and her head was drumming a beat that she couldn't describe. Pressing her hands down on the bed, her head hung as she breathed deeply, trying to control the pain. Hearing the door open, she forced her head up and seen crystal blue eyes staring back at her, concern written over his face, his leather jacket hugging him as she let out a sigh of relief, tears springing to her eyes. She was herself. Oh god, she was herself. A sob escaped her lips as Damon's eyes showed alarm.

"Damon." Elena murmured as he walked around the bed, walking in strides before taking her into his arms.
"Oh Lena." He buries his face into her neck, one hand pressing against her lower back and the other cupping the back of her head.
"I'm okay. I'm okay." She told him, tears falling down her cheeks as she placed her hands on his neck and pressed a kiss to the side of his neck.
"I thought I'd lost you." He told her, pulling away as he looked her over, his cheek swiping over her cheek softly, wiping her falling tears.

" did am I alive?" Elena questioned quietly, staring up into his eyes, knowing that Stefan had trapped her when the bomb went off.
"I don't know what happened Lena. I was outside when I heard the bomb. I couldn't find you anywhere outside. I was worried. I went inside, looking around. I found...Stefan first...his body was over yours Elena. Maybe he was saving you?"

Elena shook her head, a laugh slipping from her lips as she looked up at him, her fingertips grazing his cheek lightly, her eyes meeting his. He frowned softly, seeing the look in her eyes and the shaking of her head. Save her? More like trying to take her and kill her straight out, so that he could run off and be happy, knowing that she wouldn't be happy with anyone else. He was like a spoilt brat. He didn't care about anything, but himself.

"He set the bomb Damon. I tried to get out...and he held me back. dead." The brunette spoke sadly, a lump in her throat.
"H...he what?" Damon asked in shock, his eyes burning with rage and fire as he thought about why Stefan would do that.
"He said...he had enough of me. He didn't want me anymore...want me around." Shrugging lightly, she cleared her throat, remembering the pain radiating in her body.

"Lena...I'm so sorry. If I had any idea." He explained, his eyes full of despair.
" wasn't your fault. You didn't do anything. You aren't in charge of your brothers actions Damon. He brought this on himself." She told him.
"He's dead Elena." Damon told her, sadness in her eyes as she looked up wide-eyed.

"What? D...dead? How? How is he dead?" Tears began raising to the surface of her eyes again as he looked like he was about to burst too.
"Wood. In his back. Chairs and tables huh? Figures they'd be back to kill him one day." His blue eyes flashed with regret, before it was gone again.

Elena looked up at him, watching the emotions play out in his eyes. Sadness, regret, despair, devastation. She didn't know what to do. She wa sad, she loves Stefan at one point before he changed. But it was Damon's brother, his baby brother. He had no one else. All of his family were dead. All he had left was...her and Alaric. That's it. Swallowing, she watched him, her eyes filled with tears.

"Damon?" She whispered softly as he looked down at her, snapping out of his thoughts.
"Hmm?" He leaned into her touch as she raised her hand and placed it against his cheek.
"I love you." Damon's eyes opened quickly as he stared at her, his eyes showing shock as she smiled softly, repeating it, "I love you Damon."

" do?" He whispered in confusion, his voice uncertain.
"Why else do you think I kissed you in the middle of the Grill, hmm?" The brunette asked him in amusement.
"You were bored?" Damon responded with a small smirk as she laughed, leaning up and pressing her lips to his softly.
"I was bored of denying my feelings for you. I love you and I hate pretending that I don't. I don't want to play safe anymore. I want you."

Damon looked at her, his eyes glazing with happiness as his fingers stroked through the ends of her hair, tipping her head back gently as he pressed his lips against her, moving his against hers slowly as she responded, leaning against him, her body finally finding home.

"I love you too Elena." Opening her eyes, she stared up at him, grinning and kissed him again.
"As much as I don't want to ruin this moment, the pain is killing me and I need to lie down." Elena told him with a laugh as Damon chuckled, helping her into the bed and stroking her hair back gently.

"Where is he?" Elena asked softly as Damon licked his lips, sitting on the edge of the bed as he took her hand, lacing their fingers.
"In the cellar of the Boarding House. I didn't know what to do with him. I didn't want to bury him in the forest like another person I drained, he's my brother."

Nodding gently, she lifted his hand and pressed kisses to his fingertips, enjoying the company. She could do this for hours. Moving her kisses down to his palm, she watched as his eyes showed vulnerability. How could she not love this man? He was beautiful. Inside and out. Why had it taken her so long?

Shrieking, she ran down the road as fast as she could, laughing as Damon pinned her against the wall of a house at vampire speed, a smirk on his face. Giggling, she placed her hands on his uppers arms and shook her head, narrowing her eyes, trying to come across all serious. But she couldn't, she never could with Damon. He brought out the fun child inside her. He made her be who she wanted to be, who she was afraid to show when he loved it.

"You cheated. You said you wouldn't run at vampire speed if I ran." Elena told him, smiling big.
"I lied. No fingers crossed beauty." He responded, stroking his finger against her cheek as he pressed a kiss to her lips.
"Still cheated Mr Salvatore. Don't try to make me forget." She gave him a look as he smirked and laughed, his lips moving to rest against her cheek.

"Pretty hard to make you forget. You have a memory like no one else." Laughing, she pressed her hand to his cheek.
"We're going to be late mister. We have to get to the Grill." Elena warned him as his hands began roaming.
"Uh, why did you have to wear the shortest dress?" He groaned, moving his face to her neck as he kissed her and moved at vampire speed, until they were standing in front of the Grill.

Laughing, she kissed his cheek and took his hand, lacing their fingers as she walked in with him, holding present under her arm and looked around for the birthday girl in question. After seeing the blonde hair, she grinned and looked at Damon as he ushered towards the bar. Nodding, she kissed his lips and walked through the crowd to Caroline and tapped her shoulder. The blonde stopped talking to the boy who had her distracted and turned around, a grin on her face as she seen her best friend.

"Elena!" Caroline shrieked, hugging her tight as the brunette laughed.
"Happy Birthday Miss Caroline, here is your present." Holding out her present, she watched as her eyes enlarged.
"For me!?" Ripping the present open, she found a pair of pink pumps, causing her to squeal, "I love you Elena Gilbert!"
"I love you too Caroline." Shaking her head, she laughed as Caroline put the lid back on the box and placed it on the present table, before turning to her.
"So, how are you and Damon? It's been a month now right?" The blonde asked.

That was right. It has been a month since the explosion in the Grill and it had been a month since her and Damon began dating. It had been a month of amazement. Fights here and there, but it made them stronger. They had buried Stefan properly, his own grave and everything, with his favourite flowers. It was hard, but they did it together, like they did everything else. It's what made them Damon and Elena. Elena and Damon. Together. They did everything that was supposed to be done. They did everything as a couple. Elena was there for him when he felt like he was going to break down and he was there vice versa.

"Yeah. A month today." Elena told her with a shy smile as Caroline gasped.
"And you're here!? Why aren't you getting hot under the covers woman?" The blonde shook her head in disapproval.

"Uh, because a certain easy tempered blonde would be on my back, checking up on my whereabouts. It's your birthday Car. You're my friend."
"And it's YOUR one month anniversary." Shaking her head, she grinned, "I really do love you, ditching your plans for me."
"You better love me, the plans were GREAT." They both laughed, hugging each other tightly.
"Well, the least I can do is let you go and see your man. I bet you already miss him." Caroline told her.
" a matter of fact, I do." Grinning, she waved at blonde and pushed through the crowd, looking for the man with eyes who captured her heart and soul.

Making her way to the bar, she seen him sitting and sipping his bourbon as he looked around, his eyes taking in the crowd. Grinning, she knew he was looking for her and walked up the small steps as she wrapped her arms around his waist from behind hugging him close as he let out a chuckle.

"There you are." He spoke, turning around as he pressed a kiss to her head and held her close against him, causing her to blush.
"Here I am." Leaning against him, her eyes scanned the bar as he played with her hair, sipping his bourbon on occasions.
"When we get out of here, were taking a quick detour." He told her as she looked up at him, smiling softly.
"Okay, can we leave now then?" She asked innocently as he looked at her, smirking.

"You wanna skip out on your best friend's birthday?" He questioned, quirking an eyebrow.
"She gave me permission."
"Okay, let's move it." He grinned, knocking back the rest of his bourbon as he took her hand in his and led her out of the Mystic Grill and pulled her close against him, "Close your eyes."

Elena looked up at him, nodding softly and closed her eyes tightly as she felt the wind against her, she knew they were moving fast, but she didn't know where they were moving to. Once she felt them come to a stop, she slowly opened her eyes and gasped. They were on top of the Falls. It was beautiful.

"I wanted to do something nice for our month anniversary." He shrugged softly, looking around, "This seemed nice."
"Nice? It's amazing. I love it. thank you." Leaning up, she pressed a soft kiss to his lips as he smiled softly.
"You're welcome."

Moving to the edge, she watched the water and smiled. It was wonderful how the world worked. Waterfalls, the sea, rivers. They all went around in circles, coming from the same place, going to the same place. Just a repetitive circle. Hugging herself, she let out a sigh of content as Damon walked up behind her, pulling her back against him gently and leaned his chin on top of her head, looking at the view with a smile.

"I love you." He told her, giving her a small squeeze.
"I love you too Damon and YOU better not forget it." She gave him a grin as he laughed and kissed her slowly, nudging his nose against hers.

"Well is this not nice?" Their heads whipped around as Elena went wide-eyed.
"Katherine?" She whispered in relief.
"Did you miss me?" Katherine smirked, watching them two of them.


Hey everyone, well this is the END unfortunately of this story :D I have LOVED writing it. It was really fun to write and the reviews I got were great. Thank you, thank you, thank you! I hope you liked the ending. DON'T HATE ME. I know I left it on a cliff hanger. I'm leaving your mind to imagine.
