Despite Slavery being illegal. Kim possible is owned by one of only to organization in the country allowed slavery. No, not the Government. Disney. The talk was an idea from a reponder slightly changed. (Also Kims pleas are purposly broken in grammar to show desperation.)
They stared at each other for a minute before Kim began, "Ron, I.." but Ron interupted her.
"Kim, Don't say your sorry. I know you are but Kim. It hurt. Not just the kick but your lack of trust. Kim, I went to the Jungle to find a flower to save you while you went on a date. Why did you think I would make up something about the diablos?" He continued with only the shortest of pause, "Kim, I have helped you save the world. I have fought villians for you and have faced my many many fears for you why did you not listen?"
"Ron, I was afraid. Afxraid you were trying to seperate Eric from me. Afraid you would make me choose. Afraid because I knew who I would choose." seeing his face begin to fall she continues, "Afraid because I knew I would choose you. Afraid what it would mean for our friendship. Ron, since the Modulator incident I have begun to have feelings for you. I know now I was falling in love with you and realized tonight. After, you fought Drakken, that the wory I felt for you was not a worry for a friend but for a man I" she paused and took a ragged breath, "A man I love." she sobs out.
"Ron, I know you will likely never forgive me for kicking you, for not believing you but I am selfish enough to ask you to try, please try to forgive me." Kim continues to cry.
Ron reaches out and brushes away the tears from her face with his thumb feeling the moisture trail behind his thumb as it attempted to cling to it.
"Kim, I love you. I think I always have but." Ron takes a deep breath, "I am afraid to. I am afraid that you will fall for the next 'hottie' at the school. The next Josh or Eric to come along. I don't think I could stand it. Kim, I can't keep giving everything to this, whatever this is, I just can't. Not without getting the same in return. Maybe it would be better if I were to leave. To go to Japan." Ron ends.
"NO! Please Ron." Kim begs, "Don't go. Please. I know how I have acted is wrong. I was forced to realize today between your words and actions as well as my mothers how my actions have hurt you but please stay. Please." Kim cried.
"Kim," ron begins only for Kim to cut him off
"No, Ron please, stay. Stay with me, Please Ron. Promise me, Promise me you won't go." Kim begs.
"I can't promise never to leave, Kim" Ron says, "But I do promise that as long as you want me I will be there." With that a dam that had been built over the years between the two. One made to hold back there feelings broke under the pressure of the night. They soon found themselve kissing. Not a sweet first kiss of a fairy tale but a hungry one. One laced with a desire to express there need for one another. A Kiss to show how they felt.
Just as the kiss was reaching its peek where the waves of the held back emotions would lead to a washing away of all thoughts, and likely cloths, Ron pulled back and let lose his first real, full smile for weeks.
"I do believe I should walk the Lady Home." Ron states, "Least you are out past curfew and your father introduces me to zero gravity."
This cause Kim to giggle, "You always knows what to say to make me happy, Ron" she internly moans though, 'But your timing tonights sucks.'
They straighten themselves out and begin the short but slow walk to the Possible Home.
Dr. Director sat in her office watching the tape of Ronalds actions and reviewing the Ron factor results as she sipped a glass of burbon. Her third of the night. As she reaches for her glass on her desk in front of her she suddenly notices that she is not alone in the room. Standing in front of her desk is a figure dressed all in black. She suddenly reaches for the .45 government she keeps in her desk only to find a second figure is behind her holding a knife to her throat.
"Hello, Madam Director. How are you today?" asks the figure in a whispering manor.
Betty swallows nervously. She recognizes the voice. Her eyes take in the figure in black. She knows that the figure in front of her is not an agent of the same agency as the one with the blade resting on her throat.
"Is he with you?" asks the Director.
"He is with my nephew. Though he does not know it." responds the voice.
"I have to know which are you today?" Director asks nervously.
"Today, I am a proud uncle. I am me. I am not Marres, today." replies the voice as the knife is removed.
Betty lets out a breath she had not realized she was holding. She would likely not die today.
"Your Nephew really stepped up today. He saved the world." states the Director as the figure steps in front of the desk.
The figure smiles, "Yes, he did and better then I ever have. His hands remain unstained. He has yet to murder as I have." He holds up his hand to stop any reply, "I have murdered; it was for the right reasons of course and with my governments permission but murder none the less, they were not soldiers in uniform but scientists in the factories I blew up. Civilians."
Betty sighs.
"So you are not here to talk small talk. What do you want and who is this?" the director asks while pointing towards the figure in black who has stood silently and unmoving the entire time. Still as the night. A mark of a perfessional. A killer. One who knows death.
"That is a long story but you need to here it." Ron's uncle replies as he pours himself a drink.
Betty knows in her heart she will not like this story. This suspetion is made certain when the silent figure removes his head covering to show he is in fact a she. A girl betty has seen before. Her name is Yori. Betty downs her glass and refills it.
A hangover might be less painful then the conversations she will likely have tomorrow with the U.N. Oversight comitte and the President.