Note: This will take place in the anime time line. I will only use the manga if A) I don't feel like going back and forth over the same part over and over again… which, now that I think about it, is always… so… NOW this story will take place with the anime timeline! No, now that I've read it, I think I'll go back to the anime timeline. ^.^

Another Note: Includes references to unwritten chapters of my other story, ASL, so be on the lookout for something that may not belong that looks like it could fit the profile

Enjoy, and remember. I OWN NOTHING. And things will be a little OOC

Inu Talk


Chapter 1

It was a fine morning in the village of Edo. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and there had been no demon attacks since Naraku had been purified to the darkest pit of hell. "SIT!" Spoke too soon.

"Inuyasha! I told you as soon as you refused the wish I gave you, that I was going to use it to send the bad demons somewhere! It doesn't mean you'll be going with them!" our favorite fifteen year old time traveler yelled to our favorite silver-haired hanyou.

"For all you know, the jewel could send EVERY demon to HELL because you weren't being specific!" Inuyasha yelled back.

"If it will make you feel better, I'll tell you my wish so you can approve it and we can move on with our lives," Kagome said, much more calmly.

"Yeah," Inuyasha agreed, obviously liking that he had a say in the wish, even if he did refuse to become a full demon.

"Alright, my wish is 'I wish that every demon, besides those that rarely go into a bloodlust, who also wish to stay, will be sent to their own world'," Kagome wished, totally forgetting that the jewel was around her neck.

"Um… Kagome… You didn't give me the jewel… You just made the wish…" Inuyasha was so dumbstruck that the girl who had saved the world so many times over, went through the 'boot camp from hell', aka Sesshomaru's personal training, Sango's brutal taijiya training, and the training from a traveling miko who they let travel with them in exchange for Kagome's training, could do something as stupid as accidentally making a wish on the jewel.

A flash of blinding white light came from the jewel, the Shikon no tama, aka the Jewel of Four Souls. When it died down, everything looked to be the same. The only difference was that there were next to no demon auras in a hundred mile radius.

"Um… You're still here… and so am I… that's a good sign, right?" Kagome asked, clearly expecting to have been sent back to her era when she made the wish.

"Yeah, I guess so…"

"We will talk soon… but before we do, you need to say good-bye to your friends…" a strange voice said, not attached to a body.

"Wh-what?" Kagome asked, looking around for the voice.

"I said 'Yeah, I guess so.' Do you ever listen to a word I say?" Inuyasha said, taking the 'female' role in the argument. (seriously, I made him sound like a girl when she bickers with her boyfriend/husband)

"Uh, not you Inuyasha… I just heard a voice. It told me to say good-bye to my friends and that we would talk soon…"

"Say good-bye… you need to leave… you have duties elsewhere… Say good-bye and meet me at the well… if I am not there, go through it…" the body-less voice said again.

"You didn't hear that?" Kagome said, scared and a little sad. Scared from the fact that, if the voice had its way, she would never see her friends again. Sad because, well, she's not done being Destiny's plaything.

"Hear what?" Inuyasha asked.

That did it. "To quote Romeo, "I am fortune's fool". I am going to be going somewhere if this voice I can here has its way…"

"Who's Romeo, and what's a 'fortune's fool'?" Inuyasha asked, not even hearing anything after the part he didn't understand.

"Romeo is a character in a play written by Shakespeare, the famous play writer of Elizabethian times. Remember that one play I had to study and, when you heard it started with a fight scene, you made me read it to you. If you had remembered, it means 'I am fates plaything.' (sorry, reading Romeo & Juliet in class and couldn't resist) But, tis not the fates that I am a plaything for, tis Lady Destiny."

"Oh, right," Inuyasha paused for a moment. He then suddenly shouted, "YOU HAVE TO LEAVE AGAIN! AND YOU MIGHT NEVER COME BACK THIS TIME!"

"I'm afraid of what the voice will do if I don't go into the next part of my destiny… For all we know, it could destroy my family should I not listen…"

Inuyasha pulled Kagome into a hug. "Kagome," Inuyasha whispered, knowing full well she could hear him, "You should go. If wherever you're going this time is somewhere in which I still live, I'll know and I'll come find you." Pulling away, he added, "I'll even bring the brat with me if we still travel together."

The look that passed between them was full of pure love, but not that of lovers. No, it was that of sibling. After Kagome's taijiya training and miko training, but before Sesshomaru's training, Kagome had befriended the 'ice prince', Lord Sesshomaru. Shortly after, Inuyasha and Sesshomaru's fights went to a minimum, and started to form a bond of sorts. This soon grew to where they could be in each other's presence for hours without them fighting. After a while, Inuyasha, Sesshomaru, and Kagome, who had also been growing closer to the two of them also, had a blood bond to make each other blood siblings (yeah, I know, I'm soooo original). While Inuyasha and Sesshomaru were already siblings, this just made it official. Sesshomaru got a higher tolerance of purification and the ability to use the Tetsusaiga if Inuyasha gave him permission, Inuyasha also got a higher purification tolerance of purification and the ability to use the poison claws his family was famous for, while Kagome got senses that were heightened to almost equal Sesshomaru's, including strength, and the ability to speak Inu and Ookami, considering they're in the same family.

Next to nothing about their physical forms changed. Kagome just gained a faint crescent moon 'tattoo' on her forehead and a faint silver inu puppy 'tattoo' on her upper right arm. Inuyasha also gained a faint crescent moon on his forehead, but his was more noticeable than Kagome's. He also got a slightly noticeable 'tattoo' of a longbow and arrow crossing over each other on his upper left arm. Sesshomaru gained the same longbow/arrow mark in the same place as Inuyasha, only his was as noticeable as his moon marking. He also gained the same puppy mark as Kagome, but just as noticeable as his other marks.

"I need to go say good-bye now…" Kagome said, turning away. "Meet me at the well, we're saying our good-byes there…"

And so, while Inuyasha dragged his feet to the well, Kagome went to gather everyone that was there.

Everyone at the village knew something was wrong. There was a blinding flash of light, and then, when it cleared, a sense of peace surrounded them, like it was safer than it ever had been for them. This was the reason why Shippo didn't attack Kagome when she returned, simply walked up to her and jumped into her arms, wanting the sense of danger to go away. Sango and Miroku came out, Miroku not trying anything for once, and Kirara was trying to get the same comfort Shippo wanted from Sango.

"Lady Kagome, did you wish on the jewel?" Miroku asked.

"It was an accident, but yes, I did. Now I've found out there's more to my destiny than this. I need to say good-bye, but we're doing it at the well…" Kagome said quickly.

"M-mama… I-I don't want you t' g-go…" Shippo cried.

"S'okay Shippo… Inuyasha promised to take care of you, and he said that if you two are there, wherever I end up, that he'll take you with him to find me…" Kagome soothed.

Sango, having been quiet this whole time, spoke up. "Well, we don't want to keep you from being, what did you say that time, 'fortune's fool'." While she was obviously trying to be cheerful, trying to make Kagome's last memory of her a good one, she had tears running down her cheeks in streams.

"Meow!" Kirara agreed, stopping trying to get rid of the dangerous feel long enough to show that she was crying streams too, considering how wet her fur was. The fact that she was spreading it around didn't help that fact.

So, they started to walk to the well. "Kagome," Miroku said, just using her name for once. "What exactly was you wish? I can barely feel anyone's youki, except those of some of our friend, minus a couple."

"Yeah, after that light, a sense of peace flooded through me, immediately followed by a sense that I didn't need to be a demon slayer anymore, I felt useless," Sango butted in.

"You felt PEACE! I HAVEN'T STOPPED FEELING LIKE I'VE BEEN IN DANGER SINCE!" Shippo exclaimed, still scared.

"I might be able to answer that," Kagome said, drawing the spotlight to her. "I wished that all the demons, minus those who rarely went into a bloodlust and also wanted to stay, would be sent to their own world."

"I-I guess that explains it… I'm too young to go into a bloodlust, so I can't be counted yet, and Kirara has yet to show that she doesn't go into a bloodlust much…"

"Hey," Inuyasha said as they arrived.

"We should start now, so it doesn't get any harder," Miroku suggested.

Kagome stepped up to Miroku first, but before either could say anything, some people came out of the bushes. Those people turned out to be Kaede, who had been gathering herbs when Kagome went to the village, Sesshomaru, Koga, Ayame, Kagura, Kanna, and Hakudoshi. Koga mated Ayame, stopping her resentment towards Kagome. Kagura, Kanna, and Hakudoshi had finally been released from Naraku's control. Kagura became their ally, along with Kanna, who was only a void demon because Naraku forced everything out of her, including her color somehow (hint hint), and Hakudoshi, who Naraku had stolen all of his positive emotions from. They were all very enjoyable once they had their free will.

"H-hello everyo-one," Kagome stuttered, trying to hold back a fresh wave of tears. They obviously came when Inuyasha told them that Kagome was leaving. He didn't even have time to ask them to come before they left. She then stepped up to Hakudoshi.

"You're just like the annoying little brother I never wanted once you got your free will back…" Kagome whispered, giving him a tight hug.

"A-and you're like the mean big sister I never wanted, once I got to know you…" Hakudoshi said, before breaking down into sobs, hugging her back just as tightly. He then quickly let go, and pulled something out of the sleeve of his haori. "We all knew this day would happen soon, so we all got gifts for you and started to carry them around with us…" he explained, handing her the small rectangular box. Inside was a weird-looking dagger with a hole on the bottom. It was all black, minus the gray cloth for grip and the pink carvings on one side and green carvings on the other. "It's a d-dagger-like weapon called a kunai… made f-from demon bone… I put a spell on it in pink, girls like pink, right? The spell makes the kunai go back to its owner, or whoever the owner may have lent it to. I-it also has all of our names inscribed in green on the other side, so you'll never forget any of us."

"T-thank you so much Hakudoshi!" Kagome exclaimed pulling him into another hug. She then let go before it became too much. She then went in front of Kanna (too lazy to do all the farewells, so let's skip to what she got, in order).

From Kanna, she got a dull crimson sack with a gold rope on top that will heal its 'wounds', was charmed so it would hold more than Kagome's yellow pack, and had an inscription of Kagome's name (she's going to put almost all of her presents in there), from Kagura came her own fan, with both her and Kagome's name inscribed on either side. From Koga and Ayame, she got some of the pelts of their fallen enemies, one was that of the fire rat, another with fur as soft as silk, but as tough as steel, etc. From Sesshomaru, she got a sword made from everyone's fangs/ teeth, considering the humans wanted to pitch in. The blade was a steel gray with a red tint, almost like it had absorbed some blood it has spilled. That was impossible, though, because it hasn't and can't be used unless Kagome pulls it out of its sheath herself. The sheath looked like some kid had put random finger paints on it, but, if one were to look closely, one would see that it was really an intricate carving of Kagome and all of the friends she had made along the way, even those that have already passed.

She stepped up to Sango next. "S-Sango-" She was cut off by the very person she was trying to talk to.

"Sh, Kagome, Kirara wants to give you her gift first…"

"K-Kirara… got me… a gift too…" And said neko hopped off Sango's shoulder to go into the foliage. She came back dragging a thin silk blanket that was so full it was barely held together. It was stuffed with demon bones.

"Meow," Kirara said, sitting in her normal position, eyes watching her intently.

"K-Kirara… T-thank you s-so m-much…" Kagome said. She bent down to pick up the bag and put it in Kanna's, but was surprised when, when Kagome got low enough, Kirara bumped her black diamond marking on her forehead against Kagome's faint crescent marking. All the demons gasped, surprised at her choice of gift.

"Th-there… tis done…" said a petite and obviously sad voice.

"Wh-what?" Kagome said, obviously confused. Some random person spoke and it came from the direction of… Kirara. "Kirara… did you just talk?"

"Yes. You see, when an animalistic demon is born with a marking in a shape of their forehead, like my diamond, or Sesshomaru's moon, they have the ability to give those they see as family, but cannot speak their language, the ability to do so. But this does not mean Sesshomaru can do it. He is a humanoid demon, a demon with a human form. His means he's very important in demon standards, while I, an animalistic demon, a demon without a human form, have one that will give you the tongue of cat," Kirara explained. "Tis also a very high honor when given to a human.

"Why didn't you give Sango this ability, then?" Kagome asked, genuinely curious.

"I did, she does not know it though. How did you think we communicated so well on the battle field?"

"Th-Thank you so much Kirara!" Kagome exclaimed, hugging the now transformed Kirara, who saw what action she was going to perform.

"You're welcome… sister…" Kirara purred. (back to fast forward mode, cuz I thought you'd like to know why Kagome can speak cat later)

After many tears and stuttered good-byes, Sango gave her a complete set of demon bone weapons. Miroku, after, surprisingly no groping, gave her instructions on how to summon any animal of her choice. Shippo gave her set of demon bone shuriken, enough to have one name of each member of both her original and her second family. They also had the same spell Hakudoshi's had. They had made their stuff together. Kaede gave a homemade pamphlet on the both the basics on being a miko, to the more advanced stuff, like healing demons. Inuyasha gave her a charm-bracelet-like necklace. It had charms from all her friends on it. A mother wolf with her cub from Ayame and Koga, a longbow crossed with an arrow from Kaede, a tiny Hiraikotsu from Sango, a stack of sutras from Miroku, a halberd from Hakudoshi, a mirror from Kanna, a fan from Kagura, a fox cub from Shippo, a neko and an inu sitting side by side from Kirara and Inuyasha, and a tiny version of Sesshomaru in his true form from, well, Sesshomaru.

Kagome quickly scurried over to the well and stared down it. Before she lost her nerve, she said, "Good-bye, everyone…" before hopping into the well, her arms getting goose bumps from the wind. A couple months ago, she stopped wearing her uniform to the feudal era and stared wearing something different. She wore a sleeveless Chinese style top (think TenTen) that was silver with midnight black trimming. She also wore matching baggy silver pants with silver slipper-like shoes (think Youko Kurama). She also kept her hair up at the base of her neck by a blood crimson hair tie.

Before the light had a chance to envelope her, she heard Sango yell down, "You just wait, Kagome! Now that there are only nice demons here, I'm going become a shinobi! When you get where you're going, there's going to be a village there, and it will have my descendants living in it. So, even if we'll never see each other again directly, we have a chance through them, or maybe even a reincarnation!"

"I can't wait…" Kagome whispered as the light enveloped her, only this one was different. It started out blue with white stars for a second, then there was a flash of light, and then the scene was reversed. "Wh-what?"


Huh? Kagome thought turning this way and that, trying to locate the source.

"Silly girl, look down."

She did that and saw that she was standing on what appeared to be a reflective white floor. What surprised her the most was the fact that the reflection wasn't her own, but that of Midoriko.

"Bring your hand down, I need help getting up," she said, enjoying the stunned girl's expression.

"Kagome," she said, interrupting what said girl was about to say. "You have created an alternate reality when you made that wish. The wording was different than it should have been, and therefore created another universe. When a universe is created, there is always someone who has the ability to look into it. This is how anime, manga, certain cartoons, a few other T.V. shows, and even certain books were created, by looking into another reality. The reality you've created you know quite well, it was even an obsession at one point-"

"Was it Bleach?" Kagome asked quickly, excited that she got to live in one of her favorite anime.


"Death Note?" (I don't actually watch these shows, but I know they exist, soooo)


"Fruits Basket?" (the manga was WAY better than the anime)

"FOR PETES SAKE, WOMAN, LET ME TALK!" Midoriko yelled, her patience at its limit from this girl who had an obsession with every anime known to man.


"AAAaaanyway, what I was trying to say was that the anime you'll be living in, while it's not shown on the show, your life is an anime there. An anime that next to no one refuses to watch. So, when you tell people your name, and they ask if you're serious, you reply something about your mom liking the name 'Kagome' and that your families last name has been 'Higurashi' for generations. And for petes sake, woman, don't babble on about your life."


"Oh, one last thing, you will be turned into an eleven year old, but, as consolation, you get to take Honey with you, so you're not alone in a new world. This is also a way where, when you're alone, you can actually talk about your adventures without slipping up."

Honey was the new inumata that, while the size and looks of a 8 week old Shih-Tzu puppy, has had years of training in tracking, fighting, and even healing. She is the best in the kennel, not counting the adult dogs. By kennel, I of course mean future Sesshomaru specially breed an inumata puppy for Kagome for when he knew she would finish the boot camp from hell.

Before Kagome could do anything, another flash of white light came and Kagome passed out.


The new genin squad that will be training under Gai, aka Neji, TenTen, and Lee, were heading up to the roof of the academy where they would get to know each other. When they got there everyone, including Gai, was surprised to find a girl passed out of the roof with a dull crimson and gold sack, a katana with a very colorful sheath, a large yellow backpack and a small dark golden Shih-Tzu puppy lying around her.

The puppy was currently licking the girls face, trying to get her to wake up. "Ugh…" she groaned. "Sango… Tell Kirara to stop licking me… I still wanna sleep…" They all looked at her like she was crazy, even Neji, though his wasn't that noticeable. She then jumped up, stumbling a small bit, and went into a fighting position with the sheath of her katana held horizontally in front of her by her left hand and her right was holding the blade partially out of the sheath.

"I may be tired as hell, and have been unconscious, but I still know when someone's questioning my sanity!" the woman said forcefully, like her sanity was the most important thing in the world. TenTen face palmed at what the girl just said. That drew the girl's attention to her. "Wow, didn't think I'd find her this fast…" they all easily heard the girl mutter.

"Um… Why were you looking for me?" TenTen asked.

"Uh- So can someone tell me where I am?" she asked, quickly changing the subject after sheathing her blade. Now they all thought she was loose from a mental institution.

"The Village Hidden in the Leave," said TenTen.

Neji then asked, "Who are you? And how did you not know where you are if you're in the center of the city?"

"Is it not common courtesy that when you want to know someone's name, you state your own first?" she said with a smirk.

"…Neji Hyuga," he said with reluctance. You could tell he was really curious, especially when he noticed the slightly shocked look on her face.

"TenTen." Her face grew even more shocked. She then looked sacredly over at Lee, but seemed to notice something that made her calm down before he answered.

"Rock Lee."

"Kagome Higurashi…" she said reluctantly. Everyone else was quite surprised by the name, considering it was the name of the main character of the hit anime series Inuyasha.

"Uh… how?" the forgotten Gai asked. (so OOC)

"Um… My mom gave me the name Kagome before the anime came out, and my family name has been Higurashi for generations," she said. "Um, I don't mean to interfere, but can someone take me to the Hokage's office. He'll probably want to hear this…" (Now, I know they probably wouldn't trust her that easily, and it annoys me when people do that, but I really need to move things along)

So, in the end, they all somehow forced Neji to take her to the Hokage's office. On the way there, Kagome was trying her hardest to memorize the landscape. Sometime during the trip, Neji had gotten so curious about how she could keep up with him without the use of chakra, that he activated his Byakugan and shifted his position slightly to the left so she wasn't in his blind spot. He was very surprised to see that she had pink chakra that was streaked with yellow.

It was obvious to him that this girl wasn't a ninja. The yellow chakra was that of physical energy, unmixed with spiritual energy, but that wasn't what surprised him. What surprised his was that her spiritual energy was a bright, hot pink. Normally, when spiritual energy is unmixed with physical energy, it's a gray color. When mixed together, the newly created chakra is turned into a blue color. When that chakra is being used in medical jutsu, it changes to a green color. Nowhere in that timeline is the chakra ever pink. Just what is this girl? Neji found himself thinking.

Kagome could feel when he activated his kekkei genkai, but chose to ignore it, instead more interested to know what was going on below them, since they were jumping from rooftop to rooftop. Soon, they were at the Hokage's office, and Neji left when Kagome was called in.

"So… I hear you were unconscious and didn't know where you were when you woke up," the Hokage, Sarutobi, said.

"Yes. Did you happen to catch wind of why I'd come?" Kagome asked nervously.

"Hm… I have been visited in my dreams by the miko Midoriko for years now. Since the anime Inuyasha came out, to be exact. She's been telling me that it was real, and that we have you to thank for creating this world." He then stood up from his chair, walked in front of Kagome, and bowed to her.

"U-um! It's okay! You don't need to bow to me!" Kagome rushed.

"Sorry, Kagome, it's just that you are a legend. Everybody here thinks that the anime and manga was based off of ancient text that was revealed to the public a few months before it was announced to be released. The text told a story similar to that of the plotline of Inuyasha. Now, knowing the text was true, and that we have you to thank for us even being here, I just felt we owed you a great debt. You have saved the lives of many, including those that live in the Hidden Leaf Village."

Kagome then seemed to remember something. "Who… started this village?"

"The First Hokage. But, there is a fact only known to the Hokage. The person who encouraged the First to start the village, the first Leaf-nin in existence, was an ancestor of TenTen. The thing about that is that that person's ancestor was said to be a person from the text, but that would also mean that TenTen is related to someone you had once knew."

"S-Sango… I think she was related to Sango…" Kagome confessed. But I also think she's her reincarnation… is the thought Kagome refused to share.

"Is there a way to know for sure?" the Sarutobi asked, clearly curious if the new genin that was so skilled in weapons would be related to one of the two females on the team that helped destroy Naraku and bring the world to what it is today.

"Yeah, all decedents of taijiya, no matter how far into the future, are born with a special scar-like birth mark in the center of their right shoulder blade, if they're a boy, or their left shoulder blade, if they're a girl… It reacts in the presence of those who are related to or is a demon. It's usually in the shape of a katana, but it can be in the shape of any other weapon that may be here."

Sarutobi seemed to think this over for a moment before continuing. "Why is it that, according to both the anime and the text, you're 15, but you only appear to be 11?"

"Midoriko didn't tell me why she did, but, now that I know where I am, I think it may be because I'm supposed to join the class of academy students that will be graduating next year."

"Hm… I will place you in the class, as a thank you. I will not help you graduate, but I will lend you almost any book or scroll you may need to help catch up. You will start tomorrow and the sensei of your class, Iruka, will pick you up from your apartment in the morning to make sure you attend," Sarutobi said, tossing Kagome a set of apartment keys, and getting the correct paperwork for putting her in the correct age group.

"Thank you Lord Hokage." Kagome then bowed and left. She decided to find her own way to the apartment, considering she was going to have to learn her way around sometime.

As she walked, she noticed that everyone was staring at her. It was to be expected, considering everyone knows everyone in villages like these. She saw an entrance to the woods to her left, and decided to take a detour. Once she found a comfortable looking tree, she sat down on the padded moss at its base, and pulled off her old yellow backpack, the crimson sack Kanna gave her, and the sword Sesshomaru gave her.

She then emptied the crimson sack of everything, but noticed one thing out of place. Did Kanna give me her mirror on purpose? Yes, Kanna's old mirror was in there. She decided to think about this later, and started to unpack her yellow bag as well. A few things were out of place there too. The first was the obvious one. "So that's where you went, Honey!" The second, it took her a second to realize. It was her ipod. Once she had found out she could recharge it with a small spark of her miko ki, she decided to take it with her to the feudal era. Guess I forgot about it with all the excitement, lately.

She then put everything in her red bag, including her yellow one, but excluding her sword, in an organized fashion. She then got up, put her sword back on her hip, slid the gold rope up to her shoulder, and walked around the forest for a little while. She soon came to a clearing that had the four people she met earlier in it. Oops, came across the training grounds

She was about to turn around and leave when she heard TenTen say something that caught her attention. "I'm serious, guys, my shoulder's really itchy," she said, trying her best to scratch her left shoulder blade, but not doing that good of a job.

That's it, now I know she's at least Sango's descendant, Kagome thought. She just turned her back to them and was about to walk away when she felt the aura of Neji go from his place in the clearing, to right in front of her.

"Now why are you here?" he asked.

"Got a little lost. I was going to leave you in peace, but you just appeared in front of me for no reason."

"Do you have anything to do with why TenTen is randomly trying to scratch off her shoulder?"

"If I'm right about what I'm thinking about, then yeah, I'm a little responsible."

"Will you tell me what it is?"

"I'd like to confirm it first, but I don't think I can do that unless you all can trust me alone with her. I assume she doesn't want to take her shirt off in front of you three."

He then started to walk away. She was confused until she heard him say, "Are you coming or not?" She then followed him, not really caring what the others thought of her when she randomly appeared behind Neji.

"Hello again," Kagome said, waving.

"Hello," said Lee.

"Hey," TenTen said, barely acknowledging that she was even there, just trying to get rid of the itch in her shoulder that suddenly increased.

"Hello youthful princess," Gai exclaimed.

"TenTen, can I see you in the forest for a sec?" Kagome asked

"Um, sure why?" she asked, stopping her scratching long enough to look at her curiously, waiting for an answer.

"I think I may know the reason why your shoulder's so itchy, it happened to my friend all the time, and I think you may be under the same influence as her."

TenTen, finally about to find out why her shoulder itched so much when in the presence of certain people, hurriedly followed after Kagome as she walked into the forest. They walked for a little while before Kagome finally said, "This should be far enough, just incase any of your teammates or sensei are perverts."

"Alright," she continued as they sat on the floor. "Now I need you to take off your shirt."

"Um… Why?"

Kagome face palmed. "So I can see your shoulder and see if what I think is true." So TenTen took off her top, but she held it in front of her chest area, not wanting to be caught giving a free show.

H-her mark. It's exactly like Sango's. According to Sango, no one has the exact same mark, not even the case with the katana marks, not even identical twins. C-could it be… that this is Sango's reincarnation? The mark was the same as Sango's. It looked like a scar, like all the other taijiya marks, but this scar looked like a smaller version of Sango's Hiraikotsu crossed with what seemed to be an overly large kunai. D-did her mark mean that she would help create the era of the ninja? Or does it mean that she would be reincarnated in the era of the ninja?

"Is something wrong?" TenTen asked. She was worried about the girl she met not that long ago, because she suddenly started shaking like a leaf.

"U-um… yeah, it's just, not a lot of people have this mark. It's very special. If it reacts to someone, meaning that it will become itchy, but you see them as a friend or comrade, you need to have them concentrate some of their k- chakra into the tip of their index finder, and force the chakra into the mark. It hurts for a moment, but it becomes better when you realize you'll never feel that itchy feeling again when you're around that person." She paused for a moment, letting the information sink in before she continued. "Do you think you can trust me enough to put my chakra into the mark?"

TenTen instantly nodded her head, not knowing what compelled her to do so. So, Kagome concentrated her miko ki into her index finger, lightly touched it to the center of the mark, and forced it into her mark. TenTen let out a short scream before relaxing.

"That wasn't as bad as you made it out to be…" TenTen said.

"I hate to break this to you, but my chakra tends to sooth people. If it were anyone else, I guarantee that it would've been as bad as I made it out to be… You need any help getting rid of all the scratches you gave yourself?" Kagome asked, laughing lightly.

TenTen just seemed to notice the pain coming from her left shoulder blade. "Uh, 'kay," she said, embarrassed.

So, Kagome reached into her red bag, came out with antibacterial cream and bandages. She also came out with Honey. "You really like my bag, don't you?" she asked, setting her down. She lightly applied the cream to her shoulder. Once she was done with that, she tightly wrapped the bandages in such a way that they wouldn't budge unless cut off or intentionally taken off, forcing TenTen to bring her shirt away from her chest.

"You should get back, now," Kagome said once she was done.

"You're not coming back with me?"

"Nah, aren't you guys supposed to be taking a test soon, anyways?"

"GAH! I forgot about that!" TenTen said, running off.

Kagome laughed at her antics before she looked at her watch. Seeing as she still had a couple hours before lunch, she decided to walk around, find her apartment, then buy the necessities like food, a change of clothing, etc.

"Wanna explore some? See if we can find anyone from that Inuzuka family? I think it'd be fun to meet one," Kagome asked Honey in inu language.

"Whatever you want, you're the one that knows things about here that I don't. to you, this is some cool anime come to life, to me, besides you telling me about the Inuzuka family, this is a whole new world. I have no knowledge of anything here," Honey replied.

"Well, let's get going!" Kagome cheered, walking off in a seemingly random direction, Honey on her heals.

When they made it to the exit of the forest, they found themselves in the area that looked like a good neighborhood. It turns out that the apartment they were looking for was in the three story building at the edge of the forest. Kagome walked in with Honey at her side, walked up a flight of stairs after a quick 'hello' to the manager, and went to apartment 210, which was located on the second floor.

The apartment itself was bare. The colors were warm and welcoming, the appliances were all there and they all worked, and there was a bed and a dresser in the bedroom and a couch in the living room, and everything she had seen about the building looked new. Kagome then noticed something on the kitchen counter. It looked like some money with a note on top.

'Kagome,' the note started. 'I forgot to tell you this while you were here, so, knowing you would probably go into the forest first, I sent a shinobi to your apartment with this note and some money. Because you're living on your own, training to be a shinobi, and not a shinobi yet, you will receive an allowance of sorts. It's just enough to get you by for the month, plus some extra to save or spend how you like. There's a little more in here than I'll usually send so you can get things like pillows and a blanket. Sincerely, your loving Hokage.'

"Wow, didn't know the Hokage thought that much of himself. Oh well, now we can continue our plan on going shopping before it gets too late," Kagome said, unknowingly speaking inu.

So, they set out around the town. They first stopped at a street vender that was selling purses of all kinds. Kagome picked a black velvet coin purse to hold her money. They were about to go grocery shopping when both Kagome and Honey's stomachs growled.

"Do you think there's any place that will sell oden here?" Kagome asked hopefully, forgetting, once again, that she could just smell for herself.

"You're up higher, with less scent of people to suffocate your sense of smell."

Kagome then sniffed the air, picked up the scent of oden, picked up Honey, then jumped onto the roofs to follow the smell from the sky. When she found the place, it turned out to be the Ichiraku ramen shop. I didn't know this place sold oden. Oh well, who am I to pass up on my favorite food? She thought.

So she jumped off the roof and outside the ramen shop. She walked under the flap and sat on one of the stools. Stealing a quick glance at the menu, she was overjoyed to see that her nose hadn't tricked her. That's when a teenage brunette noticed her. "May I take your order, ma'am?" she asked cheerfully.

"One large bowl of oden and one…" she looked to Honey to make sure she was right. Seeing a nod, she continued, "And one small bowl of beef ramen."

Curious as to who the girl who walked into her fathers' ramen shop was talking to, she quickly dropped the order off to her dad and went back to where she previously was. She then leaned over the counter to see what looked to be a puppy dog just out of the kennel. "So cute!" she said with hearts in her eyes.

The dog seemed to really enjoy her praise, because she puffed her chest out, going into what she thought was the cutest position ever. "Her name's Honey, and I'm Kagome. Who are you?" the girl with the dog asked.

"I'm Ayame, and that's my father Teuchi. Nice to meet you Kagome, are you new here?"

"Yep, just came today."

"Oh! Are you that girl that appeared out of nowhere? Everyone's talking about you!"

"Gossip spreads fast, doesn't it?"

"You don't know how fast."

"Order up: One large bowl of oden, One small bowl of beef ramen!"

When Ayame put the food in front of Kagome and the stool next to her, she paid for the meal. "Excuse me, Ayame. Is it okay if I put Honey on one of the stools so she can eat?"

"Course, we let you guys do it whenever any of you stop in," she said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"'You guys' 'any of you', just who exactly do you think I am?" Kagome asked, genuinely curious.

"Inuzukas. Aren't you one?" Kagome just shook her head. "Oh! Sorry! I just saw the dog and how you two communicated, and I just assumed. I didn't know there was anyone besides the Inuzuka clan that could communicate that well with dogs."

"S'kay. I have a feeling a lot more people will assume that. Thanks again for the meal!" Kagome replied, picking up Honey and putting her on the stool in front of her beef ramen.

After a nice lunch, Kagome and Honey said good-bye to Ayame and Teuchi, and went to finish their shopping. Next they stopped at a special place that sells pillows and blankets. The place was special because if you showed the guy you made a photo, or an item you wanted on your pillow or blanket, he would get it right down to the last detail. So, Kagome gave him a photo of her second family with the feudal background for the blanket and her sword for her pillow. She thanked the man and left after being told to pick up her things in a couple hours.

Next, they went to the grocery store, they decided to spend the rest of the time there. While Kagome was looking at the ingredients of different soaps, Honey smelled something Kagome couldn't with her nose full of soap. Honey quickly scampered off to where she smelt the scent of inu.

"Hi!" she yipped, catching the attention of both the boy and the puppy on his head.

"Who are you? I've never seen you before." The puppy asked.

"My name's Honey! What's yours? Are you that boy's partner? Can he understand us like mine can?" she babbled. This was, after all, her first time meeting an inu that wasn't from her kennel.

The puppy was excited that anyone could be that excited to meet him. "I'm Akamaru. This boy's Kiba, and he can understand us as much as we can understand each other."

Kiba, not really sure what was going on, bent down, looked Honey in the eye, and asked, "So, where is this partner of yours?"

Before Honey could answer, she was interrupted by someone saying, "There you are, Honey. I've been looking everywhere. I really shouldn't have brought those soaps to close to my face." She paused for a moment, noticing Kiba and Akamaru. "Oh, whose this, you make a friend with a boy and his pup?"

"Yeah! It's so cool meeting someone outside the kennel! Plus, this boy can understand me as well as you can!"

"Is that so… So, who are you two, anyways? I'd like to know who my partner is making friends with."

"I'm Kiba Inuzuka, and this is Akamaru. How can you communicate so well with your partner when you're not an Inuzuka, too?"

"That's cuz she's-" Honey was cut off by Kagome's hand on her mouth.

"And I thought you knew better than to tell a stranger that. Anyway, let's just say I've had a lot of practice. Now, Honey, you wanna stay and talk to these guys, or do you wanna finish shopping with me?"

"SHOPPING!" was Honey's quick reply.

"See ya later Kiba, Akamaru."

"Bye bye!" Honey called over Kagome's shoulder

"Well that was… interesting," Kiba said, still confused.

"Yep!" Akamaru yipped, laughing a dog laugh.


Hope you all liked it. I spent extra time to make sure it wasn't as stupid sounding as I thought ASL's first chapters were

Anyway, Review cuz they inspire me.