Second Naru (Fem!) x Sasu fic, it's not going to be as confusing as the first one, promise. Summary there isn't one, but this will be a one-shot if no one's interested or this will be deleted!

Takes place before (Naruto) is still in the academy, well this chapter most likely! This is the first three years of her life, at the age of seven when she finally meets Hokage-Jiji. Really, this story is about love and hardships. This is basically why I have only portions of this song going throughout this story as well as some others (not much).

Disclaimer: I own nothing, but my imagination and mind, nothing more.


Naruto's pov..

"You're not alone, Together we stand I'll be by your side, You know I'll take your hand When it gets cold And it feels like the end There's no place to go, You know I won't give in No, I won't give in"

I was in a stuffy room with dust in the corner where I was currently laying in a fetal position while hugging a small fox in my hands; crying. The door opened, "Come children, time to eat and get clean. Nice people are coming today. Maybe someone will come to get you."

I got up on wobby legs, but was kicked in the stomach. "Not you, demon!" The woman growled. "Go back into your corner till we call for you." Then the door closed again. I was left there, saddened and feeling very alone. Alone… What was it like to be wanted?

I will never know that answer. For I will never see nor feel what that's like. The doors opened again, but I dare not move. What if it's just to feed me food that was not edible? What if it's another beating? Neglection?

"Oi, brat come on someone's here to get you." The woman said with a sadistic smile. I didn't move, instead I curled up more. I heard her growl, as she grabbed me harshly, "Didn't you hear me? Someone's here to get you."

I didn't know what to feel, but someone was coming to get me out of the stupid place! I froze, as my eyes landed on a man in a lab suit. "Ah, yes, I'll take him in," he said pleasantly.

For some reason I knew what he said wasn't true at all. Another thing he called me a he; was I a boy? I don't know that answer. Was I a girl? Still, I have no answer to give neither you nor myself.

"Go on." The woman instructed. To me, it just looked like she was just happy to get rid of the demon brat; or so I am called. Why am I called such a name? Where is this person taking me?

He tried pleasantries with me, but I refuse to open my mouth, choosing to stay mute. That really wasn't a problem seeing as I didn't talk at all at the orphanage to begin with. We stopped at a big building in the forest somewhere. Why were we in the forest? Why was this place hidden from the town?

He brought me into this weird place where there were weird looking containers and weird, scary things inside some of those containers.

"You would like to know why you're here."

I nodded. "Simple." He said with a smile, "You're our experiment."

Ex-Experiment? For what? I had no time to ponder for he quickly led me out the room, and down the halls. We stopped at some double doors. It opened. A lunch room?

"You're hungry, right?" I nodded. "Then you're going to be eating the best. To tell you the truth we're going to just take a small test nothing more." He said with a smile.

For some reason I didn't believe him.

I was given food then I was quickly sent to my quarters; where I slept little. The next thing I knew I was tied up and being place in some sort of liquid.

It felt exhilaratingly painful. How long did I stay in the liquid? When was I released?

A year of this pain, of tests of not knowing anything, but what I was called. Demon, **, monster, no one… It was all the same to me. I wish I was out of here.

I was in my room once again; as usual this room was empty of anything related to a normal room. It having nothing, but my presence inside. Not even a bed just a cover and myself. These people lied to me just like they did. Will everyone treat me the same?

That I wish I knew the answer to. I feel as though I'm not alone in my suffering or isolation from many. That there's something or someone else with me, but where is that someone? It is the main reason why I do not let what's happened to me for so long, deter my mood.

My quarters opened; there stood an old man. Who was this man? Was he going to treat me like they did too?

He walked over to me, having a friendly approach and knelt to my level, "Naruto, I'm sorry I'm late, but forgive this old man."

Naruto? Who was this Naruto person?

"I am the Hokage. I'm taking you away from this place." He said outstretching his hand. For some reason I couldn't fathom at the moment, I took his hand and let him lead me out of this hell hole.

When we walked through the village many people looked at me with hateful, disgusting looks as if I was an insect that wouldn't leave. Why? I would never understand.

Every time the Hokage would look in their direction they would smile as if nothing was wrong.

We passed the academy and some huge statues of four faces.

"Jiji, who are those people in the statues?" I asked curiously.

"Ay, those are the previous Hokage's of the village they watched over us. You see, you may not understand now, but Hokage is the top ranking ninja who has all respect, and the fourth Hokage-"

"Sealed the nine-tails away then died honorably." I said.

"Yes he did, Naruto."

"Jiji, why do you call me Naruto?" He looked surprise.

"That is your name, now come on we're almost there."

We reached the building, which jiji led me inside an office-like room. He dug in some drawers and pulled out some small bags.

"Now, Naruto this is for you. Inside is some money to start you off. In my other hand is the key. From now on you will be staying in an apartment."

"Jiji." I said with the happiness that I kept locked up, "When does that school start and when can I go to my new home?"

"Hahahaha." He laughed hardly. "Calm down, Naruto. The ninja academy you can start within a few weeks you're not late or anything. As for going to your new home…" There was a pause. "You can go now."

"AWESOME! Jiji! I shouted in joy then said, "Ney jiji, I'm going to train every day and become Hokage one day so no one will disrespect me or look down on me. So I'll surpass you, jiji!"

"Hahaha, I look forward to that, Naruto."

I grinned. We left the office and headed to the apartment. I skipped happily as I was completely obvious to the stares I received. I didn't care; I have a new goal to become the greatest and nothing will stand in my way, I thought as we finally arrived.

Unaware on how my life would change; was it for better or worse? I only knew one thing though and that was I should never give up and always look ahead not backwards for no matter how much they treat me, I would never give in to their wants and needs even if they call me those names and I have no place to go. I won't give in.

"Keep holding on 'Cause you know we'll make it through, We'll make it through"

I woke up, it was the first time that I had slept so peacefully. I was excited it was my first day of the academy, although I was excited and ready to meet new people as well as make friends, I wasn't excited because when I look in the mirror I honestly don't see me. What I see is the exact opposite of what I look like. Why is that? Am I really as they call me? A weird demon. Why don't they call me by name?

I clenched my teeth and clenched my fist as I looked at myself then…


My hand dripped with blood as I stood there before dropping it. I stood there for a few minutes before turning on the water and washing my wound; but when I did, it was already healed. I looked on in shock for only a few seconds before I got undressed and entered the shower. Once done I got dressed in an orange baggy looking jumpsuit and headed out the house, intent on getting me a meal since I didn't eat.

My stomach growled as I ran through the streets of Konoha. I stopped by a stand; I wanted the fruit. I reached out, but when the salesman noticed me he shouted, "Shoo get away demon! You're not getting anything from my store!"

I scurried away and left not even wanting anything to eat anymore. I just…Just wanted to run.

I finally reached the academy. Classes were not in my favor to say the least. I wasn't taught anything and was sent to the back away from everyone else. There was this boy… this boy; he looked lonely just like me. Should I go up to him? But he's pushing everyone away…

He looked my way, his eyes were black a beautiful black, but had no feeling to them. Why? "What are you looking at loser?"

I match him with his glare. "Teme."

On the inside I was smiling. I'm sure he was doing the same, I don't know that. I peeked at him from the corner of my eye then I turned away embarrassed. For what reason?

"Uchiha Sasuke."

I cringed as half of the female no… I lied, the whole female population squealed. I covered my ears, and pouted. What was so great about him, the stuck-up prick?

"Uzumaki Naruto."

"Here, Iruka-sensei!" I shouted.

"Loser. Yeah that what the idiot is." A pink-haired girl whispered to her friend who nodded.

"Yeah and loud."

I sulk down in my seat, feeling out of it. I suddenly felt like I was being watched. "Huh?" I looked up, my eyes going to the Uchiha. I could have sworn. I shook my head; he wouldn't even talk to me. I need to go and find out why I act so differently from everyone, I want to know the truth.

I'll go to Jiji tonight. I really want to let him know how everything has been going, and how my first day went.

Little did I know that my three years was nothing but a lie.

"There's nothing you can say, Nothing you can do There's no other way When it comes to the truth"

Three-years later

It's the same. It always has been the same, when I look in the mirror. I went to asked Jiji, but he kept on telling me the same answer. "You'll know when you get older." That was a load of crap. I knew even with everything being the same, something was going to change today for some reason that's what I felt.

"Ay, Naruto you're here." Hokage-Jiji said when he spotted me in the door way.

"Hey Jiji, guess what?" I said with a fox grin. He smiled in his cheerful manner, "Hahaha, I'm sure it's interesting, but I have something important to tell you." The door opened again just as I was about ask Jiji when, "Sorry I'm late Hokage-sir just that, I'm new to this town."

Who was this guy?

"Quite alright, Kurama."

Well this is the end of first chapter! Review and you tell me what you think! Song by: Avril Lavigne 'Keep holding on'

Ja ne