It's been about 10,000 years since I became God.
Or something like that. I don't really care.
All I've been doing for all that time is stare at the only thing that keeps me sane.
Which is the cell phone, that has the record of the person I love..
"Yukiteru-kun, I'm SO BORED! I've read this manga.. How many times have I said I read it?"
"One thousand and one times, Murmur."
"Oh right. And it's the same! I'm bored Kami-sama! Make another world or something!"
I turned to face the little demon girl and said "I've told you once and I'll tell you again. Making a world without Yuno is pointless."
Murmur disappeared and re-appeared in my lap. "Being depressed isn't going to help you either."
"Yeah, well it doesn't matter."
"Fine! If you don't want to bring a WOMAN back, Bring Akise Aru back!" She smiled brightly. "He is your best friend after all! Maybe he could cheer you up!"
Did I mishear her?
"What do you mean? I thought I could only bring back the body but not the soul?"
"Well, Akise Aru is.. What you humans call a 'loop-hole'"
She could see that, that only confused me more.
She sighed loudly. "Well, Akise Aru isn't quote-on-quote 'Human.' Deus actually built him, Which means his 'soul'is artificial."
"Akise-kun's soul?"
"Hai! If you concentrate hard enough you could bring him back. He isn't Yuno Gasai, but at least He'll liven up this place! Please Yukiteru-kun!"
I wanted to say no… But thinking of Akise,
I couldn't.
I missed him.
"Alright.." I said as I got up and concentrated.
I jumped. "What? I thought you wanted me to, Murmur?"
She. "You need to fix up! You look horrible! And no offense Yukiteru-kun, but you looked better when you weren't a God!"
She twirled around me, soon creating a wind tornado, blinding me with my own long black hair.
Suddenly, I felt the longs strands of my hair fall.
She's cutting my hair
The wind stopped.
She grinned widely and chirped "See Yukiteru-kun? You look good!"
She held a mirror to my face and I saw I looked the same as I did before I let my hair grow out.
She smirked. "Now, You can summon Akise Aru.."
I sighed. "Alright." I closed my eyes and pictured Akise in my mind.
Akise Aru.
Almost there.
I sinked to the ground tired.
It's been so long since I've used my powers
I glanced up and saw the older boy's body.
Still and unmoving.
Feelings started to bubble up...
and most importantly...
"Murmur! You lied to me! You sai-"
I heard heavy breathing. I turned and saw that Akise Aru was breathing!
"Akise-kun!" I yelled as I ran toward him. I felt tears flowing down my face. It's been so long since I've been with a human like myself. I missed it more then I had thought.
"Hmm.." He stirred in my arms.
"I told you! He's waking up!" Murmur said above me.
"Akise-kun! How are you feeling?"
"... Who are you?"
I looked back to Murmur.
"Don't worry Yukiteru-kun. His memories are re-booting. He'll soon remember."
I turned to face Akise and he said softly,
"Hello, Yukiteru-kun."
"Akise.. Kun." I said slowly. His name suddenly feeling foreign in my mouth. My mouth formed into a smile. "Akise-kun!"
I felt his finger brushing my tears away.
"You don't look good when your crying, Yukiteru-kun"
I hugged him, "I missed you."
My dearest friend..
I hear him softly chuckle.
"Thank you. I can see you became God... I'm Glad." His mouth formed a small and sincere smile.
We looked at each for a bit then heard someone cough. It was Murmur. "Well. Whenever you two are done embracing each other.. You two can go do something!"
I blushed lightly when realized that I didn't let go of the hug I had given him.
Yukiteru is so cute when flustered. Akise thought as he looked at his beloved.
"I-I.. Let's go to the movies! You told me you would and never took me!" I said as I grinned.
"Alright."Akise said as he got up and took my hand. "Are you ready?"
I closed my eyes, re-opened them and was looking at the cars rushing past me. People buzzing around talking, walking and having fun. It brought back memories.
Yuno.. I miss you.
I sadden slightly then stopped myself.
N-no. It's not fair for Akise-kun
I followed Akise to the movie stand.
He smiled at me and paid for the tickets. He then, took my hand and lead me in with him.
I said softly.. "You didn't have to do that. This is a fake world."
He smiled. "Still. Fake or not, we still can't break the law now Can we?"
I nodded. "I guess."
Murmur looked at the guys' date through her mirror then smiled. It's been so long since Yukiteru has had color in his cheeks and a smile on his face.
She turned. "What the..?"
Murmur quickly jumped dodging the large hand coming at her.
Several more came at the little demon making Murmur dodge, attack and dodge again at the flying hands continuously trying to grab her with their bony fingers.
Behind her one came out of no-where attacking, constricting her like a snake with its prey.
"S-Shit!" Murmur uttered out, breathing heavily trying to get air in.
"Who are you?" She asked to the darkness.
A/N: First Chapter! There! And Cliff-hanger! Ha~ Review! ;)