So here it is, the final chapter. It came a lot sooner than I thought but I felt it was time to end this story. I have loved writing this story so much and I'm sad it's actually over. I've left it a little open ended so it's possible for me to write a sequel maybe a little later on, if you guys are interested. Thank you so much for all your reviews, for subscribing to updates, for everything. I love you all. Let me know what you guys think about this last chapter here and if you are interested in me writing some more about Charlotte Stark :)
It was finally over, the Chitauri had been defeated again and now the team could relax. As they headed back to the helicarrier Loki didn't take his eyes off Charlotte and Steve. He watched as they cuddled and kissed each other, causing an ache of jealously to shot throughout his body. Loki just couldn't understand the feelings Charlotte gave him, it was something he had never really experienced before. He hated it. He hated each and every one of the feelings she caused, whether it was jealously, hatred or love. Loki just wished he couldn't feel it anymore.
The more he watched their interactions the more Loki's hate for Steve began to grow. What was it about the Captain that was so much better than him? Loki was a God, he could easily take care of the Captain and then he would be out of the picture for good. If only there was a way for Loki to make that happen. Right now it was impossible, Thor had a death grip on Loki and there was no way the team would let him escape again. That was a mistake Loki was certain they would never let happen again.
Charlotte could see that Loki had been staring a little more than usual, she instantly knew something was up. With the amount of time they had spent together recently Charlotte was beginning to know Loki a lot better and she knew that whatever he was thinking most likely wasn't good. Charlotte chose to ignore him, she was finally happy and she wasn't going to let Loki ruin this moment for her.
"He's staring at you." Steve whispered into Charlotte's ear.
"I know, I think he's still a little mad at me."
"For not trusting him and cause I'm with you." Charlotte replied. "He doesn't like that."
"Well that's his problem, he can learn to deal with it."
Once they reached the helicarrier Loki was quickly escorted to the cage so that the team could keep an eye on him. Thor decided that he would stay close by so there would be no problems like last time. Charlotte told Steve to continue onto his room and that she would catch up with him later, she needed to talk to Thor pretty quickly.
"Thor, can you take him back to Asgard?" Charlotte asked as she entered the room.
"That was part of the plan." Thor replied.
"But like now, I don't want to waste time or give him the oppourtunity to escape."
"You want me to take him right now? I need the Tesseract to do that and I believe that Fury holds it."
"I'm sure if you ask him he'll give it to you. Fury probably wants you out of here just as fast as I do. We can't give Loki anymore time." Charlotte sighed.
"I understand, I shall talk with Fury now. I will be right back."
Thor quickly left the room to speak with Fury, leaving Charlotte alone with Loki. He had heard most of the conversation between the two but at this point Charlotte didn't care. She needed Loki out of here before he started planning something crazy, she knew he'd come up with something soon enough. She walked closer towards the glass and watched as Loki moved himself closer to her. A look of defeat was on his face again just like the first time she met him and now she wasn't quite sure what to say.
"I do not like you with the Captain." Loki hissed.
"Well that's not really any of your business Loki and it's my choice not yours." Charlotte replied angrily.
"If you stay with him I will hurt him." Loki smirked.
"So this is it huh? You're just gonna go back to being a total asshole after doing the nice thing and saving my life?" Charlotte yelled. "Seriously?"
"You lied to me. I no longer plan on being nice to you."
"Yet you want me to be with you instead of the Captain?" Charlotte asked.
"Doesn't mean I have to be nice to you."
"Oh Loki, you have so much to learn about this. I choose Steve, I always will. Look Thor is taking you back to Asgard today. I just want to say thank you for saving my life that time. Although you did also ruin my life too, so I guess you evened it out pretty well."
"I have nothing to say to you. Except that if you stay with him, I will hurt him."
"No Loki, no you wont. Because if you hurt him, I will do whatever it takes to hurt you."
Just as Charlotte was finishing speaking Thor entered the room with the Tesseract, he smiled at Charlotte and walked over towards her.
"We're leaving now." Thor smiled as he extended his arms around Charlotte.
"Thank you Thor, thank you for everything. I hope I get to see you again, just not your brother." Charlotte smirked.
"I'm sure I shall see you again. I hope it will be for happier reasons that time."
The rest of the team soon entered the room and began saying their goodbyes to Thor. It had been a long few months and although the team was sad to see him leave, they were also happy to see Loki go. The team watched as Thor stepped into the cage with the Tesseract and grabbed onto his brother who's hands were still bound together. Loki reluctantly grabbed the other end of the Tesseract and Thor soon turned the handle.
Charlotte watched as the two brothers quickly disappeared into thin air, it was crazy like something from a movie. Although Charlotte had seen many unbelievable things these past few months, she still couldn't believe this one and was shocked to see that Loki was no longer in front of her. He was no longer a problem she had to deal with.
Steve smiled and pulled Charlotte in closer towards him, his arms wrapped tightly around her. The rest of the team smiled and headed back out towards the main area, leaving Charlotte and Steve alone.
"I'm so glad this is finally all over." Steve smiled as he placed a kiss on Charlotte's lips.
"Oh me too, I don't think I can believe it. I'm just waiting for it all to go wrong somehow."
"Don't think that! Now we can spend time together without worrying that I'll lose you again." Steve replied.
"Don't worry Steve. I'm not going anywhere."
Charlotte giggled as Steve quickly lifted her up into his arms, he spun her around as her lips pressed against his. This was all Charlotte wanted, to spend the rest of her life in the arms of the guy she loved. Steve was perfect, he was everything she had ever wanted.
"How did I get so lucky?" Charlotte smirked as she pulled her lips away from his.
"You didn't. I did."
A year later...
"Can you just let me see already!" Charlotte giggled. "You know I don't do well with surprises!"
"You really are the worst with surprises aren't you?" Steve laughed. He had been planning this surprise for quite some time now and Charlotte had not stopped questioning him about it.
"I'm sorry. I'll shut up." Charlotte replied. "I'm just excited okay and the blindfold is making me more nervous!"
"I can tell. But we're here, so let's go."
Steve opened the door and lead Charlotte outside towards the table, he pulled out the chair and helped her to sit down. He slowly removed her blindfold to reveal a table on the balcony at Stark Tower. It was set up perfectly with candles and dinner over looking New York city. Charlotte couldn't stop smiling and watched as Steve took the seat across from her, she couldn't take her eyes off him sometimes.
"Steve, this is beautiful. I don't know what to say." Charlotte smiled.
"I just wanted to do something special for you, I like making you smile."
As the two enjoyed dinner Charlotte couldn't help but think of the past year they had spent together. Although they had been together for over a year the two still weren't living together. Steve was still pretty old fashioned and they just hadn't discussed the idea of the two moving into their own place. For right now Charlotte was living at Stark Tower with her brother while Steve stayed at his old place downtown.
Once dinner was over the two of them stood up and leant against the railing over looking the beautiful city. The smile on Charlotte's face hadn't left since Steve removed the blindfold, it had been another perfect night. As they stood together Charlotte leant her head against his shoulder and Steve softly placed his head against hers.
"Charlotte, I can't believe this happened." Steve sighed.
"I can't believe I met you, I just can't imagine being without you now. You mean so much to me." Steve smiled as he turned his body towards Charlotte.
"Steve, I feel the same way. You just make me so happy."
"I guess that's a good thing then since I have something to ask you." Steve smirked.
"You do? What-"
Before Charlotte could finish her sentence Steve was suddenly down on one knee holding a beautiful ring. Charlotte's jaw instantly dropped and words would not come out of her mouth. She stood there in disbelief for a few moments before finally managing to put some words together.
"Steve. This. You."
"Charlotte, I've been wanting to ask you this for a long time. I've known that I would ask this question to you since the day I met you right here, what feels like years ago now. We've been through so much together and there's no one else in this world that I want to spend my life with. I want you, I love you and I will spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy. Charlotte Stark, will you marry me?"
Charlotte stood again in shock and watched as Steve started to laugh, the look on her face must have been hilarious. She smiled as tears began to stream down her face.
"Yes." Charlotte smiled. "Yes Steve, I will marry you."
Steve quickly placed the ring on Charlotte's fingers and pressed his lips against hers. He quickly scooped her up into her arms and began spinning her around in a circle. Charlotte squealed with excitement and wrapped her arms around Steve's neck pulling him closer to kiss him again.
"I love you." Steve smiled.
"I love you too Steve, always and forever."