"I've heard it's said, that people come into our lives for a reason bringing something we must learn. And we are led to lose who help us most grow if we let them and we help them in return. Well I don't know if I believe that's true, but I know I'm who I am today because I knew you."

-Wicked, For Good

Disclaimer: I don't think I've ever done one of these… whoops. Anyway, I don't own House of Anubis, but I do own the plot line of this story. So please, try not to rip me off.

August 13th, 2012

If you're reading this and you're expecting some kind of happy story full of kissing, love, and passionate sex, stop reading right now because this is not the story for you. Sure, it starts off that way, but it will not end that way.

I, Nina Martin, have never in my life fallen in love. Until about a month ago, when I met the devil, Fabian Rutter. He was what I dreamed my man to be like. Chivalrous, kind-hearted, and not to mention extremely hansom. But then, as of about two hours ago, he's seen as a complete dickhead, an arrogant tool, and a fucking ass-whole.

So, this is why I'm writing to all of you. Why I'm writing this blog. To tell you the story of my heartbreak. Amber said it would help me get rid of my negative feelings towards the devil, but honestly it's only making me more pissed off. I mean, I'm practically banging on the keyboard right now! So thanks Amber, now I'm going to scare people.

Oh and Mick, if you're reading this, thanks a lot. You introduced me to that dickwad. I blame you. You're fault! If you hadn't decided it was a great idea to invite your ass-whole friend to a party, I never would have met him! Why did you have to invite him? Hell, why did you introduce me to him?

Eddie, if you're reading this (which I doubt, because since when do you read?) you should know that you were totally wrong. You were the idiot who told me it was a good idea to date him. Yeah, readers, never listen to your idiot cousin when he tells you to date someone. Seriously, it's never the right choice.

By the way Patricia, I feel really bad for you. You're stuck with Eddie as a fiancé.

Amber, you're a great friend and Alfie's lucky to have you, but why did you let me date that ass-whole! I mean, don't you have some kind of best friend instinct when it comes down to that stuff?

And then we come full circle to Fabian… thank you so much for taking my heart and ripping it to shreds. Thanks for all the heartbreak and pain you've caused me. Thank you for being arrogant idiot. I've never hated a person more.

Well, I guess you kind of want to know what the hell I'm talking about. So I guess I'll start at the beginning…

You guys should know how I operate. The first chapter will be short! Credit to my sister for coming up with the name and it had no relation to the song by Taylor Swift.