A/N: I have had this inspiration from my Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess game on my Wii for quite some time. I have not completed the game yet because I don't have the time. So…enjoy this story of The Legend of Link: Twilight Warrior.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters except my own. The Legend of Zelda belongs to its rightful owner.


"HAHAHAHA." Laughter so loud and mighty echoed over the twilight realm. A castle can be seen, its shadow silhouette menacing and huge. The owner was in the dungeon, laughing as he held up a crystal orb, its colorful lust shined the color of pure darkness. Lightning flashed across the sky, illumination his facial features, his black armor and flowing cape.

"This is perfect." He growled as he brought it closer to his face. "With this, I can rule both the Twilight Zone and Hyrule." His orange eyes glimmered evilly, "All I need is a little more of the princess's power." His fist closed over the jewel and he trumped up the spiral staircase towards the room, an evil sneer plastered on his face.

In Zelda's room…

She heard his boots. She knew he was coming to take what little power she still had left. With no choice she jumped out of the window, landed on her feet and made a mad dash across the ground, trying to get as far away as possible from the tower. Soon after, she heard that booming voice of her captor, his anger and all things evil gushed out. She turned her head back and saw his human form on top of the building, fist raised high with the gleaming orb, pulsating dangerously.

"ZELDA, COME BACK HERE!" His voice roared and the orb unleashed a shock wave so huge that everything started to collapse, evaporating into dark data. Twilight monsters fell out of the portals and crawled towards her. Zelda glared at them and started chanting, her body flowed smoothly with the sound of her voice. Her captor's eyes narrowed as he saw what she was doing, a teleportation spell.

"STOP HER NOW." He shouted to the creatures before her body vanished. They rushed upon her just when the spell was complete. Just a little more, all most there. She concentrated hard, her mouth never missing a single word. Finally the spell was complete.

"Time to go" She snapped her fingers and disappeared leaving the creatures appalled and confused as they sniffed around the ground, in hope of picking up her trace.

In the castle…

"Grrrrr. How DARE she!" A black fist crashes down upon a table. Everything on it toppled off and hit the ground with dull thuds. He sighed then looked up at the wall. "I was so close in ruling the world, yet she escaped my grasp once again." He growls inwardly to himself and then an idea popped into his head.

"Wait, there is this thing that allows a person to bring someone back from another area of the world." Smiling gleefully, he strode over to this gigantic mirror standing in the courtyard, its glass shining and reflecting his image as he stood in front. His finger's lightly traced the mirror's face, thinking to himself.

Pretty soon, you will fall back into my hands and the world will crumble to its demise. He grinned and looked up at the dark sky, his vision of the future was not so far from his grasp.

A/N: Done with the Prologue. Hopefully this makes sense, if not keep on reading. I promise everything will become clear in the end. Please leave reviews! :D