Welcome to Charming. Our name says it all. Population 14, 679 with a SAMCRO scratched into the wood underneath it. Juan Carlos pulled his bike over, taking in the sign while lighting up a cigarette. Maybe a place like Charming would be perfect for his new home. Leaving Queens two weeks ago with nothing on his back and no place to go, so far had been the best thing he'd done for himself. Taking a drag off his cigarette, his mind flipped back to a few weeks ago, when he'd robbed that liquor store and made a run for it. Well, maybe robbed isn't the right term for it, broke in was more like it.

Growing up poor hadn't left someone like Juan Carlos many options for a bright future, so as soon as he'd turned 18, it was all about figuring out how to get his ass outta that place. That was 4 years ago. Stealing the store's money had given him enough to get out of dodge and that's how he'd ended up here, staring at a huge sign made out of a tree trunk.

Shaking himself out of his reverie Juan hears the roar of motorcycles. Taking a last hit off his cigarette, he throws it to the ground just as about 10 bikes fly by. Watching them in wonder as they pass, he notices they are all wearing vests that say Sons of Anarchy California on them, with a reaper in the middle. Wondering what they are, Juan starts his bike back up and follows behind. Winding through a cookie cutter city, Juan's in awe. This place is fucking perfect! It ain't nothin like Queens. When the bikes all slow so does Juan. Not sure what kind of people these are, he backs off but not before two of the riders in back slow right down to be even with him. These two bikers box him in, motioning for him to pull over. Juan Carlos makes his way to the shoulder of road wondering if he's about to meet his maker. As he's slipping his helmet off his head, the two guys walk over to him.

¡°Who are you and why are you following us?" the one with the goatee and chin length curly hair says while the other one stands there, looking mean with his arms crossed, not saying a word.

Putting his hands up in surrender, Juan Carlos nods and says,

¡°Alright, it's alright guys. I'm new in town. I didn't mean nothin' by following you guys, I just figured you'd lead me into town."

Nodding, the one with his thumb and pointer finger stroking his goatee says,

¡°You still didn't answer, who are you?"

Stuttering a little bit, Juan Carlos tells them his name and then adds,

¡°but people call me Juice."

Frowning, the big guy, with his arms crossed, steps back while the one with the goatee says with a sneer,

¡°Well Juice, this is our town, Sons of Anarchy, you see this patch? It's earned. You don't have one which means you don't ride with us, that clear?"

Juice nods his head and goes to put his helmet back on, stopping midmotion when goatee guy says,

¡°Nice bike you got though. Gotta appreciate a Harley. You ever need any work done stop in up the street at Teller-Morrow. We'll take good care of it for ya. Now beat it kid!"

Without having to be told twice, Juice clicks the Harley into gear, heading through the center of town. God, those dudes had scared him. Maybe this wasn't a place he'd like to end up. Seriously who were those guys? Lost in thought, Juice almost missed the driveway to the hotel. With it being almost dark and not knowing if he wanted to keep on driving or stay and find out what Charming was all about, he decides it's time to get some rest and think more about it in the morning. The bell on the door rang as Juice walked in. A petite blonde came hurrying out of the back room, carrying a stack of towels.

¡°Sorry, sorry. I was in back folding towels when I heard the bell. What can I do for ya?"

Juice answers with a smile.

¡°I'd like a room for the night if you've got one."

Smiling, the girl who's name tag reads Stevie starts to type

in the computer.

¡°Single Queen, Single King, or double Queen room?"

¡°Single Queen will be fine."

Nodding her head she puts a few things into the computer.

¡°I've got smoking or nonsmoking. Which will it be?"

Juice tells her he'd prefer smoking. After finding him a room number, she gathers his information and takes his money.

¡°Here's your key. If you need anything just press #1 on the phone or come on back down here to the office. I'm here all night."

Nodding his head and shooting her a smile, Juice heads for the door. Climbing on his bike, he rides around the building until he gets to 125B. Parking his bike out front, he unlatches his saddle bags swinging them over his shoulder and unlocks the door. Thinking this sure wasn't the Hilton but he's stayed in much worse, he sets his things down. A shower and clean clothes were in order and then dinner and sleep.

The freedom of nothing but him and his bike was also tiring and lonely. Thinking of the friends he left back at home, Juice gathers up a white t-shirt, boxers, socks and a pair of camo pants and heads for the shower. What were the guys doing right now? Hanging out shooting pool down at Lola Lounge? Drinking a few beers at Cavo, picking up hot ass chicks? Leaving the city wasn't hard, leaving his friends was. Finishing up with his shower and running a comb through his hair Juice grabs his leather and heads back outside to his bike, almost running smack dab into Stevie.

¡°I'm so sorry! I didn't see you. I'm so hungry I'm not paying attention to what the hell I'm doing."

Stevie laughs.

¡°It's alright, Juan Carlos. I was just stretching my legs a little bit getting some fresh air. Being in that office for 10 hours drives me crazy."

In all honesty, she was hoping she'd run into Juan Carlos and his sexy smile and deep brown eyes.

¡°Juice, my name's Juice. Only people to call me Juan Carlos is my mom and grandmom. Other than that I'm Juice."

Nodding her head, Stevie starts to turn to walk back the way she came.

¡°Hey, I don't even know your name, pretty lady."

Turning back around Stevie tells Juice her name.

¡°Stevie. I like it. It's spunky."

Laughing, Stevie says thank you and continues on her way back to the office. Chuckling to himself, Juice hollers goodbye to her and climbs on his bike headed for the diner he saw down the street a little ways. Truth be told he knew her name, had picked it up earlier from her name tag. He didn't want to seem like a stalker though so asking her for it was probably the better move.

It really was a nice night. Maybe instead of heading right to the diner for a bite he'd drive around for a few. Get to see what this place was all about. Heading up the street, he passed TellerMorrow. The place was barricaded in like a prison. Gates closed and locked, barbed wire on top. Kind of over board for an auto shop but hey whatever floats their boat. Cruising through the neighborhoods, he got the feeling that this place is a town that stands up to its name. It's Charming in every sense of the word. The more he cruises around the more he feels like he'd like to stay. Turning around and making his way back to the diner, he pulls in just as scary goatee guy is walking out.

¡°Well look who we've got here. Juice."

Juice waves a hello and tries to step around scary goatee guy but scary goatee guy won't move.

¡°What do you say Bobby, think Juice here could handle a night out with us?"

Laughing with his big belly shaking like jelly, Bobby looks Juice up and down.

¡°I think the boy would be puking on his shoes after 2 shots Tig."

Ah so Tig was scary goatee guy's name. Wondering what they are getting at, Juice just stands there without saying anything. The guy named Tig asks him what he thinks.

¡°What do you mean what do I think? Do I want to come hang out with you and him? I'm gonna pass. You'd probably drag me out to some deserted property and kill me."

Bobby and Tig start laughing.

¡°We ain't that bad, boy. We don't usually pick up strays but you got a pretty sweet bike and you look like you can hold your own." Says Bobby.

Juice thinks for a minute.

¡°Alright ya. Mind if I run in and grab me a burger to go, though? It's been a long day on the road and you're right, if I don't eat I'll be puking on my shoes after 2 shots."

Bobby and Tig laugh and tell him to get his ass moving. Oh boy what the fuck has he gotten himself into?

A/N...rewrite of Chapter 1 after it's been Beta'd! Thanks Anne for all that you do for me! Your a great friend! Also many thanks to those of you who reviewed! Appreciate it!

No copyright intended!