When Luchia was born, he had a curse placed upon her. Every month on the 4th on the strike of midnight Luchia would turn into her counter-part...A boy. Can Luchia stand this curse or will it affect her badly?

Luchia sat at her desk, pondering, something was up, she could feel it. Literally. A grow pain in her gut. A cold flash went down her spine as she realised. "Oh no" she paled by ten fold.

Luchia gasped out as she doubled over in pain and fell onto her side, gripping her side as her face controted into a pained feature. Her face changed and became less girly and got a new "manlier" look whilst her hair grew straight and shorter until it barely touched her shoulders. Her beautiful golden brown eyes turned harder and darker in colour. When the pain stopped, Luchia was no longer there. Instead, a boy lay panting in her place.

An urging knock sounded at her door, the owner's voice begging to be let in. "Luchia? Are you okay?" Nikola's voice came through the door, Luchia looked up and frowned. She, now he, quickly pulled Nikola into the door and closed the door behind her.

"Nikola" Luchia said fearfully, close to tears, "It happened again..." she whispered and Nikola hugged Luchia. "I wish I could help you, but I cannot, I'll go get some fitting clothes for you, okay?" Nikola smiled sadly before rushing downstairs and closing the door to get more...fitting clothes for a young boy.

"Name...Name...I need a name..." Luchia thought for a second and rested her face in her hands before it came to her. Allen!

'Allen' smiled at the boyish name and chuckled deeply, perfect name.

"Luchia? Are you here-?" Rina's voice trailed up the stairs and Allen gulped, "great" he muttered darkly, "Just what I need, the pair of them laughing at me!" Rina and Hanon opened the door to Luchia's door, to reveal a male Luchia look-alike. "Whoa! Who are you?" Hanon said, pretty shocked. "Hey, you're pretty cute!" She said as if she were flirting. "Hanon, it's-" Allen was cut off by Nikola.

"Luchia! I got some clothes!" Nikola came in and handed Allen the clothes. "What? That's Luchia?" Rina jawdropped, Allen nodded sadly. "When I was a small child, no older than 8, I had a curse put on me by dark mermaid magic for saving Kaito. I guess this is what I get for saving him" Allen added the last part bitterly and glared at his feet bitterly.

Allen picked up and held the clothes infront of himself.

The boys school uniform.

Allen groaned, "I'm going to school? Ugh, I'll pretend to be Luchia's twin brother or something" Allen nodded as he went to put on his uniform. Hanon and Rina cracked up laughing, "Luchia! As a boy! Oh my god!" they cackled. Nikola thumped them over the head, "Don't laugh, think about poor Luchia" she hissed and they put fell quiet straight after.

Allen was a bit nervous for class, what if no one liked him? What if KAITO didn't like him?

"Class, please welcome Luchia's twin brother Allen Nanami!" The teacher motioned Allen forward, the class gasped, he looked JUST like Luchia. Allen blushed at the intense stares.

"Hello Everyone! I'm Allen but feel welcome to call me Len!" Allen smiled cutely and the girls blushed, Kaito narrowed his eyes, not liking this 'Allen' character at all. Allen smiled nicely at Kaito and Kaito knew that smile from someone.

"Your next to Kaito-kun Mr Allen" The teacher smiled and Allen sat next to Kaito. Allen was doing his maths when a paper plane hit him.

"Just because you're Luchia's twin brother doesn't mean your a good person" the message read. "Geez Kaito, you don't know it's me, do you?" Allen sighed and turned to face Kaito to give him a full on glare.

Allen was in a foul mood for the rest of the lesson.

Class was FINALLY over and Allen was sitting beside the sea, the wind ruffled his untidy dirty blonde hair. "What a horrible class" he muttered, "Doesn't matter, I'll go back for period 3 soon...But hey! I know! A song will cheer me up!" Allen grinned and sung out.

His boyish voice rang out in the chilly air, the song he had only sung as Luchia, he wanted to know what he sounded like.

"Nanairo no kaze ni fukarete tooi misaki wo mezashiteta

Yoake mae kikoeta MERODI

Sore wa totemo natsukashii uta..."

"Whoa! Where'd you learn that?" A startled voice said from behind him, Allen looked around and saw Kaito. "You again" he said flatly.

"Yeah, me..." Kaito glared at him before continuing as way down to surfing. Honestly, Luchia in her boy form didn't care about Kaito and he didn't know why.

Allen's pink pendant started glowing a startling pink, "Hanon? Rina!" Allen shot up and raced towards the water, not caring if Kaito saw, and disappeared in the flash of a red tail. Kaito watched Allen disappear with amazment, all Nanami's were weird about water...

Allen's dirty blonde hair turned a light blonde golden and got to about his hips and was really thin and tied in a small ponytail, it looked like it wasn't there at all. His closed eyes flashed open to reveal aquamarine orbs that shined with determintion. He had a long sleek red tail which had a few scratches, not that he cared. And, thank goodness, no shell bra. Allen shuddered at the thought.

"Eh? Never seen myself in boy mermaid form" Allen shrugged and swam on, looking for hints of green and aquamarine, his long ponytail trailing not fair behind. He soon found Hanon and Rina in idol form, crouching over in pain from the Black Beauty Sister's song.

"Stop right there! With my pichi pitch voice, I'll defeat you! Pink Pearl Voice!" Allen shouted and transformed into his idol form.

When Allen emerged from the pink light, he had what could be described as a warriors outfit, but shades of a very, very dark almost black pink. He had shorts that reached nearly his knees that were a very dark pink with a dark pink vest over the top of a very light pink singlet top. He had a blackish pink headband that fit almost perfectly with darkish pink shoe boots and lightish white pink fingerless gloves.

Hanon and Rina burst out laughing and Allen glared, "Wanna be saved or not? Well? Why don't I start this with a Pichi Encore Start?!" he called out.

"Nanairo no kaze ni fukarete tooi misaki wo mezashiteta

Yoake mae kikoeta MERODI

Sore wa totemo natsukashii uta..." He sung with so much emotion, thinking about everyone he knew in the ocean and his precious kingdom.

"Love shower pitch! Would you like an encore?" Allen winked and threw his hand out to the sisters. "Pink pearl Prince! You'll regret that! We'll be back!" they shrieked as they disappeared.

"Allen! Your outfit!" Hanon laughed as they popped back into their mermaid forms. "It's weird, Allen is pink pearl but has a red tail" Rina frowned as she looked at Allen's swaying tail, "I'm happy it's not pink! I mean seriously! A pink guy!" Allen facepalmed before swimming to the surface...