Our Only Little Brother

Disclaimer: I do not own One Piece or any of the characters. I only own the doctor and the plot of this story.

Summary: After saving Luffy from Porchemy, Ace and Sabo decide to keep Luffy at their tree house. They realize that they owe Luffy for never revealing their secret; (saving him after putting him in that situation cancels out) however when Luffy gets sick from infection in his wounds, will Ace and Sabo be able to pay him back? Or will it be too late?

'Man I still don't know how to pay Luffy back for keeping our secret.' Ace thought as he headed toward the tree house, a giant lizard on his back. He was surprised to see, as he entered the room, Luffy asleep and not running around complaining about being confined here.

"Sabo. Hey Sabo?" Ace called? He looked around and smirked when he saw his other brother sleeping in the corner.

"Wake up bro!" Ace shook his brother and whispered in his ear, not trying to wake Luffy up.

"Huh w-what?" Sabo grunted and picked himself up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"How was Luffy earlier while I was gone?" Ace questioned worriedly.

"Now that I think about it… He was awfully quiet, didn't feel hungry and seemed to have a pinkish flush on his cheeks…"

'Wait… quiet, not hungry, pink flush…' "Sabo! Luffy is sick!"

"WHAT! He hasn't left the house, its been warm all week and he feed him properly. How could he be sick?" Sabo panicked.

"I heard Dadan talk about something called infection. It happens if a wound isn't cleaned correctly and can cause sickness. See if you can wake Luffy." Ace worried. "I'll check his wounds to see if they're all right."

"Luffy? Luffy, wake up? Come on wake up!" Sabo kept shaking Luffy but he wouldn't wake up. "Ace he won't wake up!"

"Damnit! Look at his wound!" Ace hissed. Luffy's wound was greenish and yellow pus was in the wound. "We have to get him to the hospital now Sabo. You run ahead and alert the doctor. You're faster than I am but I am stronger so I'll be able to carry Luffy more easily. Now go!" Ace screeched.

Ace ran as fast as he could, towing Luffy gently on his back. 'Come one lil' bro just hold on.'

"A-ace." Luffy whispered.

"You awake Luff?" Ace fretted.

"I d-don't feel to g-good." Ace teared up at the pain and misery in his voice.

"Don't worry Luff. We're almost to the town." Ace was panicking more and more with each second. He kept freaking out that he might not be fast enough. Finally Ace made it to the town. He ran up to the clinic and saw with relief that Sabo and the doctor were already waiting for him. The doctor, whose nametag said Skifstad, carried Luffy into the OR and left Ace and Sabo sitting in the waiting room.

3hrs later

The OR was still in use and Sabo and Ace were so stressed and upset they couldn't cry and just kept pacing back and forth. Sabo and Ace looked at each other and nodded before getting down on their knees and praying to whoever was listening to save Luffy. The second they were done, Doctor Skifstad entered the room, looking worn out.

"He'll be all right." He sighed. "Good thing you got him here though, any later and I would've been too late to save him. He'll be resting for a while so you can go see him know."

Ace and Sabo cheered and ran in to see their only little brother.

The End

Don't end right there. There is an alternate ending for this story as the next chapter okay? Please review as well. I have decided that because today is my birthday, May 9th, I have posted this story, the alternate, a chapter of Why Me? AND a chapter of Don't Break My Heart. Enjoy!