Wow. I am crawling out of the depths of some very early writing of mine and decided as a pet project I'm going to rewrite this story. It'll have all the bonuses of years of practice that I've gotten since I've written PTTSHA...WW. Grammar, age, characterization, vocabulary. Ya know the works.

This is also a formal apology for every single mistake I have made in this story. I am so sorry.

It'll be under the new name of Iron Blood, or at least until I think of a better one. As a result of this being a pet project it won't get updated as quickly as it did last time, or regularly for that matter. Depending on how this goes, those other ideas I've tossed out there will maybe get some spotlight. If you have any questions or concerns you can PM me here, on tumblr, or AO3 under the same name.

Thank you for your time!