Here in Wonderland it never rained. At least it wasn't supposed to rain. Today was different, water poured down from the sky and soaked the earth. It was so odd to Pierce but even if it wasn't odd he didn't like it. Because it never rained in Wonderland, he didn't own an umbrella so here he was dashing through the rain trying to get home. Hurry as he might it didn't much matter as he was already soaked to the bone.
Stopping under a tree, Pierce leaned against the bark and breathed deeply in a near sigh. Only a few drops of rain managed to weasel their way through the leafy foliage but otherwise it was dry beneath the tree. Looking back at the trunk for no particular reason Pierce noticed a weathered gouge in the bark where something blunt had dug into it. A rope maybe? Then he remembered.
Tightly tied rope trapped his thin body. The rough bark at his back did nothing to soothe his fears as he struggled, panicked. Boris would be here soon. He had to escape! Pierce struggled against his bonds in vain and even went so far as to start nibbling at the rope. Try as he might it did nothing.
A rustling in the brush caught his attention, his body stiffened, each joint locking in frozen terror. After a few minutes when nothing happened Pierce returned to attempting to undo what the twins had done. The bushes rustled again, causing the mouse to freeze and look up. Leaning against a tree was Boris, his usual Cheshire smirk plastered across his face as he sized the captured mouse up.
"This almost feels like cheating." Boris teased, sauntering closer. "I didn't think you would be stupid enough to get caught and bound like this. Is this perhaps... something that you planned?"
By now Pierce was on the verge of tears. His relationship with Boris was still, as far as he was concerned, uncertain.
"Why would I want you to eat me?" Pierce squeaked after more vain struggling. Boris cocked his head and flicked his tail across Pierce's nose, causing the younger man to tremble.
"Why indeed. But hey, why should I pass up such a perfect opportunity?" Boris leaned closer until Pierce could feel his breath on his cheek. Pierce closed his eyes, waiting for the feeling of fangs sinking into his flesh. It never came. Soft lips pressed against his cheek briefly leaving a soft tingling sensation. Opening his eyes Pierce looked at Boris in confusion. Boris smiled,
"You're hopeless."
"I am not!" Pierce muttered indignantly, still confused. The cat laughed and began untying Pierce's bonds. The ropes fell away to bunch at the base of the trunk, where they had pressed against the bark there were gouges from Pierce's continued struggle. Boris flicked his tail as he noticed this.
"If the twins give you trouble like this again just let me know, 'kay?" he looked seriously at Pierce who nodded slowly.
Pierce smiled softly at the memory. Perhaps Boris really wasn't all that bad, even if he did try to eat Pierce a lot.