What You Don't Know

By: The Villain's Vindication

Grief is not a word large enough to encompass emotion Thor sloughed through each day. His new friends and lover stranded on Midgard so very far from reach, and Loki... even further from reach in death. The idea was not one Thor could much stand to contemplate. Loki had been everything, though before he was too stupid and self-centered to realize it, and now his centuries old friend was gone. In his own grief Loki had killed himself, Thor knew. The trickster had become all which he once hated and there was no coping to be had from such revelation.

The skies of Asgard had been blackened for weeks, the lightening so despairing it had turned a most unnatural purple. Thor pulled off his helmet and threw it to the ground in fury at the pitying looks his fellow gods gave him. There was nothing for this sorrow and he could not even grieve in private, all must know his moods due to the cursed weather. He was taking his daily penance now, walking to the edge of the Rainbow Bridge to help rebuild what he had destroyed.

He looked to Heimdall, he had not yet the courage to ask if he could see Loki. Thor knew he most likely could not take the answer.

Loki was broken in nearly every way. Finally alone on the desolate face of Jotunheim, he cried. For days he lay in the snow unmoving but for the heaving of his chest. He could not believe all that had come to pass and his cold heart ached all the more with the realization that this was now his home, this wasteland, this dead planet. Never again would he be welcome on Asgard, this he knew.

On the seventh day he finally sat up and looked around him. The destruction wrought by the cursed BiFrost was clear. He wondered if there were any of his kind left after all of this. They would know nothing of his treachery as the only ones privy to it were now dead. And he was, after-all, the son of the former king Laufey. He could have a life here perhaps, he thought as he struggled to his feet. He could rule over his kin here, be the king Odin never saw in him.

Maybe there was still hope to be had.

Putting one foot before the other, Loki journeyed to his new destiny.

Thor was irreconcilable, his behavior erratic at the best of times. Even as the new BiFrost neared completion he could find no joy in his heart. Ever so slowly, by every jerky increment, an alien cruelness grew in his eye. Without his brother there to balance him, Thor's mouth lit with frost at the edges, trying to fill both shoes at once. His disregard for others, once so absentminded and unintentional, became a game. And none felt his new found darkness more than the women of Asgard, whom he preyed upon nightly.

For all of Thor's love had been stolen from him.

Once Loki found his father's palace, he began to rebuild. His magicks were weak, unused to Jotunheim. Often he would simply pass out on the stone floors from exhaustion. And slowly, the surviving frost giants found their way to the fortress, watching in amazement as it came back to life without the help of the Casket of Winters. They saw a beginning lighting before their eyes and even with his tiny stature, Loki showed them strength they though their people lost so long ago. They began working themselves, moving stone and brick without Loki commanding it, just so they might have a true kingdom again.

Loki was their king before the trickster even realized. He didn't have to struggle against his very nature to prove himself worthy here; he didn't have to kill the ones he loved to be king; he didn't have to lie, cheat or steal; he just was. This is how it is supposed to be, he realized.

And yet, not a moment went by without thoughts of Asgard's warmth and gold. He missed the people he thought for so long his own. The frost giants were no monsters, no beasts as he had been taught, and he had grown to care for them. But he could not, it seemed, ever divorce himself from his childhood home. As his magicks had grown back, he knew that he could again follow the secret paths between worlds. Already he was hidden from Hiemdell's eye, it had been some of his fist workings on the sacred hall to keep the new found strength of Jotunheim secret.

So Loki donned his new favorite guise, a symbol itself of the change within him. And she stepped out into the cold and vanished.

Thor drank his mead slowly this night. Over the rim of his tankard he watched a woman he had never seen before in these halls. There was just something about her, he didn't understand but she made him… feel. As opposed to all others who shared his bed of late, Thor was captivated by her. Perhaps it was just her strangeness, she was clearly from a different realm though, having listened to all her conversations that night, she claimed otherwise. Her raven hair was thick and untamed, running just past her shoulders and her body was slight, quite unlike the warrior women he knew. She wore no armor, just a strappy ornamental top that barely kept her modesty and a skirt, not much more than a belt, that did the same. She had expensively jeweled gauntlets around her forearms, clearly not meant for protection. Even worse than that she was barefooted, how she had not yet come to harm Thor did not know for surly she was courting it dressed as she was.

He took another drink as she smiled at the servant girl she spoke with. It was another quirk he tried to puzzle out, why did such a woman seek out such commonly company? Thor was without his Warriors Three or he would have someone to ask if they had ever seen her around before. Despite his confusion he did not once look away from her and she had taken notice. Once in a while throughout the night her eyes flickered wearily over to Thor. Perhaps she had heard tale of his ruthlessness with women as of late that made her fearful of his gaze. He smirked into his drink at the thought. He saw that her eyes were not black as he first assumed as see looked to him again but they were so dark a green that they just appeared so.

He interest in her surprised him more as to her androgyny. She was not the overly breasted woman he normal sought, instead her body was humble despite her revealing clothes. The woman was a great mystery indeed, and Thor stood quickly as she made to leave the hall. He made certain to walk casually after her though as to not cause gossip amongst the others, but the moment they were out of sight he sped to her back, wrapping his immovable arm around her waist.

"Hello mi'lady," he purred in her ear. The woman pushed against his arm with surprising strength but it was for naught. "I must say I was surprised to find such a creature as you in so common an ale house as this."

"Release me," Loki hissed, the fear laced in her voice not an act. She could scarcely believe her bad luck when on her very first trip sneaking back into Asgard she was found by her brother. Somehow Thor had not recognized her, a small blessing though considering her current position. She could not use magick for fear Thor may yet figure out who she really is. And from what she had picked up about how Thor had changed, she came to doubt her ability to talk her way out of this mess. "You brute, you know not yet my name and still you feel entitled to hold me so close?"

Thor chuckled darkly and pulled her closer still, "I am future king of Asgard, your future king, and I am entitled to many things." Loki began struggling in earnest as she felt Thor's other hand skimming up her thigh. With anyone else, anyone at all, she may have given in and just had a bit of fun. There was no harm in such things but this was her brother, even after everything that had transpired nearly a year before. This wasn't right. She didn't want this.

"Why do you resist me so when so many would fall at my feet for a chance like this?" Thor asked.

"I have heard tale of those who have fallen at your feet and never have I heard it that they wished it to be so." Thor spun her around and smacked her across the face and before she had any time to think pressed her harshly against the stone wall. "Such a sharp tongue for a woman as soft as this," he put both hands around her waist and ran them up her body to cup her breasts through her cloth. Loki couldn't help but to gasp, her hands gripping Thor's wrists helplessly. The smack had been just a love tap compared to the beatings she had met at her brother's hand before, but it was enough to make her vision blur for a moment. Thor easily pushed her top over her head and threw it to the floor. He leaned in and began nibbling down her throat as his hands again found her breasts. She had never engaged in such… activities while in this form before. She didn't know what to feel, what to expect, and with Thor so experienced having a hundred women before her, she knew if she didn't escape now it would be too late.

With only the faintest bit of magick, she made a voice appear down the hall as someone calling for Thor. It surprised him just enough for her to slip out of his grasp.

And she ran.

For all Loki was not strong she was quick, but running from Thor? Even as desperate as she was she knew she was just prolonging the inevitable. Indeed, when she glanced back over her shoulder he was right behind her. He was purposefully letting her keep just out of reach. He was a hunter, she thought turning another corner, he's just playing with me. Soon enough she was tiring, gasping for breath in her aching lungs and she heard his laughter from behind. He surprised her, grabbing her ankle out from under her and pulling her back. She fell flat on her face, her entire body smarting from the resulting smack against the floor and her muscles crying out in exhaustion. Thor laughed once more as her pulled her beneath him, "quick as a doe on your feet aren't you?" His smile turned dark, "I suppose I'll just have to keep you on your back then." He called Mjolnir to his hand and set the hammer on her wrists, pinning them above her head.

"Thor don't do this!" Loki looked up desperately into her brother's eyes, but all Thor saw was the beauty in her face, the glitter in her dark eyes, her mystery, her swiftness. He thread his hand into her wild hair and pulled her up into a kiss more seductive than he had given a woman in a long while. Loki gasped, Thor's mouth was so hot upon her own. After the longest time he pulled back and grinned at her, the first honest smile the whole night, "do not worry mi'lady, you will soon change your mind." And as he pressed down on her and kissed her again there on the floor in the middle of the hallway, Loki knew that is what she feared most.

The cold stone floor contrasted greatly with their moving forms atop it. Loki was scorching, panting heavily with a dark blush across her face. Thor had already taken her twice but he seemed insatiable. He hadn't even yet taken off her skirt which he began to do now. He sat back and looked at her now naked form. On her cheek a bruise began to bloom where he had struck her and her virgin blood lay already dried upon her thigh. "You're so beautiful," his direction changed after looking upon her. His eyes filled with a fondness. He had known there was just something about his woman that pulled him to her. Perhaps, they were fated to be together this way.

He kissed his way languidly down her stomach knowing she was far too tired now to run off again. He lifted her left leg up over his shoulder as he moved lower on her body. This opened her up to his gaze wonderfully as he took a close look at her fruits for the first time that night. By now the light in the hall had dimmed as the torches began to burn to flickering embers, but he could see her all the same. Her thigh trembled against his cheek as he looked up to catch her eye. He held his gaze steady as he leaned down to pleasure her with his mouth. She cried out and began panting in earnest once more but she too kept her eyes on him.

As he brought her off with nothing more than his tongue Loki knew she was lost. Her brother's touches had become more and more gentle, more and more loving, as the night wore on. When he crawled up her body once more Loki leaned up to kiss him, unable to stop herself. This was the Thor she remembered. The brother who had loved the outcast son so thoroughly that Loki hadn't minded so much that he had no real friends of his own, no real love from their father. After all she had done, perhaps, she thought, this was the only love she would ever get from him again. From then on she turned and made love to her brother.

Thor awoke the next morning and for the first time in the longest time, the skies of Asguard were clear. He knew in his heart he had found solace in this woman's arms. Even more than his precious Jane back on Midgard, this woman had lead him back to the truth of himself somehow. But when he searched for her… she was gone.

Even still, the night before had so changed him he did not despair. Fate had sent him this gift in his time of greatest need. He knew he would see her again. All the same he journeyed to Heimdall, "Friend, where is she? The woman I found in the night?" Hiemdal did not turn to look at him, his mouth hard, "I cannot help you find her. Did you not hear her cries of "no"? Even I am not so cruel as to give her up to your clutches again." The blood drained from Thor's face in remembrance of how he first captured her. Had he merely imagined the loving look in her eyes? Had he really… to the most perfect creature he ever met? Thor turned, his confusion great and terrible. He knew Heimdall would only budge under an order from the king, and king he was not, not now.

Loki again found it was nearly a week before he could move again. Five times? The gods were legendary in their potency but honestly. Loki still couldn't help the smile that forced its way onto her face from the memory from it. He hid his treacherous face in his green pillow, at least this time around he did not have to lay in the snow whilst he recovered. He sighed and rolled over shifting into his male form as the frost giants took it to have more authority.

But he couldn't.

Loki shot up out of bed and focused with all she had but found he could not transform back into a man. In all her genius mind she could not fathom why this would be, because the obvious answer could not be true.

It could not.

She sat back down heavily on the bed and held a hand to her stomach. No, it just could not be.

Could it?

Her magicks protect her above all else and if she were to change back while… it would harm both her and the…

No there must be something else, some other explanation. But the longer Loki thought, the more she felt the truth of the situation warm her inside and out. Her magicks sparking and dancing around him as they worked to protect this new life inside her.

Their child.

AN: I know it's choppy and just thrown together but I HAD to write something for Loki. I absolutely adore him. I'm working on more for this, but we'll see if it really happens or not.