A sandwich, a beautiful glorious morsel, sitting right there next to the biggest ship in the world. The sunlight reflects off the half built ship, shining the dying rays of sun onto the half eaten delight, that sits there mocking me. I haven't eaten in almost a week and suddenly, as I make my rounds around the ship looking for food I saw it, sitting up there! My only problem is, the sandwich is very very high up, and I don't think I'll be able to get it.

My name's Alice, though in my current situation I've been calling myself 'Al', a boy's name. Why? Because I'm dressed as a boy, hiding out in a boy's world! My hair is carefully tucked up under a cap I keep low on my face, so nobody will notice I'm a girl, I can't be discovered. My current location is Belfast Ireland, in some dry dock I forgot the name of. The only thing that brought me here was word of a big ship being built, a ship that when completed will be the biggest ship the world has ever seen. It's name is Titanic.

I figured this would be the perfect place to hide out, with a ship like this being built, nobody would notice me. The ship is large enough to avoid people, when they're working in one spot, I merely hide out in a completely different spot. It's like a game of hide and seek, only the consequences of being found are certainly not fun. But I haven't been caught yet, and if I'm right I believe I've been hanging around here almost a month, maybe a little more. That seems to be a clear sign that it's safe for me here.

My day starts with getting up, usually sleeping under the massive structure, praying that it doesn't fall on top of me. I begin wandering around the ship, waiting and watching as the workers begin to arrive, beginning their work on the ship. Around noon, it becomes clear where they will be focused on working, and those are the places I avoid for the day. The day passes slowly some days, quickly on others. When the whistle blows and the workers go away, that's when I quickly zone in on the places they'd been that day. More often than not, one of those foolish men abandons their lunch, or drops a piece of bread off the top of the scafolding. This is my food for the entire day, a one meal, I guess I don't mind.

Lately though, nobody has left anything! Not a crumb! Maybe they got yelled at that they need to pick up after themselves, the slobs. So one week without food and then today by chance, I see it! The beautiful sandwich that has caught my eye! I must have it! I must! My stomach has been paining me with the hunger! But it's so high up! Standing next to the ship, it doesn't look so high, the scafolding platform it is perched on is not even a fourth of the way up Titanic's side! And yet to me, a small girl hardly 14 years of age, I believe I'd have an easier time climbing a 2 story house to get the sandwich than climbing this thing! What if I were to slip and fall?

But I'm so hungry, surely that sandwich would be worth the risk, worth the effort to climb up there! It looks like it's worth it! From where I'm standing it looks barely touched, like the worker never got a chance to eat it because he was called to do something. That settles it then, I'm going up there to get it! Grabbing onto the metal bars that support the high platforms, I begin to haul my way up towards it. As I climb, I repeat the words 'Don't look down' to myself, like a mantra. The sandwich is in reach now, I reach up and grab it, holding it in my hand. Oh it's such a sight to behold!

"YOU LAD! WHAT ARE YOU DOING THERE?" a voice yells. Startled, I jump, the sandwich falling out of my hand and plummeting to the hard ground below. And I, follow not far behind it. The sandwich splatters into oblivion the minute it hits the ground, and I believe I can almost say the same for myself. The breath has been knocked right out of me, I have to take a breath though! Oh god, that sandwich in my hand so looked worth it too. I feel something sticky and raise my hand to my head, realizing my cap which has been concealing me, is gone, and when I bring my hand down front of my face, it is covered in warm red liquid, oh good god!

I think that man who yelled at me is coming! I have to scram out of here fast before I'm caught! I get to my hands and knees quickly, but regret it in an instant as horrible pain rips through me! It feels like I'm being stabbed! I collapse again, taking deep breaths, I have to remain calm! But the man is coming closer! I see him out of the corner of my eye! I have to go! I have to go! I can feel the panic rising in my chest, urging me on dispite the pain. Once again I get to my hands and knees, forcing myself to my feet. I barely make a step though before I'm on the ground again, rolling on my side and drawing my knees up to my chest, into feedle position. I've never been in so much pain before! All for that sandwich, that beautiful sandwich, which is no more. I can see it splattered not far from me, it's enough to completely shatter my heart.

The man is so close now, but my vision is getting a little dark around the edges. I have to get away though, if he catches me I'm done for! But I can't move, hardly a muscle! Defeated, I lie there and listen as footsteps come closer and closer and closer. I close my eyes in fear of what is coming to confront me now, but I'm caught by surprise as a gentle hand shakes my shoulder. "Young lady? Can you answer me?" he asks, he doesn't sound angry, he doesn't sound like he's going to throw me out.

I swallow, there's a weird taste in my mouth but I ignore it as I answer him "Yes sir". He turned me over so I'm lying on my back, facing up at him. If I wasn't hurting so much I'd be admiring how handsome he is, even with concern etched all over his features. "What do you think you're doing here?" he asks me, I once again have to swallow as I try to speak with him, for some reason I can't get the words to form, it seems so difficult "Starving" I reply, it is the god honest truth, I was starving here, my eyes wander to the poor remains of my failed effort.

His eyes follow mine and he looks at the sandwich briefly before looking back down at me "You couldn't buy a sandwich? You had to come to my ship and steal a sandwich from my workers?" he asks. I nodded, I had not a penny on me, otherwise of course I would buy my own sandwich! And I'd buy a new dress since I outgrew my only one a year or two ago, and I'd buy a place to stay for the night too! And a nice bath! Oh the things I would get if I had money!

Everything is beginning to grow fuzzy, but I try my very hardest to fight it. If I answer all the questiosn this man feels the need to ask, maybe I won't get in as much trouble. Besides, who knows what will happen to me if I were to blackout. Would they throw me in the ocean? Would they hand me over to the police? I whimper in pain as he touches my head "You've got quite a gash there. Where are you parents?" he asks. I shake my head "No family sir, I've been living here for over a month on my own".

The man says nothing for a while, as if he's absorbing everything that is being thrown at him. I glance over at the ship, he called it his ship, I wonder if he likes his ship as much as I do. Me and that ship are pretty tight now, I swallow again before choking out "Your ship is..." I pause as pain rips through me again "the most amazing thing I've ever beheld. When I heard about it, I had to see for myself. And when I did I..." it's getting a bit hard to breath "couldn't leave! I had to see it finished! But I needed to eat too, so when your workers..." another pause so I can catch my breath, the man is patient, comforting almost "left their leftovers I ate them". I can't say anymore, I just can't say anymore. He hushed me "You'll tell me more later, for now you need some medical attention".

My vision is darkening some more, I can't let this happen! I must stay awake! The man gently picks me up and a cry escapes my lips, I can't help it! It hurts! Why couldn't I have the sandwich lord? Why? It was such a nice sandwich! He's carrying me up to someone, a woman, she's pretty. But I don't get a good enough look at her as I'm forced to close my eyes, the pain is too much. I just wanted a little food, just a sandwich, only a little bite of a sandwich! I would have been happy I swear! The world goes dark on me and my last thoughts are not on the sandwich, or the mysterious people who have taken me captive, but are directed towards Titanic, this will be my first time not sleeping under her in a long time. I bid her goodnight before I lose my senses completely.

Mr. Thomas Andrews, that is the man's name. Apparently he designed that big ship I've been calling home. He has been nothing but nice to me since I woke up, apparently quite a while after my tumble. I tried to say I was sorry for tresspassing, but before I could say a word he hushed me and said HE was sorry for scaring me and causing me to fall, and lose my meal. Since that moment I've decided I quite like Mr. Andrews, I like him a lot.

He told me I was quite lucky, although breaking ribs isn't exactly what I'd consider lucky. He gave me a bowl of broth in exchange for information about myself. I would have told him even without the food, but the prospect of a warm meal overwelmed me and I ate like an animal the minute the bowl was placed before me, as if he would suddenly change his mind and take it. My father used to play cruel jokes like that on me, giving me food after a hard day of working then suddenly he'd take it from me and give it to the animals.

When the broth is polished off, I look up at him and sigh "Alright, I'll tell you the rundown on how I got to your ship now. You see, my Mother had been ill for quite some time. And about a year ago she finally passed away. My father, he never liked me much, said he didn't like payin to feed and take care of a mistake, he always forced me to do work around the house like cleaning and feeding the animals and such. He pulled a gun on me hardly a day later and told me to get out of his sight, get off his land, he told me if he ever saw me again he'd shoot me dead right on the spot. My father is a man of his word, and he didn't have to tell me twice to scram. I was gone! And so I traveled a while, I heard talk that they were building the biggest ship ever, curiosity got the best of me and I traveled here to Belfast to see for myself. Sure enough, I met your lovely Titanic, and I've been sleeping under her and living off her for almost a month!".

The poor man looks a disturbed by my story, and frankly, so am I. I've already cried all my tears over it though, and now what happened just seems to be a fact. It happened, and I just have to live with it, I don't get a choice in the matter. Deep down inside though, I wish for a guardian. During my travels I saw lots and lots of children, with mothers and fathers that loved them. I have never known that, never. And I would love to know what it feels like to have someone care about me like that. Maybe Titanic was my guardian for a while. Gave me shelter, food, everything I could need to be content. And I was!

Mr. Andrews looks down for a moment before looking back up at me "I don't want you to sleep under my ship anymore" he says. I sigh sadly at this, I won't cry! I won't cry! I feel my eyes water but I'm, oh, ouch sobbing hurts! I can't help it though! Not be able to sleep under the Titanic anymore? Where am I supposed to go? On the road again? I hate the road! I hate it! Food is harder to find! People are mean to me! Mr. Andrews hushes me and reaches a hand out, taking mine in a firm yet gentle grasp "I want you to stay here with me for a while, until you are well again" he tells me. My tears intensify, he's being so nice to me! I nod my head though "I'll do whatever you want! I'll scrub the floors! I'll dust! Anything!".

He merely shakes his head and smiles kindly "You just rest. You don't need to do anything for me" he tells me. I thank him repeatedly, he's a good man! Such a good man! The man I wish my father could be! A gentleman! Yes! That's the word! Gentleman! I never thoguht I'd ever meet one! I was convinced such a person didn't exsist but here he is, there is a gentleman in this world and his name is Thomas Andrews!

"I can't believe I'm looking at this right now" I say as I stand at the drydock, my fingers interlocked with Mr. Andrews. It has been two years since I was climbing platforms on the big ship, and in those two years my world has changed. I feel like Cinderella, like this is a fairy tale or some kind of dream that I'll wake up from. But it isn't! It's all real, I'm really standing here looking at this ship, with the man who designed it, and there's something else too.

Not long after the sandwich incident, Mrs. Andrews had a daughter, Elizabeth, or Elba as me and Mr. Andrews like to call her. Around the time she was born, I decided it was time for me to pack up and hit the road again. They had a baby to look after now, and I wasn't going to overstay my welcome. I felt better! I really did! The night I planned to leave however, I was called into the sitting room my Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, and they asked if I might stay with them, permanently. At first, I wasn't sure what to do, stay with them forever? After a moment of thought though, I decided to stay, and stay I have!

So now I have the family I've always dreamed of having. Two years we've been living in bliss! Mr. Andrews is the best father, kind, gentle, understanding. Whenever I have a problem, I know he'll be there to help me through it! And Mrs. Andrews, she's nice too, though a little more stern than her husband. She doesn't like seeing me miserable, but she was absolutely appauled to discover I'd never worn a corset in my life, and because of it my waist was a whole 22 inches around! She quickly 'set me right' as she likes to call it, reducing my waist to a mere 18 inches.

It was a painful proccess, especially after hurting my insides from that fall. I wasn't allowed to take that corset off either, she'd tie it so I couldn't undo it when I went to bed for the night, and she took away anything and everything sharp enough to cut the cords. My first few nights were especially painful, and I cried, sobbed even in frustration and discomfort. Mr. Andrews stayed with me on those nights, stroking my hair and cradling me in his lap as though I were his own flesh and blood, saying that everything would be alright. I believed him, and I still believe him when he tells me something.

Back to Mrs. Andrews, she's trying to teach me how to be a lady. My mother never taught me, because she was so sick, so Mrs. Andrews is trying to teach me everything I should have known years ago. Luckily for the both of us, we're quite patient, so the long lessons about how to behave at tea and things of that nature go by seemingly quick. I learn quickly, and I think I can pass off for a lady now.

Today I was given a break from my lessons to accompany my father to the drydock to see Titanic, completed and ready to set sail. He smiles brightly down at me "I'm glad you still like her, after all this time. I've been speaking with your mother, and she and I have both agreed that you're ready to go out now. You're going to accompany me on Titanic's maiden voyage" he tells me. I get to SAIL on Titanic? Sure sleeping under her was fun, but I wonder what she looks like inside! I hug him tightly, beyonds words at this announcement and he returns the embrace "I'm glad you're happy, but come along now. There are a few things I have to check over" he tells me.

We begin making our way down to the grand ship. But the entire time I can't help but think of how far I've come. One minute I'm a tramp, stealing leftover sandwiches and parading around as a boy, and now here I am today! Going to sail on the most luxurious ship in the world, a lady in first class, with the nicest man to ever walk the face of the earth. I've been so lucky, I hope my luck doesn't run out on me anytime soon.