Love between neko chapter 2
Neko = cat
Tsuna- large brown eyed brown Bengal neko (10 years old)
Alaude- a blue eyed white Siamese Lynx neko (16 years old)
Hibari- a gray eyed blue Russian neko (13 years old)
Reborn- a black eyed black Bengal neko (17 years old)
Yamamoto- a black Bengal neko (10 years old)
Ryohei- a orange Bengal neko (years old)
Kyoko- a orange Bengal neko (5 years old)
Owner of all- Giotto (17 years old)
Second owner- Dino (15 years old)
Disclaimer- ...well if you have to call it with a child and a teen...nearly
pedobearish story...
Also animal to animal looks like human. Human to animal
looks like an animal (ex. Tsuna to another animal will make
them look like both humans. But Giotto to Tsuna would only
look like animal to human.)
Let's start the story!
The next day Tsuna woke up from his bed and went to the bathroom then got himself all done. He looked around and found them all sleeping. He smiled at them and went out the window to give a daily flower to Nana.
After he left he got a free flower from a kind florist woman near his house. This time it was a red one. He took it and walked happily until he saw the three older nekos staring at him.
"Herbivore you woke up early" said Hibari while looking at the flower Tsuna was holding.
"Yea. I'm going to go give this flower to someone. I mean I do it everyday so yea" smiled Tsuna. The three felt jealous.
"Is it for a female?" asked Alaude.
"Errr you can say that I guess" said Tsuna lightly blushing when he thought of his time together with Nana.
They felt more jealous.
"Do you like her?" asked Reborn
Tsuna nodded not thinking about how they meant it. They wanted to know who this girl was that took his heart.
"Ah! I need to go now! Bye guys!" smiled Tsuna.
Tsuna walked away and the three cleverly followed him without Tsuna noticing. They walked out of their neighborhood and now to an unknown neighborhood. Tsuna started being cautious and climbing trees to tree. The other three followed. Then there was Nanas house. Tsuna climbed through the balcony and tapped at the balcony window. He waited and waited and finally she came out.
"Nana!" meowed Tsuna although all she can hear is him mew.
"Oh Tsu-kun you're here again! You shouldn't you're a busy body aren't you" pouted Nana. Tsuna smiled and shook his head.
"I found some of my friends yesterday" meowed Tsuna. Nana didn't understand but she knew if was something joyful because Tsuna swung his tail side to side.
"Haha Tsu-kun are you hungry?" smiled Nana. Tsuna wanted to reject the offer but Nana went to get some without an answer. Tsuna sighed in relief. It didn't seem she was lonely. Soon she came back with a bowl of warm milk. Tsuna licked until there was nothing was left. Nana watched him with happiness.
"Tsu-kun found a girl of your own yet" cooed Nana. Tsuna blushed but shook his head.
"Aw! Why not? You are cute enough to even have one!" teased Nana.
"I-I think I'm too young! Maybe when I'm 10 or so." meowed Tsuna. The hiding triples thought...maybe Tsuna will open his heart when he's 10 then. They smirked but glared at each other.
"Ne Tsu-kun perhaps...," tsuna tilted his head, "Perhaps you are an uke?"
Tsuna didn't know what it meant but the hiding ones definitely wished Tsuna was.
"Haha there is no way you will understand though. I mean you are barely five years old hah!" laughed Nana. Tsuna was still confused greatly.
"Nana what does that mean" asked Tsuna tilting his head which Nana knew it meant confusion. She smiled and pet is head.
"Tsu-kun when you get a mate you have to show me first" smiled Nana. Tsuna nodded his head and smiled.
Then suddenly Nana stood up which made Tsuna flinch.
"AH! I remember I saw a cute cat that looked just like your breed. It was a female" smiled Nana. Tsuna looked at Nana
"W-Where did you see her" asked Tsuna. Nana unconsciously answered, "I saw her by the woods right over...there!" she pointed at a dark woods. It was filled with mist and dead trees.
Tsuna nodded and walked to the dark woods.
"W-Wow... I-it isn't that scary...I-I mean there is no ghost...right" he talked to himself. The three kept close with Tsuna. They did not want him to be hurt or injured.
Tsuna entered the woods. First there was light but as he went deeper and deeper inside. Light was no more. Only darkness.
"C-Cielo!" roared Tsuna..
There was no reply.
Suddenly he heard rustling.
"W-Who's there"
Tsuna yelled his code once more but still no sound. Suddenly mist appeared before him.
"N-Nebbia/Nebbio" said two mystery animals...
Tsuna knew the voices and ran toward the mist revealing a huge oak tree with a huge hole inside.
Tsuna looked inside and found a female indigo Bengal with an eyepatch and a male indigo Bengal neko.
"Wah! Found you two!" meowed Tsuna.
"H-Hello Tsuna-kun" said the female.
"Kufufu Nice to see you Tsunayoshi" smirked the male.
Tsuna smiled then hissed, "MEOW! Why does she have a eyepatch"
Mukuro lowered his head, "she got injured by a human."
Tsuna was worried but she just smiled.
"I-Im okay I bit him hard at the groin!" smiled the girl while all the male there paled.
"Good...I guess... I found Yamamoto, Kyoko, and Ryohei! Now I found you two! I just need to find Haru, Gokudera, Lambo, Fuuta, and Byakuran!"
The male chuckled and said, "you mean Lambo your child and Byakuran your hubby"
The three flinched. Tsuna said he wasnt into guys!
"Mou Mukuro I said I found the child and Byakuran took him in! It doesn't mean he's me and Byakurans child!"
"Oya? Did you say that? I don't remember. But does that mean I still have a chance" asked Mukuro.
"I'm not into guys" stated Tsuna.
"Kufufu you might say that now but when I make love to you, you might be blown away" cooed Mukuro. Tsuna didn't understand make love but Reborn had a hard time holding his anger and also holding Alaude and Hibari back from attacking Mukuro.
"I don't even understand what that means so I'll ignore it. Chrome, Mukuro you guys should come live with me!"
Chrome looked at Mukuro and Mukuro thought...and said, "Oya? Am I becoming your fiancé now?"
"Mou! Mukuro I thought I said I'm not into guys!"
"Kufufu as I said it will all change when I make love to you"
Tsuna sighed at the unknown sentence and walked out of wood with Mukuro and Chrome to his house. Giotto allowed and more beds appeared Kyoko was happy and so were others except Reborn, Alaude, and Hibari.
"Guys! This is Mukuro and Chrome Rokudo! They are siblings. Mukuro is 7 and chrome is 5."
Mukuro smirked and walked pass the three jealous ones and whispered so only they can hear, "jealous about what I said to Tsunayoshi in the woods"
The three flinched, that neko noticed they were there. All three glared at him while their pride sank like an abandoned ship.