Title: The Dark Side of a Heroine
Rating: T
Disclaimer: If I were to steal The Mentalist, I think Bruno Heller would find a serial killer like Red John to come and kill me.
Summary: That wasn't his usual approach. Based off of "His Red Right Hand".
Yes, I've given into the idea of Lisbon/Red John. I think a conspiracy story is in order here, but I just need to find the time and to plan it out. Don't take me up on this and don't expect anything, but I have thoughts. This is for iloveplotbunnies, by the way, but enjoy!
All she heard was the rush of water running down the drain like the blood that was pumping through her veins. She was breathing heavy. She had just seen her friend and colleague bleeding to death on the floor of his office. He had been shot.
This isn't his usual approach, she thought in fear. Her hands remained underneath the hot water that had turned her already blood stained hands a darker shade of red. She had to close her eyes.
When she had seen him lying there she hadn't been able to move. Cho had to take over and he locked down the building. Each breath she took had been short and rapid because she knew. She knew who had been behind this. He had warned her that something would be coming. He just didn't specify what it would be and she never thought it would be this.
He had said that he had someone inside the CBI. Someone who she would pick out as soon as she spoke to them. She had been begging him for the past three years to stop. To quit the game and to just be with her.
"I am in too deep, Teresa. I have to finish what has been started." He had said. All the while, he had continued to rub her back, but her only response had been to put her head to his shoulder and silently cry. He had looked down at her, at the tears streaming down her face, and had just kissed her on the forehead, while she continued to cry herself to sleep.
She knew that one-day, Jane would figure it out and when that day came – she would have no choice but to kill him. This only made her shiver and feel cold.
Despite all of this, as she continued to wash off the blood from her face and hands, she would still go back to her apartment tonight and fall asleep next to him, wrapped in his arms, because in light of all of the bad he had done to her, to the team, to Jane – she was in love.