

Laufey's son. Laufey's son. Laufey's son.

The words echoed again and again in Loki's head. He sat at Odin's bedside, watching his slow breathing. Frigga sat opposite him.

His parents. His father, who had corrected his spear technique, had smiled and clapped him on the shoulder the first time he had donned his ceremonial helm. His mother, who had listened to his dreams and fears, had comforted him and made everything alright. For so many years he had admired them, loved them, tried so hard to be like them. His very life's blood came from them, or so he had thought. Until an hour ago. Until the foundation of the universe had shifted. And they call me a liar.

The storm of thoughts threatened to drown him. Mostly to break the silence, Loki spoke. "I never get used to seeing him like this."

Frigga reached out and took her husband's hand. "He's put it off for so long that I fear..."

Fear? Loki searched his mother's face. "How long will it last?"

"It's different this time. We were unprepared." Loki heard her unspoken meaning and swallowed fear. "You can speak to him," Frigga was saying. "He can hear and see everything that goes on around him."

Loki considered it briefly. He didn't think he wanted to speak, not in front of his mother at least. For once, he was afraid of what might come out of his mouth.

You could have told me from the beginning! In his mind he could still feel the chill of the Casket spreading up his arms and through his body. He was glad he hadn't been able to see himself. Laufey's son. He remembered the Jotuns and their dreadful, red-eyed king. My real father.

They had tried to kill him. Left to die. Those were Odin's words. He hadn't been good enough for Laufey, and he hadn't been good enough for Odin. You know, it all makes sense now... All these years of trying and he's never had a shot. Not because of chance or ability, but because he'd never been worthy in the first place. Just another stolen relic...

He choked back the boiling sense of betrayal and tried to make his voice emotionless. "So why did he lie?"

Pity and regret filled Frigga's face. "He kept the truth from you so you would never feel different," she offered. "You are our son, Loki, and we your family. You must know that."

Everything Loki had thought he'd known had crumbled over the past day, but he clung to his mother's words like a lifeline. I have to believe her. I have to.

"We mustn't lose hope that your father will return to us," she was saying. "Or your brother."

Thor. Loki had hardly thought of him since the confrontation in the vault. "What hope is there for Thor?"

Frigga smiled, wanting to comfort him. "There's always hope."

Something cold and hard settled in the pit of Loki's stomach. The perfect firstborn. Well, Loki might be nothing more than a foundling, but he was at least as capable as Thor. And Thor's not here now. This is my time. I'll show him. I'll show Odin if it's the last thing I do. I will be the worthy son.

Thank you all so much for your attention and your comments; this whole process has been a lot of fun. Thanks especially to my betas: Elizabeth Leah, krudovana, and lanuitestcalme. You've been a God-send, and I couldn't have done this without you. Finally, a round of applause to Phobs on deviantart for providing inspiration for a couple of scenes.