This idea came to me when I was in the student's bathroom at my school as I was washing my hands and singing Telephone by Lady Gaga. My supervisor came down the hallway and stopped to listen to me belt the tune out and have a great show while I had no idea she was standing there. Needless to say it is something I will never live down.

I am turning this into a three-shot (one chapter for three couples (two JR and one Sekaiichi)) that I will post under crossovers because of the third couple.

Oh, I don't own anything so all suing me will do is earn a smile and a nod.


Seme Gaga: Priceless

In his dreams, at least the ones that were not nightmares or perverted, the scholar found peace and harmony. They wrapped themselves around his body like a cocoon of bliss and allowed him to transform from his regular state (which he considered like a caterpillar) into something much more majestic and colorful. He'd never admit to this since there'd be some sort of retort from the man he loved about how he was already a butterfly; full of color and as vibrant as the morning sun. Hiroki would then blush, call his partner and idiot, and go about his day.

He enjoyed his dream state almost as much as he enjoyed when Nowaki 'held' him when he was cold. What he didn't enjoy was being woken from his dream state to what could only be described as the murder of tiny kittens via a lawnmower. The noise was enough to cause the professor to sit up and wonder if the apocalypse had fallen.

He must have still been dreaming, or having a nightmare, there was no other explanation. Hiroki reached across himself and pinched his arm. No, he wasn't dreaming. So that meant he was awake and there was still some horrible racket coming from outside the bedroom that had disturbed his precious sleep.

Completely groggy and more than a little annoyed the tired man called Hiroki stumbled from the bedroom and stopped short. If he wasn't awake before he was certainly awake now and wishing he was dreaming. There was no excuse for what he saw or what his moronic boyfriend was doing.

In the kitchen, wearing checkered blue and yellow lounge pants and a frilly blue and white polka-dotted apron (someone had gotten funny at the hospital Christmas party last year), was Nowaki singing into his spatula as he made some sort of breakfast. The behemoth was dancing without a care in the world to some sort of horrible racket playing from the CD player on the counter.

Hiroki didn't understand all of what Nowaki was singing since it was in English. While he understood the language when it was being spoken, it was another thing entirely to listen to it added with the noise of accompaniment. He caught some words like telephone and dancing, but with the noise added in with Nowaki's singing voice trying to outdo the horrible sound of the original singer, Hiroki couldn't completely understand.

Nowaki, for his part, was enjoying his private concert. After trying to wake Hiro-san a couple dozen times to no avail he'd switched to a new tactic. Turn on the music (something Hiro-san was sure to go ballistic over) and sing as loudly as he could. It was worth a shot to see if the idea would rouse his favorite person in the world from the slumber that always separated the two.

The idea had come to him from a parent at the hospital who always woke her daughter by singing Lady Gaga. When woken in this manner the child was much more amiable to the hospital staff then when not, so it was allowed. Nowaki knew Hiro wouldn't approve, but it would be totally worth it to see his face when the time came.

The time came quicker than expected as he turned around and saw his Hiro-san standing in the doorway with the look of someone who was watching the sun go supernova. The sight was priceless and it was all Nowaki could do to keep from ambling over and placing a chaste kiss on his lover's slightly parted lips.

"Good morning, Hiro-san! Did you sleep well?" Nowaki asked as he placed the fish onto a plate for later consumption.

Hiroki didn't know how to respond. Nowaki was obviously intentionally singing that ridiculous song and while it was done with good intentions, the oaf had to have known the affect it would have on his smaller lover.

The professor shook his head and turned around to go back to the bedroom. "I don't even want to know." He mumbled as he shut the door and fell flat on the bed, face burning a brilliant shade of red as he tried to keep from getting aroused at the sight of Nowaki's pectorals from behind that bloody apron.

Nowaki watched the other man disappear from site behind the safety of the bedroom door. His plan had worked as there was no way Hiro-san would be able to fall back asleep. He made a quick mental note to try a serenade type song next time, something that said what was in his heart and always on the tip of his tongue.