Ok this all came to me over a weekend and I just haven't wanted to post it until after I was on the verge of finishing some of my other Fanfics. If you like it and think I should continue just let me know and I will do so. If you don't like it then tell me I want the truth because I don't want to make something that is crap if it is. Thank you for reading.

-Fallen Jedi 79

The Clone Wars started and took place Ten years earlier. Order Sixty Six also of course took place ten years earlier. Because of this the Jedi Never discovered young Anakin Skywalker on Tattooine. Instead he was discovered by Palpatine after winning his freedom in a Podrace and taken from his mother at the age of nine and taken as Palpatine's Sith Apprentice. Now Currently Anakin is Seventeen and is known as Darth Vader. He has been under the public eye for a year now. Little is known about him or his past. All that is known is that he has killed Various Jedi and is a brilliant military Commander as well as a very cunning warrior. Things are about to change for this Dark Warrior once he meets Queen Padme Amidala of Naboo.

Star Destroyer Exactor:

Seventeen year old Darth Vader stood onboard of his flagship watching as the Planet of Naboo came into view. A pretty looking planet from space, he mused. A lot of them are though. All of his life he had dreamed of seeing planets as a freed man. Never had he imagined seeing those planets as the Galaxy's most feared man at age seventeen. "Captain Keller prepare my ship."

"Yes my Lord I hope you may have time to enjoy the Planet."

Vader glanced at his officer for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"I mean it is a beautiful place sir. Especially the women."

Vader ignored Keller's comment and spoke, "Is my Squad of Clones ready?"

"Yes sir!"

Vader nodded as Keller spoke, "We are receiving a Transmission from the Royal Palace sir."

"Send it to my office."

"Yes Sir!"

Vader headed into his office and activated the Holocom and watched as it blared to life. He live image of Queen Amidala slowly came to life. Vader found himself frustrated by how the woman was encased in the robes and makeup which concealed her, "Lord Vader welcome to Naboo what can I do for you?"

"I am here to place you under arrest for treason Your highness and to hunt down the traitors. I am stripping you of the throne from this moment forth your no longer Queen."

The Queen bowed her head, "I will offer no resistance against your men. I only ask that you take me and do as you wish and that you do not harm my people or the members of my Royal House."

Vader smiled and ended the transmission before storming out of his office.

Vader headed into the hanger bay with a smile when he noticed his squadron of Stormtroopers accompanied by Commander Veers. "The troops are ready sir."

"Good tell them that there will be no resistance on the planet below and to set their blasters on stun."

Veers nodded as Vader boarded the ship. Vader smiled, he had sensed complete honesty in the Queen and to him it was obvious that she was telling the truth.

It was fine with him, He had just dealt with several Rebellious planets and his brutality was only causing more people to join the Alliance and the fact that the Alliance was growing was angering the Emperor more and more. Today though the Alliance would lose one of its leaders. It was now known that Queen Amidala was one of the founders and he intended to make her suffer as an example.

Naboo: Theed Royal Palace:

After bidding farewell to her faithful Handmaidens and Bodyguards young Former Queen Padme Amidala removed her royal headdress and gowns along with her makeup. She dressed in a simple red dress with a matching pair of shoes and undid her hair allowing it to fall down before taking all of the dignity that she had and headed into the throne room and knelt at the bottom of the Throne.

She looked around the beautiful Palace for what she knew would be her last time. She thought of herself as a Queen. She had done the right thing. She had opposed the Evil Emperor. She had protected her people and even now by surrendering she was doing what was best for her people rather than face the wrath of Darth Vader. He was infamous in just a year's time for his brutality and she feared for her people's safety.

She sighed as she heard the sound of running feet throughout the Palace that had been once her's, Darth Vader had arrived and now her reign was at an end along with her life most likely.

Vader wasted no time after securing the Hanger and led a party through the Palace and towards the throne room. Upon arriving what he found shocked him.

Kneeling before him was the Queen, No Former Queen. Devoid of any make up whatsoever and dressed in a simple red dress that appeared to go down just past her knees and it revealed her shoulders. She looked up at him with the most beautiful brown eyes that he had ever seen. His desire to squeeze the life out of her had now suddenly vanished from his mind as she spoke to him in a voice that was as beautiful as she was in his eyes. "Lord Vader I surrender to you as Former Queen. I only beg for my people's safety. Please do not punish them."

"I want to know who your handmaidens were. I want to know who your head of security was and the names of all of those that were on your Royal Council."

Padme shook her head, "Please they only served me and it is my turn to serve them. Punish me not them."

Vader looked down at Padme feeling what he realized was desire and attraction. He wanted her. He wanted her to be his and he would have her. He smiled down at her as she looked up at him fearfully though she was doing her best to hide her fear. The Emperor had only said that she could no longer trouble him and otherwise he cared not what her fate would be and having her alive or making her disappear instead of making her a martyr was better than what he had done to the last leader that he had captured.

"Will you go through anything to protect your People Padme Amidala."

Padme nodded, "Anything my Lord."

Vader nodded, "Then it is going to cost a great deal."

"I will do whatever it is for them."

Vader smiled, "You are going to be required to marry me."

Padme looked up at the Dark Lord in horror, "Marry you?"

Vader nodded, "Or I can begin the hunt for everyone..."

"No No I agree. I will marry you."

Vader looked down at her with a smile and ran a hand down her cheek causing her to shiver in horror.

He then turned to a set of Clones, "Bind her hands and take her to my quarters."

"Yes Lord Vader as you wish."

Vader then motioned to another six clone troopers, "Follow me."

Vader entered The Former Queen's chambers and glanced at her closet noticing various gowns. He collected them effortlessly and threw them on her bed before taking out a suitcase that he found in the closet. "Pack those."

The Clones obeyed as Vader looked at the corner of the room noticing a lone blue Astromech droid, "What is your number droid?"


Vader checked and nodded, "Ok R2-D2 you will go with me so that you may remain with your mistress."

Vader then turned to the clones, "Search the droid for weapons and then send him to my shuttle along with her belongings."

Vader then headed for Padme's dresser noticing several family pictures. He noticed another woman that looked like Padme with two little girls and a man that he guessed to be her husband she was no doubt Padme's sister. He saw another picture with a couple that he guessed to be Padme's parents with greying hair standing with their daughter. He had never had a family. Only his mother and how he missed her but he couldn't go back to her. She wouldn't want him again not after all that he had done. He even knew that he was a monster at this point. What he did didn't matter he was nothing but a murderer.

He turned to the clones in silence as his thoughts of shame left his mind and spoke, "Collect any family pictures you see. I am guessing that she will want those."

"Yes sir."

Vader then turned and wordlessly left the room.

Vader headed into the Throne Room noticing Captain Keller and Commander Veers. He smiled, "Is everything taken care of?"

"Everything sir."

"Good, Keller I have a job for you. Find me a Holy man and then contact Veers once it is done. The two of you are going to have the honor of attending my wedding but tell no one."

"As you wish my Lord," replied Veers with a smile.

Padme was herded out of the Palace by her squad of clones and led through the streets in front of all of her people whom had gathered in anger and were protesting. Several clones raised their guns as Padme spoke, "Let me talk to them I can calm them down."

The Clones merely shook their heads as they fired blue laser blasts into the crowd. Padme was thankful that the blasters were on stun.

She made no effort to resist as the Clones led her towards an Imperial Shuttle that was waiting for her.

She sighed as she was taken onboard the Shuttle. The ship then lifted off. Strange, thought Padme here she was a new bride starting her new life as a prisoner to her future husband. She couldn't say that she knew to many brides that had begun a relationship with their husband like this but she was in a forced marriage after all. She sighed, she had never imagined her marriage to be like this in all of her life.

Star Destroyer Exactor:

Vader arrived onboard the Exactor a few hours later with a package containing a simple wedding dress that he had picked out for Padme. Upon seeing the dress he had noticed how perfect she would look in it when he had gone to a local shop.

He smiled as he entered his chambers. He looked at the woman that was now his.

Padme was sitting on his bed with her hands bound. He moved forward and wordlessly removed her binders.

Padme then looked at him as he set a package on the bed, "That is your wedding dress. We will have the Holy Man onboard in one hour and we will have the ceremony done."

Padme looked at him in anger, "Are you happy now?"

"What do you mean?" asked Vader.

"I mean you have a beautiful girl to please you in your bed at night and to flaunt around like a trophy, To serve you and wait on you. Not to mention bear your children for you. You must be very pleased with what your power has done for you."

Vader nodded as he unhooded and turned to face Padme causing her to gasp at how youthful his face. "I am indeed fairly happy. The moment that I laid eyes on you I knew that you were mine."

Padme said nothing as she felt herself over taken by his steel blue eyes and shaggy long blond hair. Even his broad shoulders were attracting her. She realized to her shock that he had to be at least three years younger than her.

"Y-Your much younger than I expected Lord Vader I was expecting someone with your reputation to be older."

"I may be seventeen but age means nothing in my case or position though all of the men that serve under me are older than me."

"Seventeen?" asked Padme in shock and horror.

Vader nodded as Padme spoke, "What does your mother think?" Vader hung his head at the mention of his mother.

"I wouldn't know I haven't seen her in many years."

Padme frowned, "Speaking of mother may I please contact mine and tell her goodbye please?"

Vader looked at Padme's pleading brown eyes with a smile as he took in the image of her beautiful figure and tiny body he then spoke, "You may go ahead and pound in the Comlink frequency on my com station."

Padme nodded in tears and left the Dark Lord.

Padme headed to the com station and watched as the nervous image of her mother appeared. "Padme? what are you doing with Vader's Comlink?"

Padme frowned, "Mom you know that I was arrested today right?"

Jobal nodded as Padme spoke, "He was going to hunt down all of the Royal Household just to determine who all was in my rebellion but I managed to stop him but there was a catch."

"What is the catch Padme?" asked Jobal uneasily.

"I have to marry him in one hour. I am so sorry. I can't promise that I will be home again Mom. He just forced me to marry him."

Jobal looked at her daughter in horror, "Has that monster touched you?"

"Not yet but it is going to happen tonight I know it based on how he is looking at me and I won't resist. My life is the price to save everyone from him. There is little that I can do."

Jobal looked at her daughter in tears, "I love you Padme."

"I love you too Mom tell Daddy and Sola that I love them. Give Ryoo a kiss for me and give Pooja two kisses. Goodbye."

Jobal in tears nodded as Padme severed the transmission. She then turned to face her future husband in tears, "I will dress for the wedding."

Vader nodded as Padme left him.

An hour later inside of the conference room stood Darth Vader with his forced bride. The witnesses consisted of Commander Veers, Captain Keller and R2-D2 which surprised Padme. Vader glanced at her noticing that her eyes were on the droid, "I thought you might want to keep him since he was in your room."

Padme nodded, "Thank you."

Vader smiled and led her to the section that was obviously reserved for her and Vader as the Holy man spoke before Padme and Vader exchanged their vows. Vader then scooped up Padme and wordlessly carried her to his bedroom with his eyes roaming over her small form lustfully.

He kissed her without breaking the bond as he led her into their chambers and to his bed.


Jobal Naberrie frowned as she saw her husband head out the door, "Where are you going Ruwee?"

"I am going to visit Organa and see what he can do about our girl. That bastard is probably going to rape her and I won't live knowing that my daughter's life is a living hell because she was forced to marry Darth Vader."

Jobal nodded, "You're getting Tickets to Alderaan today?"

Ruwee nodded as he left his wife in silence.

Star Destroyer Exactor: One Day later:

Vader awoke spooned up against his bride with a smile as she opened her eyes with him. How he had enjoyed her. He had never been with a woman before but now he was determined that the only woman that he would ever be with or want was Padme. He kissed her and smiled, "You were amazing last night."

Padme looked at him uneasily as he kissed her, "It was my first time."

"Mine too," replied Vader with his arms still possessively wrapped around her petite form.

Vader ran a hand down her cheek noticing her shivering, "Tell me about your family back on Naboo."

Padme looked at him in shock realizing that he wanted to talk to her instead of use her like he had all night without even trying to get to know her.

"My dad is a professor at the Theed university my Mother is just a simple housewife and my sister followed her footsteps. When I was ten and much to my mother's disappointment I went into politics and enrolled in the Legislative youth program."

"She didn't approve?"

Padme shook her head, "My dad and my sister on the other hand were right behind me. My dad was very firm in believing that I should become what I dreamed of becoming. Now here I am. So much for my ambitions."

Vader nodded as Padme spoke, "How about your family?"

Vader breathed in deeply in shame, "I was born a slave."

"A slave?"

Vader nodded, "My Mother was kidnapped by pirates when she was nine. We were sold when I was three to Gardulla the Hutt whom lost us betting in the Podraces. Then my Mother and I were owned by a Toydarian named Watto who had a junk shop that I worked in."

Padme listened in horror as Vader continued, "One day I won my freedom in a Podrace. It was the happiest moment of my life. I was only nine at the time. Then just after my transmitter had been deactivated two men came and kidnapped me right as I left my owner's shop. They took me to a ship and Palpatine was waiting and he kept me locked up for days on end. He beat me and abused me until I finally broke and pledged myself to him. Little did he know that the only reason that I surrendered is so that I may one day kill him and become Emperor."

Padme looked at Vader in horror, She had had no idea that he had had the life that he had. Nor that he had been a slave. She had given herself to him last night because she had been forced to marry him but now something was coming to mind, What if she changed him into a good man? What if she was able to heal this boy and bring some light into him?

Vader looked at her in shame she probably was in horror that she had just given her virginity to a former slave. A woman like her that was twenty two had just slept with a boy that was lower than her.

"You probably think less of me now."

Padme shook her head, "All I can say is you have been through a lot. Why didn't you run from Palpatine?"

"I was only nine at the time and in the seven years that I was trained I had no idea what Planet I was on. Then one day he tells me that I am supreme Commander of his fleet and he just unleashes me on the Galaxy."

Padme looked at him in horror, "Have you ever thought of just leaving?"

"Where would I go?"

"Back to your mother."

Vader shook his head, "She wouldn't want me. Not after learning that her only Child was Darth Vader I am sure that she would write me off."

Padme frowned and kissed the Dark Lord much to his surprise.

She looked into his eyes as he moved forward sealing her lips again.

Before Padme could counter Vader' statement he spoke, "Are you an Angel?"

"A what?" asked Padme.

"An angel, I used to hear the deep space pilots on Tattooine they are the most beautiful creatures in the universe. They live on the moons o Iego I think."

Padme smiled, "As far as I know I am human."

Vader smiled, "Or you are just my angel."

Vader then wordlessly moved forward and kissed his wife.

A long time later the newly wed couple headed into their kitchen and Padme glanced at him, "Would you like me to cook for you?"

Vader smiled, "Do you know how?"

"Yes my mother taught me."

Vader smiled and kissed her cheek. She was surprised that he was starting to show affection since all he had shown was desire yet hopeful that it was a sign that she could change him.

Padme smiled much to her surprise as she felt his hands on her sides. He moved up behind her and kissed her before leaving her alone as she cooked for him.

After cooking she served out a plate for herself and Vader and came into the dinning room and set a plate down for herself and Vader.

Vader smiled as he tasted her food, "This is really good Padme."

Padme smiled and sat down to eat with him. This was her fate and she would make the best of it by trying to redeem his darkened soul.

After the couple finished eating she stood up to take the plates she felt Vader embrace her with a kiss on her forehead "I will be back for lunch and then tonight don't get to tired."

Padme nodded as she left him realizing what he had in mind already.

Vader then headed out of her Chambers and towards the bridge where Captain Keller stood, "What are our orders Captain?"

"The Emperor demands that you contact him immediately."

Vader nodded and wordlessly headed for the Holocom and knelt down and watched as an image of the Emperor appeared, "What is thy bidding my Master?"

The hideously scared Emperor smiled, "Lord Vader did you finish up on Naboo?"

Vader smiled, "Yes Master and Queen Amidala pleaded for the mercy of her Royal household so I used it to my advantage and I bargained with her."

"How so?" asked the Emperor with a look of curiosity on his face.

"I ordered her to marry me."

"And did she agree?"

"Yes without Jedi to protect her she had no choice. I did a simple ceremony with just Commander Veers and Captain Keller along with her droid."

The Emperor smiled, "Very well Lord Vader I trust you will use your little wife well. Or should I say abuse?"

Vader smiled as The Emperor cackled in laughter, "Was last night your first time?"

"Yes Master."

"Good very good my friend was she good?"

"Yes Master."

"The next time I see her father which is going to be in a week or so since the Refugee movement that he works with has asked him to come to Coruscant I will have to tell him how much you enjoyed his rebellious daughter," said Palpatine with a laugh, "Now head for Kashyyyk there are Jedi on the planet and I doubt you will be able to kill all of them but kill as many as you can and it will help your power to grow."

"Yes Master," replied Vader as the transmission ended.

Vader then turned and left the Com station and turned to Captain Keller, "Set course for Kashyyyk immediately."

"Yes sir!"

"What will our ETA be?"

"One day Sir!"

"Very well Captain make it so."

Vader then turned and headed for the training room for a session of sparring before heading back to his chambers for lunch.

Padme smiled, "I didn't know what would please you but I made you a Bantha steak and cooked it medium is it ok?"

Vader nodded, "Yes it is fine."

He sat down noticing that Padme had no steak and only a salad. "Your not having a steak?"

Padme shook her head, "I just wanted a simple salad I am really a light eater."

Vader nodded as he ate. "You cooked it well."

Padme smiled, "Thank you."

Vader nodded and after finishing his lunch stood up and kissed Padme, as he noticed that her salad was finished, "I will be back tonight."

Padme nodded as the Dark Lord left her.

That evening Padme watched as Vader entered their chambers. She had dinner served and together they ate. He then turned on the Holonet and at the same time noticed Padme come and sit down beside him. He wrapped his arm around her and kissed her before breathing in the scent of her hair, "Did you shower recently?"

Padme nodded, "An hour ago."

"You smell wonderful," said Vader as he shut of the Holonet before running his hand through her hair and down her cheek. Padme looked at him, realizing what he had in mind. She moved forward and kissed him and then allowed him to wordlessly carry her off to their bed.

Alderaan: One Day Later:

Ruwee Naberrie arrived on Alderaan after taking the regional transport and upon telling telling the Royal Security who his daughter was he was swiftly led to Bail Organa's office.

Bail watched as Ruwee entered, "Mr Naberrie I am pleased to see you."

Ruwee nodded and politely bowed, "Senator I am guessing that you are aware of what has happened on Naboo."

Bail nodded, "I am indeed I am so sorry about Padme she was like a daughter and younger sister to me and Breha if you or your family ever need anything contact me."

Ruwee nodded, "That is what I wanted to tell you. Shortly after her arrest Padme contacted my wife and she is no to be executed."

"What do you mean?" asked Bail.

"That bastard Vader has forced her to marry him in exchange for the mercy of her Royal house."

Bail put a hand up to his mouth in horror as a million horrific images came into his mind, "Poor Padme I have failed her."

Bail looked at Ruwee, "I can imagine Mr Naberrie that as a father the thought of what that sick bastard is doing to her right now is horrifying and probably is causing you nightmares and let me make a promise to you right now. As a friend of your daughter and as a Man I am going to do everything in my power even if it takes me years to succeed in rescuing her from that vile creature."

"Thank You Senator," said Ruwee with a bow.

Bail nodded, "You are welcome to stay and you may join us for dinner as well if you would like I can even provide you transport for your return home."

Ruwee shook his head, "I am due on Coruscant for a conference that the Refugee movement is hosting."

"Ah I have been invited to attend that. We can go together."

Ruwee smiled, "Thank you it will be enough for me to stomach the presence of Palpatine whom I once thought of as my friend who will also attend."

Bail nodded sympathetically as Ruwee stood up, "I am glad that there are still some good people left in this Galaxy I didn't know that there were."

Bail smiled sadly as Ruwee left him.


Vader landed on Kashyyyk with a squadron of Stormtroopers that were at his disposal. He looked at the area surrounding him and he couldn't help but admire the beautiful jungles that he was entering.

He still resumed his thoughts of battle and moved forward with his Clones in tow who were being down by various Wookiee Warriors who were hiding in the trees.

Vader ignored the clones and the Wookiees and focused on the Force presences that he was feeling. He fought his way through several Wookiee Warriors before finding himself face to face with a Twi'lek Jedi and A Zabrak Jedi along with a human Jedi Knight. He climbed up the stairs of a massive tree house and force Jumped into the air and attacked the three Jedi as they moved to surround him inside of the Tree that they had sought shelter in. Effortlessly he Force Jumped behind the Zabrak before bringing his lightsaber into a swift slice that claimed his head. He moved onto the Remaining Jedi sending one in a violent Force push down from the tree house he was fighting in and onto the ground below before impaling the Twi'lek Jedi.

He walked down to the ground surface and approached the Human knight whom looked up at him, "You are only a tool and the Sith will toss you aside one day. I pity you."

"Enough of your lies Jedi!" screamed Vader as he raised his hand and within moments the Jedi's throat constricted and snapped.

At the same time Vader turned to see two more Jedi Knights standing in his path, One he recognized as Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn and Jinn's former Apprentice and famed Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The two that had slain Darth Maul on Naboo early on in the war. He watched as they encircled him.

Together they both attacked in unison and Vader found himself shocked at the skill that the two Jedi possessed. No wonder Maul lost to them. He crossed blades with Kenobi and Jinn but before he could make an attack Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan moved in and within moments Qui-Gon had his lightsaber knocked from his hands and was pointing the blade at his throat.

Vader looked up at the Jedi Master in horror.

"What are you waiting for Master? Kill him!"

"No Obi-Wan."

"What do you mean no? He killed the others down there."

"Trust the living Force My young apprentice. The Force is telling me to spare him."

Vader looked at Qui-Gon in shock as he spoke, "You are wasting your life away son by fighting for the Sith. You can be so much more and so much better. Your life could have so much joy if you just let go of the darkness that owns your soul. I can sense a small bit of light coming into you right now young one," stated Qui-Gon as he left.

Vader looked at the Jedi Master in shock. Little did he know that that light that Qui-Gon had sensed was all from his night of Marriage to Padme Amidala and a small bit of love that he was starting to feel towards her though he didn't know it.

Vader stood up in rage and humiliation. He could not tell his Master that he had lost this fight or that he had engaged Kenobi and Jinn. His Master would be furious.

Star Destroyer Exactor:

Padme watched as Vader walked into her chambers, "My job is done on the planet. I saw your old friends, Kenobi and Jinn."

Padme held her hand up to her mouth in horror, "Please tell me that you didn't kill them."

Vader shook his head not wanting to tell her how he was disarmed by the two seasoned Jedi Masters, "I am not ready for them yet My Master would have been displeased."

"Thank the Force."

Vader merely smiled and kissed Padme.

Padme was so happy with him that she began to run her fingers through her hair. She almost felt like she was doing the wrong thing to be attracted to a boy whom was seventeen. On most planets she would be arrested for sex with a minor and illegal marriage. But this boy was Darth Vader and he was very far above the laws and she really had no choice in the matter. She found herself becoming more and more attracted to him and now hoped that she could change him so that their life together could be a happy one.

Vader frowned, "Padme I am sorry that I forced you to marry me. I was just so lonely."

Padme nodded, "I know Vader and I see you as a lonely young boy that needs more love and tenderness instead of all of the abuse that you have endured. I see a broken boy inside of you."

Vader smiled and kissed her in silence feeling more passion growing between them.

Vader then spoke, "I will make it up to you Padme. One day you will be the most powerful woman in the Galaxy. I promise you that you will be Empress."

Padme smiled in response though she didn't have the heart to tell Vader that power didn't matter to her. It never had which may be a surprise to some. If her and Vader were to be happy together he would have to one day understand that.


Ruwee Naberrie and Bail Organa went through the Charity conference together enjoying the time and the conversations that they shared despite the grief that Ruwee was feeling from the loss of Padme. At the same time they noticed the Emperor and his large entourage of loyal Red guards walking by. The Emperor paused and approached him, "Ruwee it is so good to see you old friend."

"Thank you Your Majesty," said Ruwee though he was restraining himself for saying something less acceptable.

"I was talking to Lord Vader and he was telling me how much he enjoyed your daughter. he had a few scratches from her struggling but he has her bowing to him now and he is abusing her well like the traitor deserves."

The Emperor then left the horrified father with a cackling laugh as Bail placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, "Don't worry I have friends and we will get her back. I promise."

Ruwee nodded in silence feeling tears in his eyes at the thought of what his daughter was going through.

Ok This is it for now. I am going to focus on finishing one of my other Fanfics before I start posting a bunch of updates on it. If you like it and want to see more just let me know and I will try to get some up sooner. Thank you for reading and or reviewing.

-Fallen Jedi 79