Thank you all so much for your favorites and reviews, everything! You guys have no idea how much you motivated me, reminded me of things, and even gave me ideas all throughout this story.
It's so weird that this is over, seeing how everything turned and what whatnot, things that were supposed to happen but didn't, things that weren't supposed to happen but did.
I think I have a sequel planned out, I may or may not have a couple chapters done, but I'm still not sure if I'm actually going to continue this...
Here's the idea of it, though:
Rebuild: Even after his defeat and imprisonment, Ozai seems to remain a threat. This time, it's to the Royal bloodline. A group of rebels view Zuko as an usurper and plan to dispose of him and his family one person at a time, one child at a time. Prince Hakodai and the rest of the current leading Royals are threatened. The Gaang must put a halt to their rebuilding of the Earth Kingdom and aid the Fire Nation in finding their first born Prince before his lifetime is cut short by the resistance...
So? Tell me what you guys think! Yay or nay!?