Strike Witches: Worldwide Liberation

Alternate Ending

Chapter 36B: Battle of the Gods

I must put a note here. This is just an alternate ending. This should not be treated as canon with the story, but just as a fun idea I had. The fight is largely based on two battles that take place in my original story. The Light Nova, Blades of the Heavens, and Pillar of Light used by Goddess Kye Akari in this chapter are toned down from the original, but still have an impact unprecedented for the Strike Witches Universe. Again, this is just a fun little idea, not meant to be canon with the story.

Yoshika had just destroyed the Neuroi Queen. Kye had just spoke over the intercom after being patched through to all ships and witches. The time to celebrate had not arrived.

"Something is wrong." Minna said. "I'm sensing one strong power coming from the south."

"We just picked it up on radar." Captain Sugita said. "There is another coming from across the Pacific Ocean. The one from the south is close and will arrive in less than one minute. The other is a large distance away and is estimated to arrive in three minutes. You aren't going to believe the speed the second one is traveling. The second bogey is three thousand kilometers away and traveling just over sixty thousand kilometers per hour.

Everyone was speechless after hearing those numbers.

"The first bogey should be within viewing distance now." Minna said.

Just as Minna said that, a young man of roughly twenty years appeared in front of Yoshika. He was not wearing a striker.

"How is he flying without a striker!" Trude said.

"So you are the ant that destroyed my grand work." the man said.

"Who are you?" Yoshika asked, visibly shaken by the man's overwhelming power.

"I am Zen Akari, God of Darkness." Zen said. "You have angered me, little mortal."

Still roughly one thousand kilometers away, the other bogey, a young girl, was flying as fast as she could to catch up to the battlefield. "I have to make it!"

"What do you want?" Yoshika asked.

"Your death." Zen said.

Yoshika had a scared look on her face, but did not back down from Zen.

"You are brave." Zen said. "Unfortunately, I have no time to play with you, so I'll end it quick." Zen drew his sword and attacked. Yoshika blocked his attack with Jouten, but the sheer force of his blow knocked her backwards several hundred meters. Instantaneously, Zen teleported to Yoshika and kicked Jouten out of her hands and raised his sword up, intending to cut her in half.

In less than a split second, the second bogey arrived, grabbed Jouten from midair, and kicked Zen away from Yoshika before his attack could connect.

"Are you okay, Yoshika?" the girl said. She was also flying without a striker. She teleported to the carrier with Yoshika in hand, and laid her down next to Kye after removing her striker unit.

"Hello again." Kye said.

"I'm sorry for my brother's actions against Yoshika." the girl said.

Yoshika sat up. "Who are you?"

"I and the Goddess of Light, Kye Akari." Goddess Kye said.

"She's where I got my name from." Kye said.

"Yes." Goddess Kye said.

"Go home, sister." Zen said. "You know damn well what they did."

"Do you not remember our agreement?" Goddess Kye said. "We would not interfere with the winning side."

"I remember." Zen said. "But they used that damn sword. It was foul play."

"You had foul play as well." Goddess Kye said. "The sword was a counter to your corrupt neuroi." She turned back to the three witches near her. "Yusu, Kye, Yoshika, please relax for a few minutes. I need to borrow Jouten for a moment while I fight my brother."

"You intend to fight me?" Zen said. "How laughable."

"Mass Teleport." Goddess Kye said. She teleported every witch and "good" neuroi from the sky to their respective carriers before turning back to Kye. "Please order them all to stay on their carriers. This fight will be intense. I cannot promise the safety of anything in the air."

Kye gave the order as requested by the goddess standing in front of her.

Goddess Kye jumped into the air and flew in toward her brother. The two floated high above the ocean, under what was the center of the hive just minutes after it was destroyed.

"You know what this means?" Zen said.

"The winner of this fight gets his or her way." Goddess Kye said. "If I win, the witches stay. If you win, the neuroi return."

"Deal." Zen said.

The two immortals gripped their swords and moved at a speed seemingly unimaginable. With every clash of their swords, a massive shockwave was generated. Even the clouds could not withstand the force of their blows.

After every blow, the two put a considerable distance between them, changing locations after every clash. They clashed several times every second.

The witches below watched in awe. A few witches, gifted with enhanced sight abilities, were able to follow their moves, and the few witches with energy projection focused their energy on their eyes to allow them to follow their moves as well, but the majority of the witches could only see visible shockwaves appearing in several placed in the air in rapid succession.

"Impossible..." Trude said. "If I did see it with my own eyes..."

The members of the 501st still had the temporary golden aura and were able to follow the movements of the two gods battling above.

Blow after thundering blow, the two showed no signs of weakening. After a few more seconds, the two met with their swords and did not push apart.

"This is getting us nowhere." Zen said.

"Then allow me to step it up a notch." Goddess Kye said. She teleported several hundred feet away and launched several Reppuzan-like energy discharges from her sword. Each attack was very large and each attack traveled at a speed great enough to leave a sonic boom.

Zen cut the attacks in two as they arrived at him and returned fire with an extremely large copy of the same attack. Goddess Kye cut the incoming discharge and threw a ball of light at Zen. The ball of light could be recognized as a Light Wave.

"That's my technique!" Rei said.

"She is the source of all of our witch abilities." Yusu said. "She can use all of them to an extent greater than any of us could imagine."

The ball of light exploded, blinding Zen. He moved to get out of the blind spot, but before he could move an inch, Kye landed a flesh would on him.

"Damn it!" Zen said. His wound healed almost instantly.

Goddess Kye smirked as she pulled his energy imprint off her sword and fused it with another ball of light, but this time she held the ball of light and poured a massive amount of power into it, holding it above her head.

"Shit." Zen said. He held his hands out in front of him as if getting ready to catch something.

Goddess Kye finished dumping power into the ball and lowered her arm and aimed directly at Zen. "LIGHT NOVA!" The Light Nova fired from Kye's hand. The sound from her attack could be compared to that of a bomb exploding. The attack itself generated a shockwave upon leaving Kye's hand. In less than a second, the attack hit Zen and carried him off into the sky and out of sight.

"What the hell?" Mio said. "What did you do?"

"I blew him off the planet." Goddess Kye said. She extended the index and middle fingers of her right and left hands. "Detonate." She crossed the extended fingers, right hand horizontally, fingers in the front, and left hand vertical, fingers in the back. In the distant sky, a large explosion could be seen. It covered half the sky.
After roughly one minute, Zen appeared on the battlefield, having teleported from orbit.

"You are a glutton for punishment." Goddess Kye said.

The witches were surprised something could survive such an attack. Rei was astounded at what her ultimate was capable of in the hands of an immortal.

"This fight is far from over." Zen said.

"No." Goddess Kye said. "You are done." She held her sword horizontally in from of her, blade facing up. She placed her index finger on the backside of the blade and her middle finger on the front side of the blade and slowly began running them down the length. "Light of day, dark of dawn, come forth, break the bond. Show no mercy, show thy hell, I call to you, give heaven's yell!"

Only Yusu and Kye knew what she was doing, having read the legend in the basement of the shrine. Even Zen was oblivious.

Jouten glowed vibrantly as Kye held it out in front of her. "Holy Technique: Blades of the Heavens!" She shouted as she flew in toward Zen. A giant golden sphere appeared in the sky with Zen at the center. Kye entered the sphere and made several hundred passes by Zen, crisscrossing the sphere. She landed a blow on Zen every time she passed by him. Shortly after, she knocked him high into the air.

"While I am impressed by your attempt at this next technique," Goddess Kye said. "A mortal could never wield it's full power." Kye knew the goddess was speaking to her. "Holy Technique: Pillar of Light." She pointed Jouten straight up. A pillar of light erupted from the sword, with the base of the pillar spanning across the sky, several hundred times the size of the Pillar of Light Kye performed.

After about ten second, the light dissipated, and Zen fell from the sky. Goddess Kye caught him, he was unconscious, and teleported back to the carrier.

"I have won." Goddess Kye said. "You witches are safe." She held Jouten out for Yoshika to take. "I will take Zen back to our home in the realm beyond. Goodbye witches. I may visit you again to have a small chat."

Goddess Kye vanished with her brother in tow.

"Wow..." Yoshika said. "Did that really just happen?"

Thanks for reading!

This is probably the the best project I have ever completed. I must pass out thanks to everyone who has read this story and stuck it out until the end. From May 9th, 2012 to July 31st, 2012. This is merely my rendition of how I would like to have seen the story progress, but with a "small" twist. I truly enjoyed writing this story, and I hope you all have enjoyed reading it. If you did not like it, I do apologize, but I cannot please everyone. If you do fall in the category of not liking it, feel free to leave constructive critism, but don't feel obligated. To all the reviewers, thanks for the extra time you spent to review the story. I appreciate all of your reviews, whether they were positive, negative, or neutral.

While I believe that reviews must be given, not asked for, and will not directly ask for them... I would still appreciate them seeing as this is now completed.

Additional Note (2015 August 25): As I look back on this story, I can't help but feel nostalgia. This is the first full length story that I had ever completed.

Since the completion of Worldwide Liberation, I have completed two more additions to this story, the second of which was a crossover with Atikabubu's The Chosen One series and Fate of Lehistan. The first addition was "Strike Witches: Return", and the second was "Legendary Witches 3: Cross World Battle". Cross World Battle was known to Atikabubu and myself as simple "TKC" (Toshiro/Kye Crossover) due to neither of us finally solidifying the title until merely two weeks before its release.

When TKC was released to the public, the first two installments in my series were renamed "Legendary Witches 1: Worldwide Liberation" and "Legendary Witches 2: Return". Sometime after I finished releasing TKC, I started up a poll to see what everyone wanted for Worldwide Liberation, since so much plot and so many concepts were added AFTER Worldwide Liberation was completed. It didn't help much that "Legendary Witches Zero: Before the Liberation" was written with those new plots and concepts, and that takes place before Worldwide Liberation, so something needed to be done.

After taking opinions from the poll and a few fellow authors, I decided to end the revision of Worldwide Liberation and completely overhaul it, afterwhich I would publish the overhaul separately and restore the original to its untouched state. Now, I say "untouched", but I removed all the silly author's notes that were only relevant while the story was being released.

Anyway, the original version of this story has been restored and will be left as is to mark my first big step into the world of writing. This original version will never be edited again.