Commander Neptune

This is the same story of my original. For those read the first sorry for deleting it. Hear is the first Chapter.


A six year old Ash was sitting on the ground, mud covered his entire face and the only thing you could see was his terrified expression as he saw his mother being attacked by a flock of spearow's.

"Run!" Delia, Ash's mother screamed.

"No mom I won't leave without you." Ash shouted back.

"Ash," Delia said with her voice cracking, "listen to me and run before it's to late."

Ash could her the desperation in her voice and he started to run away. He got one more look at his bloodied mom before he used all his strength to run as fast as he could. Ash kept running for as long as he could, tears streaming down his face until exhaustion got the better of him and he collapsed near a river.


I was in Kanto studying the legendary pokemon but it was more of a hobby and it wouldn'r play a factor in my plan for a new world.

Suddenly my car came to a screeching stop. "Why have we stopped?" I yelled at the driver.

"Sorry Master Cyrus but there seems to be something blocking the road," the driver responded as he tried to figure out what was on the ground.

"Fine," I yelled, "I'll go see what it is."

When I got out of the car and looked to see what was the blocking the road I was shocked. It was a boy around the age of six covered with bruises and cuts, knocked out lying on the ground. I went up to the boy to see if he was alive.

I checked his pulse and seeing that he was alive, I took him into the car not caring if people were looking for him. I had big plans for this young kid, I was going to take him with me to Sinnoh to train him to be the fourth commander in training of Team Galactic.


I woke up in white room covered with machines. I tried to speak but my throat was to dry. I saw two women in lab coats talking. He just woke up said one of them. "I'll inform Master Cyrus on this," the other one said, after that they both left.

Ten minutes later a man in the twenties with blue hair came in and sat at on a chair. Finally regaining the ability to talk I said, "Who are you? Where are we? Where's my mom?

The man gave a comforting smile and spoke, "My name is Cyrus, but you will call me Master Cyrus. We are at my medical center in the country of Sinnoh. And I know nothing of your mother."

"I guess I was just holding out some hope for my mom, but did you rescue me?" I asked wanting to know some answers.

"Yes I did," Cyrus responded as his tone of voice become more serious, "I see a lot of potential in you and I'm sure that you'll fulfill all my expectations."

"But I'm only six years old," I asked not sure of what the man named Cyrus meant. "What do you plan to do to me?"

"Well for starters you're going to have years of training with politics, simple math, science, English, and Pokémon," Cyrus explained.

"Pokémon?" I asked.

"Yes, I am going to train you and the other three in Pokémon battling," Cyrus said.

"You said other three, does that mean I'm not the only one?" I asked.

"Yes there are three more, two girls and one boy. Though they have had at least a year more experience than you."

"Oh," I said not knowing what to expect.

"Well now that the introduction's over I'm going to give you a choice of witch Pokémon you want as your first." Cyrus explained. Cyrus left the room ordering me to follow. After a little bit of walking we entered a room with three pokeballs in a case. Cyrus took out the pokeballs and shouted for the creatures to come out.

The first one was greenish blue colored cat with a red scale thing coming out of its head. The second was a bird like thing with dark blue feathers. The final pokemon was the one that caught me the most interest. It was a scorpion like thing with blue scales.

"I choose this one," pointing at the skorupi.

"Skorupi, an excellent choice." Cyrus said as he returned the other two and giving me skorupi's pokeball. "Now I'll lead you to your room," he said turning to the door. After a little bit we came to a room that looked pretty average with a bed, a dresser and a closet.

"Alright this will be your room for now on. You will be in bed by 8 and it is 6 so use your time to bond with you skorupi and be prepared to meet the other three tomorrow."

After he left I took skorupi's ball and released him from the pokeball. The pokemon came out the ball and looked around then at me. "Hello Skorupi, my name is Ash and you're my new partner and friend."
"Skorupi," it said and nodded.

After I spent an hour explaining about what happened to my life, I started crying. Skorupi must have felt bad for me because he nudged me. I gave him a warm smile and we both went to bed, but before I loss I said one more thing to Skorupi.

"Thank you," and I instantly fell asleep after that.

In the next chapter Ash will meet Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn also the training will begin.