WASSUP? I am updating again! I am planning to update every two weeks, which I plan to call 'Update Fridays'. On these days, I will either post new one-shots, or update as many stories as I can or both. If I miss one, I am really really sorry.
On another note, I would like to have 45 reviews on this story before I update this again. That is 6 reviews guys. I swear, it is not that much.
Also, I've had one person say that they'll participate in my new contest. If you missed the note and would like to compete, please PM me or DM me on twitter (KathrynsFanfics). My website (kathrynsfanfictions . weebly. com) is updated with a blog every once in a while, so please go on there to catch more stuff about what I'm doing.
Okay, enough ranting.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything HOA related. I only own Autumn Lea Rutter and my plot line.
Please read and review! Thanks. :)
Nina's POV:
I was awaken the next morning by screaming. I looked at the alarm clock and say that it was 6:03 in the morning. Groaning, I rolled over and saw Fabian, still fast asleep. I really couldn't blame him; we were up really late last night. I pulled my robe on, then went to see what our little angel wanted.
When I got into the nursery, she was sitting up in her crib, playing with the stuffed animal Fabian bought her when I went into labor. Her eyes perked up when she saw me, another reason I really loved her, and held her arms out for me to pick her up. I sighed, realizing that what she wanted was food.
"I got it." Fabian said behind me, a bottle in his hand. He looked really tired, with his hair all jumbled and his eyes half closed. He handed it to me, with a smile as he sat on the arm of the rocking chair.
"You can do it, if you want." I said. He shook his head. I nodded, he took a big step yesterday, so I wasn't pushing him anymore for a while. "Then, do you want to go back to bed?"
"No, not while you're not there. It's easier to sleep knowing that you're right next to me." He said, kissing my forehead.
"Okay." I said, putting my head on his shoulder.
"Yeah, Fabian?"
"What if I get called and have to go back? I'm not sure if I would be able to do it."
"If you do, we'll talk to the therapist and see what he says, and if he thinks you shouldn't go, they'll make an exception." I told him.
"And if he thinks I should go?"
"Then you go, and be on alert."
"I don't want to go back, Neens." He said, and I could see the concern in his eyes and hear they worry in his voice. "I don't want to leave you and Autumn. I don't know if I could."
"I think you could. And that you'd come back, healthy. Autumn would be older, might be able to talk and walk."
"Nina, I'm afraid that if I go back, I won't come back. Then I won't be able to watch Autumn grow up, or ever see you again. I won't be able to meet and kill Autumn's first boyfriend, be there for her first broken heart, walk her down the aisle, meet my grandchildren."
"That won't happen."
"How do you know that for a fact?"
"Because of two things. A, I'm awesome and I know things. B, you would have the strength to know that you will, because you have too."
"Okay. I believe you."
"We will cross that bridge if we get there."
"Okay. I love you Nina."
"I love you too."
"Last night was amazing, by the way." I laughed as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.
"Thank you, I try."
"For 3 hours?"
"It had been a long time, so shut up."
"Never." He laughed, leaving me to feed Autumn in peace.
Okay! Filler, I know, but there was a serious talk involved. Next chapter will be in Fabian's POV and it will be several months later.
Answer my poll please! It is important to this story.
Lots of Love!