With the chaste kiss, Harry was lost. He didn't want Loki to leave his arms. Ever. He didn't want to lose this feeling , the wholeness and contentedness. He didn't want the loneliness to ever encroach upon his heart and soul ever again. He wanted to remain there with a napping Loki cradle in his arms forever. However, he knew logically that he couldn't as they need substance and to relieve themselves. He also knew as comfortable as it was now in a few hours when Loki woke up, he would like a shower and food and if Harry was honest with himself he wanted a shower as well, preferably with Loki. Purely for the reason that he didn't want to let go.
He felt Loki shift within his arms and Harry watched as beautiful green eyes met his. He could see why his dad and even dungeon bat had fallen in love with his mom if her eyes were like Loki's. He knew he had his mom's eyes but there was something different looking into them without a mirror or picture.
"How are you feeling Loki?" Harry asked shifting so he could caress Loki's cheek.
"Better, although water would be good," Loki answered groggily as he leaned into Harry's hand staring into Harry's eyes.
Harry so lost in the softness of Loki's skin merely nodded and silently summoned a bottle of water. Catching the bottle Harry handed to Loki, freezing as his actions caught up to him. Eyes widening and pupils dilated, Harry mind panicking as he tried to come up with a perfect plausible excuse.
"Did you just summon that water?" Loki asked eyes wide as well looking between the bottle in Harry's hand and Harry's panicking face.
"Um…you see… I can explain!" Harry rushed out not knowing how he was going to explain.
Loki could see the panic in his other half's eye and normally he wouldn't have passed up this opportune moment to live up to his name but seeing the distress in eyes so similar to his own Loki smiled and said, "I can as well, do not fret so."
Loki smirked at the relief that sagged through Harry's body as he took the water from him and took a sip, happy to have the cool water sliding down his throat.
"Right…awesome…one last thing I don't need worry about. Well then would you like a shower?" Harry asked smiling, happiness radiating through him and curiosity as well, but it could wait. He just wanted his other half in arms and in his life.
"Sounds good," Loki replied smiling as well. He went to get off of Harry's lap when Harry startled him by picking him up and walking towards the back of the house.
"I can walk you know," Loki stated his eyebrow arched.
"I'm sure you can but I want you close," Harry replied carrying Loki to his own bathroom that had a shower stall that was more like a waterfall in looks and feel, the only difference this one and a real one besides the obvious is that he could control the water's temperature.
"I'm not showering alone am I?" Loki remarked drily as twined his fingers into Harry's hair.
Harry smirked but didn't say anything as they entered the bathroom. His smirk turned rather smug when he heard Loki gasp and saw the marvel and wonder in Loki's eyes as well.
"This is amazing," Loki breathed struggling for real to escape Harry's grasp to venture further inside the room.
"That's just the shower part on the other side is the bathtub," Harry explained letting Loki out of his arms to explore his, well now their bathroom.
Loki was amazed at the workmanship and realistic qualities of the waterfall that was in the middle of room and circled the small mountain to find the bathtub Harry mentioned only to gape at the sight of a replica of a spring with rocks and ledges even plants, giving it a nature feel to it.
"Any particular reason you chose this for your washroom?" Loki asked looking back at his other half.
"It's calming and a nice change from the desert beauty outside," Harry answered brushing Loki's hair away from the thinner face.
"Hmm…" Loki leaned into the touch relishing the feeling of peacefulness that had settled in his soul. Don't get him wrong he still felt his mischievous side but right now in the presence of his Harry he felt calm.
Loki had closed his eyes when Harry touched him and was unaware when Harry had leaned in and brushed a soft kiss over his lips, Loki smiled and leaned into the kiss before opening his eyes and staring into the intense emerald eyes. The smile changed to a smirk as he took a step back and flick his wrist removing his clothes issuing both an invitation and challenge. He watched as Harry copied his motion advanced a half step towards him.
Loki grinned as his eyes made a sweeping motion down his other half's body, appreciative of the toned muscle. Loki turned stepped into the shower while looking over his shoulder saying, "Are you coming?"
A low growl sounded in the air as Loki's laugh followed it.
A month had passed since the steamy shower and Loki was adjusting to living in Nevada with his Harry. Even though they were in the middle of nowhere it was easy even for Harry to apparate them to the nearest city or town to gather supplies and food as well as for Loki to cause some mayhem. It had been shocking and refreshing when Harry gave his support to his pranks. In fact Harry had even helped him planned and participated in a few. He had asked his other half why he was so okay with it and the answer had surprised him.
They had just finished planning third prank for the nearby town, when Loki sat on the desk while Harry leaned back in his chair and asked, "Why are you okay with me doing pranks and causing mayham? Most would discourage it."
Harry looked away from him a moment before he spoke, "You are my soul. I will support you in anything you do. If causing old lady's hair to go green and spike makes you happy, then I am happy. If getting the cats to go around barking and acting like dogs that makes you smile, then it makes me smile too."
"There's more to it than that love. We've told each other parts of our history as it comes into conversation and I know there is something more," Loki replied seriously leaning forward onto his forearms.
"I was told that my father and his friends were prankster extraordinaire, they were known as the Marauders. Pulling pranks and causing mischief allows me to feel closer to them. However for a long time I didn't know about them and when I finally found out, I was in the middle of war and there were no time for pranks. Well at least for me. I knew a pair of twins that were similar to my father and his friends, they always had jokes and inventions on their mind. I helped to fund their inventions allowing them to open a store purely for pranks and gags," Harry explained smiling slightly as he fondly thought of the Weasely Twins.
Loki frowned at the dim smile vowing to himself to make his other half smile wholeheartedly.
Since then Loki has done everything in his capability to make his Harry genuinely smile. Some days a smile from his own lips seemed to do the trick and others days on elaborate prank on the unsuspecting townspeople brought forth a belly deep laugh that made Loki's heart beat faster and a pleased smirk grace his features.
It was slow going in piecing their hearts and souls together but it was happening. However as the saying goes two steps forward one step back…
"Harry?" Loki called out not looking away from where he was staring at.
"Hmmm?" Harry hummed walking into the kitchen not looking up from his latest Gringotts Statement. It seemed that his investments in both muggle and magical were paying off.
"Why is there a red phoenix sitting on the window sill? Staring at me with knowing eyes?" Loki asked slightly freaked out. The bird was looking at him as if he knew the pain he felt or that he knew a terrible secret that had been regretted.
Frowning Harry looked over to his beloved to see Fawkes staring at his beloved with sad knowing eyes.
"Fawkes?" Harry whispered focusing the phoenix's attention on to him.
Fawkes gave a sad and regretful trill before flying over to Harry with a letter in his talons. Removing the letter with shaking hands, Harry opened the familiar seal to reveal the all too familiar handwriting of his former headmaster. While he was angry and feeling betrayed by his mentor for having kept things from, he could not deny that he still respected the man for trying to keep the magical populace from panicking.
Harry began to shake as he read what the Late Albus wrote for him:
Dear Harry,
Forgive an old man his mistakes for at the time it seemed right. I will not deny the happiness you had brought to the Potters, I fear that unhappiness that has been heaped unto you will never fade.
You see as a young man I had discovered a way to travel between worlds. I had been searching for an answer to Voldemort's end as I had a suspicion that he had created the dreadful horcruxes. During my travels I had happened upon a frozen planet as I wandered across the snowy plains I came across a blue toddler crying. Fearing the worst, I immediately began to cast spells. The longer I was next to you, the more your skin changed hues to that of a rosy pink. Looking about I didn't see anyone for miles. Making a quick decision I took you with me as I left the ice world.
The Potters had lost their baby only a week before due to a magical ailment and were besides themselves with grief. I had believed you could help heal their hearts as Lily could not bear more children. With your black hair and green eyes you looked like you could have been their child. They loved you more than anything. Never doubt that.
It wasn't till later that I realized your living conditions and by then there was nothing I could do as Ministry had my hands tied. It was also around the same time that I realized that you had deep sorrow within that had nothing to do with this plane. It was during your fifth year when I was unavailable that I was actually researching further into the frozen land that I saved you from that I learned that every person born to that race that inhibits it has a soul bond to their mate. A soul bond so deep that if broken or separated could be fatal. I'm sorry my boy, if I had known the consequences of removing you, I never would have.
I have left you my book of travels. It will tell you how to reach the bridge that crosses into different worlds and it is my hope that you may find your soul-mate before the sorrow consumes you.
Albus Dumbledore
Harry stared at the letter blankly anger and pain building.. He had been for all intents and purposes been stolen from his family and his Loki. He could have been raised with a mother and father and never had a broken soul. He should have never been separated from his beloved. His mentor had caused him and his Loki so much pain!
Loki was staring at his other half worriedly. Since knowing his Harry, Loki had never seen such anguish and resentment in those beautiful green eyes. Without saying a word Loki embraced his love from behind resting his head on trembling shoulders offering his warmth and steadiness to ground Harry as he broke from whatever he had read in the letter.
Loki chewed his bottom lip worriedly when he felt a sob escape from his love and the thing he could do was offer the comfort and love that Harry had bestowed to him when they first met. As whispered soothing words and held Harry tightly, he could hear the words, "should have never been broken."
AN – hmmm… how did you like it? No Thor this time. Next chapter though! Thanks for staying with me and huge grateful hugs and Thank you's to all of my reviewers! You guys keep me going! THANK YOU!